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Everything posted by tdotfisherman

  1. The weather has been very bad in 2008, but I wouldn't say it has effected the fishing for me that much.. I haven't been fishing this year as much as I did last year, but I've caught 4 personal bests so far this year, and I've had some very good days.. I've mostly been lucky that my major fishing trips have all been when the weather has been good. When I went to Lac Seul in late May the weather was nice, and the Walleye were on, when I went to North Bay, the weather was nice and the Smallmouth were on, and when I went to Georgian Bay the Pike and Bass have been on. We'll see how the fall treats us all.. I predict we will have a nice fall season.. lets see..
  2. I've eaten a few Nothern Pike from Lake Ontario. They were all in perfect health, and the meat tasted amazing.. I wouldn't make it a weekly habbit, but a few a year wont kill anyone..
  3. This past weekend on Georgian Bay I had a giant Musky follow my lure back to the boat when I was out Pike fishing in a back bay with lots of weeds. The monster was holding in a weed pocket. On one side of the pocket were lilly pads, and on the other side of the pocket were reeds. The pocket it was holding in was about 5 by 3 feet. At the time the water was flat calm, and the sun was out. I was only using 17 pound test, on a medium-heavy setup, so I'm actually glad it turned away at boat side, because I didn't want to lose my lure/rod in the process.. Try talking up local guides, tackle-shop owners, or lodge owners around Georgian Bay for some of the local Musky information.. and good luck!
  4. Never tried 100% fluoro, but i've heard good things about it. Buy some Seaguar fluorocarbon for pike (50 pound test), and make your own leaders. I've been using them for pike all season long, and haven't even come close to a bite off..
  5. Gigantic is an understatement for that fish. I was up at Lac Seul this past May, but we only caught walleye, and no Musky. I wish I was in your shoes, great catch bud!
  6. The funny thing is, the only real thing about the Fall that I'm really looking forward to is fishing Salmon and Trout up the rivers and creeks.. Besides that, nothing.
  7. I only use braided line on my baitcasters with a 12" fluorocarbon leader because in most of the waters that I fish, Northern Pike are always there. I bought some 17 pound Trilene XT, that I plan to spool soon to try out. I don't get birds-nests that often with braided line, but when I do, I can usually get them out within 10 seconds. There has only been one time that I've had to cut line with braid on a bait-caster.
  8. Have good technique, lures, equiptment and knowledge of the fish your attempting to catch. If you go Toronto shoreline fishing without, you'll get skunked. Best tip I can give is go somewhere that there is weed growth. Put on a pair of polarized sunglasses, and try to be as accurate as possible when casting weedlines, and weed pockets, which hold ambushing fish like Pike and Bass. Good luck.
  9. I have 4 rod/reel combos. Three spinning, one baitcasting. Probably going to buy one or two more sets in the fall, but that all depends on money. I'm slowly saving up to buy a boat, so we'll see..
  10. Nothern Pike is in my opinion, the best tasting fish in Ontario, with Walleye being a close second. I'm at a point right now where I release everything I catch except for Pike in the 24" to 28" range. They go straight to the frying pan.
  11. I spent a week up about 5 hours north of Toronto on a small, clear lake that was absolutely filled with smallmouth bass, and walleye. I was eager to test out some of my berkley artificial baits. Needless to say, berkley gulp smelt 4" minnow was the clear winner. I caught most of my fish on these baits, on a white jig. The leeches weren't getting much attention, except for rock bass. After a while, I gave up fishing with tubes, worms, grubs, and leeches and just kept using the 3 and 4 inch minnows. They were far superior then anything else used on that lake.
  12. Ya gotta love fishing, because you never know what could happen, and what surprise might be at the end of your line. Great catch by the way.
  13. One lure that you have in your tackle box singlehandedly caught me 7 Northern Pike this past weekend up on Georgian Bay. I'll let you guess which one..
  14. I've caught Perch there, and I've seen Pike. During the summer the heavy weed growth around certain parts of the pay is condusive to Pike and Bass.. I'd say give it a shot..
  15. Great photos and videos Tbayboy. Looks like you fellas had a great day on the water. I need to get to Scugog asap and try for some of those Musky..
  16. The great thing about fishing is that sometimes you catch a species of fish that you weren't expecting at all, and it just adds to the thrill of it all. I've caught perch on crankbaits that were bigger then they are. I've caught northern pike on salmon lures in lake ontario, and I've caught catfish while out bass fishing.. gotta love the unexpected..
  17. I'm going to be working all of opening weekend so no chance to get out for some bass, but the following weekend going to hit up Georgian Bay for a mixed bag of smallies and largies.. should be fun!
  18. Two very decent looking Muskys there.. These Scugog Musky reports are really making me itch to get myself up there and give er' a go..
  19. I fried up some Northern Pike fillets for lunch today, It was great.. I love the taste of Pike.. There are quite a few videos on youtube about how to cut the Y-Bones out if people need a reference..
  20. I wouldn't give up on spinners Bill. I was fishing a local trib and used decent sized gold and black in-line spinners and I caught some HUGE steelhead. Try to match the hatch (creek chub) and you might have some good results.
  21. A Musky from shore? great job on the nice looking fish..
  22. IMO They shouldn't let the Adopt an Angler contest be a popularity contest for the winner.. They should give it to someone who loves fishing, but who clearly can't afford to buy a boat anytime in the near future..
  23. I shore fish quite a bit around a local marina and haven't caughten any flack about that, but I've also seen lots of people fishing in boats as well, and they don't seem to be doing anything wrong, or being bothered by any of the workers there. As long as the angler isn't being disrespectful to anybody's property, or getting in anyone's way, I dont see why it would be such a big issue.
  24. I work for the Toronto Blue Jays, and when I graduate university hopefully I can still work for them, especially in a higher capacity..
  25. And I thought the 12 pound Steelhead I caught earlier this year was huge.. your buddy's fish is just off the charts..
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