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Everything posted by mbac31

  1. Try looking for areas around sand/stone/rock/green weed transitions close to deeper water. Look for the under water breaks with this as well as a little current movement. Usually time will play a large factor right now. You will find largies shallow again mid day but on the deeper weedlines early. Key things to look for right now are baitfish. Perch will be shallow as well as the bass. Turnover has happened so you will still find that key water temp in places.Just because turnover has happened does not mean the water is all the same degree evrywhere. You will find this very easy with a slight breeze you will see calm spots on the water, this usually means a change in temp or a current area. This will make it easier to find the Bass. Once you find all this you are set to go. I know it sounds hard but look at any good map and look for those underwater breaks and you will see what I'm talking about. I dont usually go on depht. I key in on what that lake has to offer and what average dept that lake has. Every lake is different. Some lakes you will find them in 4fow or some may be in 22 fow on some bodies of water. Another key note is to watch the forage change, fall tends to change bass apatetites very much. Usually Perch patterns and Craw patterns work best(Kawarthas)but fish them slow. Bigger is not always better right now either. The more natural presentation you can give them the better, clear water is awesome and dont be scared of it at all. Hope this helps
  2. Congrats to you both........ Love that the just married sign is on the boat.
  3. Hope to see some OFNers out there this coming October 2-3. I will have the boat with the Rod Glove and the G Loomis stickers on the boat. Drop by and say hi. This is gonna be an amazing event. I cant sleep now as it is.
  4. Smalliefisher( Marvin Gosse) and Blake Rankie. We will be in the first heat. Drop by and say hi if anyone is there. Love meeting OFNers
  5. Lol. Yeah, thats a little drive. Thanks for the offer bud. Someone has to have a hookup I could use before I have to start to call strangers. Lol
  6. Thanking everyone for all the kind words. Didnt want to post it but figured it was fitting to place a tribute to him since I could not make the funeral. He will be with me on October 2-3 on St Francis for sure. Its even my birthday that day. Cant get luckier than that
  7. Thanks Roy, Yes I have a ton of friends in Quebec but just not there. You are a good distance from there for sure but if I'm out that way I will make sure to stop in and see ya.
  8. I'm doing the Berkley B1 and would rather see the money go to an OFC'er first. I am looking for a cottage or House to rent for one week in the Valleyfield or Lancaster area. Just be using it basically to sleep at night and must be able to charge the boats. This will be for 2 guys maybe 4 not sure on the other 2 just yet. Non smokers and drinkers. Can be paid in cash in person if need be. Hoping someone in the area could help out with this. I could also return the favor if someone needed to stay out this way for some reason as well. Thanks
  9. Another great read TJ.
  10. Thats what happens when you check in the Hotel "Roy"alle, you will never come ot the same. Lol.
  11. This summer has not been to bad for fishing. I have been fishing Clubbies and trying to Quailfy for the Top Bass series classic which we did. We have had a tough go of it for sure with only a best of 11th place to show for our efforts. Thats not bad to some but if you know how the Tournament drive is in your blood you understand, its an addiction. Lord knows we have tried our best. Seems every day of blast off my boat decides it doesnt like me anymore. Well we made number 32 for our Classic this past weekend on Rice lake. We were stoked. Finally we get to redeem ourselves. Well we pre fished our hearts out and had a good game plan that we figured would put us into the winner circle, and on Wednesday evening I get the call that my best friend and Life teacher aside from my dad had just passed. I had just gone down to see my Pop 2 weeks prior for him to meet my Daughter for the first time. I'm so glad he did get to meet her because its the last time she will see him. He was the one who took me fishing all the time, camping just me and him and everything outdoors. Taught me the ins and outs when my Dad could'nt due to work. We would spend hours doing so and he is the reason for my passion now. He was strong as a bull moose as I would say! Words dont really describe how one feels when somone passes. I went to fish my classic with a board member here since we qualified and did my best. My brain just wasnt into it at all like it should of been. Boat broke down both days and we still didnt give up. Its tough to find a partner like mine also. Much like a marriage, we fish together like clockwork. I did fish it because I'm sure if I did not my Grandfather would have been upset for all my efforts not to fish. He would have made me. We never won it and had a horrible weekend but we still laughed at the whole scenario as our first year being a test season and we still came out # 33 I beleive which is still good. Leaving Rice lake for the long drive home. I started to merge on the 401 yesterday evening at #28 in Port Hope, What do I see. a double Rainbow side by side. It somehow made everything much better and I smiled all the way home to my Little Daughter who wanted to sit in Daddys boat and poke at everything that she could. I only hope I can teach her the way my Pop did for me. You will be missed. Here is his pic just one month ago for his birthday. 90 years old. Save a seat for me Pop next to that pond for its not goodbye but till we fish again. [
  12. Shaun, you might just have your hands full.Lol. I know Bassman and he is determined.I think he might be fishing out of a Princecraft next year. Lol. Great idea. Just to let everyone know. We should not be quick to judge. This is a very informative "Canadian" show that we should support in mass. No different than Izumi, Kalaonka, Charlie, etc. We need to show full support on these shows. Look what we have all done for OFC community. I have pasted this to all my friends on Facebook to join. I for one love this show and its content.
