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Everything posted by kentooley

  1. [/img]
  2. I think I'm getting the hang of this...more to come. Chris.
  3. Welcome D: Wish I could help you but I'm in the same boat. Chris.
  4. Hello to all: I recently started up my own business because I found working for someone else interfered with my time on the water. But seriously, if anyone in the GTA is in need of pest control services please feel free to call me (Chris) anytime. Almar Pest Control 1369 Bloor St. W. Suite # 902 Tor, On M6P 4J4 Ph. 647-235-4105 Fully licensed Free estimates All work guaranteed Great rates for OFC members Chris.
  5. Hey f.f. Yes it was. Thanx guys. I guess all thats left is to do a little research into this section of the river. Chris
  6. I was hoping for a yes or no answer but it sounds like there's a lot of gray area. thanx: Chris
  7. Hi guys: Put a lot of legwork in looking for bows yesterday. Managed to go 2 for 3. Tough fishing with the low water levels. Came across a nice little pool that was holding fish and after releasing a fish I was approached by a gentleman who informed me that I was on private property. He was nice enough, I apologized and told him I had not seen any signs. He thanked me for my cooperation as I left. My question is: If I'm wading a river am I trespassing if I remain in the water? Thanx : Chris
  8. I've been lurking in the shadows for a little while now and finally decided to get on board. You seem like a great group and I look forward to meeting some of you on the water. Love my steel and smallie fishing with some carp and pike thrown in. Fish all L.O. tribs between cobourg and mississauga when I'm home and get up to the bighead and beaver on weekends as well as the wiarton area for smallies. Anyway, hopefully I can learn as well as contribute something from time to time. See you on the water. Chris.
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