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Everything posted by kentooley

  1. Hi all Picked up my Islander Steelheader today(silver) and I think I have a deal for 2 rods tomorrow (12'9 Matrix & a 14' Raven im8). Perfect timing for the mild weekend. Now all I have to do is learn how to cast. Anyone else steelheading this weekend? Chris
  2. I've been spending my time looking for a float rod & reel...got an ok deal on a silver Islander and now I'm looking at either a Raven or Frontier rod.
  3. HEY....CUT THAT OUT!!! A leaf fan
  4. A couple of years back I was going to fish a section of the Notty and there were signs posted stating that in order to fish you had to buy a permit($40) from the township supposedly to help with clean-up. I believe the area was around Angus.
  5. Say Hi to Jimmy for me. Enjoy
  6. The reason I brought Wal-Mart up was because once I asked for the manager I got results plus, the fact they are such a large organization didn't hurt either. BPS is no small outfit and I think you'll get looked after. Chris
  7. I once broke a berkley cherrywood series rod bought from walmart....no receipt, no proper id....was told by the cashier there was nothing they could do....I asked for the manager and raised a stink and walked out with a new rod. Chris
  8. Go see Dave (DMASSE) at Al Flaherty's Outdoors , if you're in the Toronto area....he'll get you all set up. Dufferin & Rogers Rd. Chris
  9. I agree....best move I made was buying breathables....so much easier to get in and out of too. Chris
  10. I've never fished for carp this late in the season and after your report I guess I'll stick to steel. Some really nice pics. Chris
  11. I hear ya John. Chris
  12. Very nice xr. I'm hoping for some of that this weekend. Chris
  13. Thank God I'm old enough to remember our last cup win! Still love the Leafs but I'm getting tired of starting with GO LEAFS GO and ending with GOlf LEAFS GOlf!!! Chris.
  14. Well done P. I need some of that this weekend!!! Chris.
  15. Outstanding!!! Chris.
  16. Always nice to get out....regardless of the #'s. Chris.
  17. Actually, there is a trolling motor on the back, although I fished this lake for the first few yrs. with nothing but the oars. lol. Chris.
  18. Good for you E. Looking forward to your pics. Chris.
  19. Sounds like a blast!!! Wish I were going. Maybe next year. Be safe. Chris.
  20. Hi Guys: I bought some the other day and was wondering if anyone's tried them with any success. Pinkies seem to work well so I thought I'd give these a shot for some steelhead this weekend. Thanx: Chris
  21. Some pics from Oct. Sorry, but I'm useless with a computer. Took a buddy and his wife out for the first time.They're hooked now. Rained most of the weekend but they just didn't care. They do look pleased though don't they? A weekend I won't soon forget. Chris.
  22. Would it be possible to post the name of this fine establishment here? Chris.
  23. Welcome...NIIIICE fish!!! Chris.
  24. Traveled 2hrs. to my favorite GB trib on Sun... fished from 7am-6pm. River conditions: very low and clear. Results: 1 hit early morning...rest of the day...nothing...nada...zilch...goose eggs...bupkiss. Got lots of exercise though. Spent an hour in the shower trying to wash the stench of skunk off. LOL. Chris.
  25. Tubes....Colour: Smoke.
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