  13. I know alot of guys on here forget that we have a online magazine pinned at the top but I just got a chance to read it and wow. Great articles this time. Great Jobs guys. I love the jig article. There were some questions on here about the jig a while back. A must read article on jig fishing for sure. http://www.ontariofishing.net/emagazine2010/july2010-2.html
  14. To Funny Shaun, Only an Englishmen or Newfie would say that. My favorite saying from my Pop most of my life growing up and I still use it daily. Hope to see you on the water. Have a good fall.
  15. I will never stay at Merlands again after last winter a druck guy staying there ran over all my gear and owners never gave a crap about anything. I took pictures of the guys plate number and them as well but nothing was done. Ruined over $1000 worth of gear. I should have gone to a lawyer about it but oh well. Beware, the owners dont give a crap about anything. Sorry but its not a good site when they allow guys to drive around drunk on their property damaging others stuff. Take your money and run sort of thing. I have steered a few away from staying there now, sorry Shawn but thats how it is. I never promote someone like that
  16. 8lb Largie for ya Lew and a 5 lb Stash. Thats some moustache ya had there buddy. Awesome, you look like you mean business. Great lookin fish to.
  17. Dont want to add it all up. Tournies/Gas and gear and new electronics,Trolling Motor,rods and reels, so far about $25,000 this season. I'm sure its more but just guessing. Like the other guy said, all this stuff bought now fishing gets cheaper. LMAO.
  18. Loomis does not offer any more blanks. Everyone will tell you their rods are better then others without any proof. Granted these new NRX rods are yet to be fully tested by the public but keep in mind that Loomis field tests rods for a while with a ton of research. Still hand made US blanks. Complete seperate entinity from Shimano. I have a ton of Custom rods that I have had done from Shakedown rods, George Roth and Matt from Matt Lures. Not to mention a couple of custom builds I have done my self. Custom built rods are awesome with that something feel about them but what happens when they break. You get screwed and you are out of a rod. That $400 rod now becomes a Tomato plant prop. Reason why I went to higher end rods. I wanted that custom feel with a full warranty. When a custom breaks the builder may warranty the blank but not the work they have to do to it again. I'm not wrong there. I have 123 rods in my collection right now and have used just about every one from JDM or USDM and have found Loomis to be the only one with a true science behind the blank. And yes they are all G Loomis rods. Do I need the latest and greatest rods, Maybe not but I'm in a position where I firmly beleive thet the latest in the technology helps in certian situations in the feel of some bites. St Croix and Shimano make amazing rods as well. I have become acustomed to Loomis and dont use anything else. Am I saying go out and buy one. No, Im stating actuall facts on all their rods. I still have 11 blanks from Loomis when they were being sold off thT I will build myself over the next couple of years. Everyone claims that they have developed the blanks from some new science. Lets face it. Most are a marketing scheme. Every year, just like Roy stated there will be a new and better rod. Thats just a fact of life. Do I love my new NRX and My GLX rods. Dam right I do and that wont change at all. The new NRX ugly blue as some stated will grow on most. I think they look awesome and adds a custom type look to the blank. This new price hike is good and sorry but if a rod does not break in the first year of use then its not manufactuer fault. Its about time companies stop and clarify the Warranty issues. Limited lifetime is simply what it states. Thats why I like rod covers fr high end or even low end rods. Anyone here can attest to the shape of all my rods when I sell them. Handle protectors, rod Gloves etc. After all you would not ride a bike without a helmet. I protect my investment always no matter what. To hard to make the money so I would rather not go through the hassle of trying to get a new one. JUst to put my money where my mouth is. I will invite anyone out from the board when I get free time from Tourney fishing and show you why I think the G Loomis rods are what they are. I will have free time in mid fall so anyone who wants and is willing I will show you why. I can place the GL2-GL3,Mossy back, GLX and the NRX rods of the same model and you be the judge.
  19. LMAO!!!!!!! I can imagine my wifes face. She gave me a weird look when I ask if I could place my rod on her neck.
  20. Very good bunch of guys and great organizing on the B1 Staff. I will be fishing it and if I was not I would for sure be a scrutineer. Great chance to get to know some very good guys and learn a ton of stuff. You see guys on here all the time talking about the slow bite in late fall. Well here is you chance to learn how alot of guys tackle cold water and remember that the Bass season has been extended to Dec 15 this year.
  21. Just for a test I placed the rod tip on my wifes throat and asked her to say something. You feel every vibration through the blank. I can tell you that every pebble, blade of grass or whatevers on the bottom you can tell what it is after just one day of use. The warranty is lifetime and you will get a wildcard mailed to you just in case you braek it you dont have to pay the expiditer service like others and I beleive you have to bring it into the store that sells them. If a rod is going to break it will do so the first few times out no matter what. THey even come with their own G Loomis cover. Finally a rod company thinking about the after sale. I will take a couple of pics of them in action this weekend and post them. Fishingworld has a full line right now but are selling fast. Some have been put on order they sold so fast.
  22. I have my NRX rods right now and let me tell you, these are the lightest rods I have ever fished with. Sensitivity is unreal with them. I will even be putting in my order for their Fly rod next week to. Price is not bad IMO, not much more or pretty much on par with the GLX rods. I used the new DRopshot rod yesterday and fish dont stand a chance at all with this thing.
  23. Some very valid points indeed. I fish docks a ton but have never left a lure or anything else of that matter attached to one. I agree, if you dont have excellent lure control, dont cast random ones hoping to hit a target. Yes docks on certian lakes will hold fish better then natural structure. I will continue to do so but keeping that in mind, I will never fish in a swimming area, or while anyone is around and sometimes if its a good dock holding fish and I see the person I will usually do a quick asking if its ok. I rarely come into contact with a cottager as most people usually can tell if you are respectfull and it all boils down to common sense. I do run into the odd cottager yelling and I keep going without saying anything as this usually works best. You move on, they get their feathers up and feel as if they scared me off but its usually left at that. I will say one thing though. I currently have a Kawarthas cottager charged for various reasons beyond my control as this person is an idiot. I own a cottage and like anything you will never get total compliance in any sport or activity and it will never change. People will be angry no matter what. Its how you go about dealing with it which is what matters. I tend to be the better man always and leave. There was knowone near this floating dock, Wednesday afternoon and I was targeted by an ASS. He soon realized that his actions were wrong and is trying to get the charges dropped but he was charged by the OPP and not me. They are asses in every day life and it is what it is. Treat others with respect on and off the water and things will be fine.
  24. Nice Bronzies there bud. I was beginning to think you fell of the face of the earth. When I get back from the East Coast I will call you. I will be starting to pre fish Simcoe for a month or so. Need a good pre fishing partner for sure.
  25. Bring it back to the store or contact Shimano yourself. Great customer servie and I'm sure they will send you a new spool in replacement for that one. I didnt like the first generation of it but now have several 3000 yard spools of it and it is awesome. More smoother and casts easier now. I'm a beleiver in it for sure this season.
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