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Everything posted by tdotfisherman

  1. Your really killing me with those photos MuskyMike, I can’t wait to get back up there and do some soft water fishing! May isn’t coming soon enough..
  2. My girlfriend thinks I'm fishing obsessed, which may be a tad bit true. She doesn't mind fishing, but she's not really into the whole casting lures, searching water, working structure and all that like I do. She just likes putting a worm on a hook or a jig, and patiently waiting for a fish to bite.. to each their own.. but at least she doesn't hate fishing or anything, and I think by now she's taken the hint that any fishing related stuff makes a great gift!
  3. My God, thats no gator, thats an eel!
  4. I'm right handed, cast with my right hand, but hold the rod with my left, and crank with my right - both with spinning and baitcasting.. I've tried using the left hand for cranking, but it just feels weird to me..
  5. From personal experience every time of the day is good for pike. I’ve had them bite at sunup and sundown, along with almost every hour during the day. They are aggressive predators that seem to be ready to chase or ambush any lure, at any time. That’s my opinion though.. maybe some others have some more specific advice as to when they’ve had luck on the Pike bite…
  6. Nice pics man.. when your urban fishin around the GTA, you never know what kind of wildlife your gonna see.. One time I almost hit a dear in the middle of Scarbrough, driving down to a local fishing spot at 6am.. weird..
  7. Personally, I think the whole blurring out of background thing going on here is quite silly. I understand that some digression is needed when posting photos, and reports. No need to give all the details of where you were fishing if you don’t want to, but photo’s where the background is blurred out are ugly, and honestly, I don’t really like looking at them that much. For me it kind of takes away from the whole post, and it makes the poster come off as kind of snobby, not wishing to share details to anyone that’s not in the loop with that particular fishing spot. Maybe instead of blurring out the backgrounds of all the photos, just crop the photo differently so you don’t give away the whole spot, but still posting a nice quality photo for other anglers to admire. But hey, that’s just my humble opinion.
  8. Thanks for posting the video Iceguy, great catch, the girth on that sucker! You know what I love.. a fisherman who gets as excited as seeing the fish released, as when they land it.. thats what I'm talking about..
  9. Recently rigged up two different setups I have with braid/fluorocarbon.. So far I am impressed with my seaguar fluoro leaders.. I've got both 15 and 45 pound leaders, one on a jigging setup, one on a northern pike baitcast setup.. they are tough as nails and nearly invisible in the water.. I'd say spending the few extra bucks is worth it in the long run..
  10. I'll just have to take my buddies car up to the cottage more often.. lol..
  11. Personally, a good fishing show is something that has been shot recently (2 years ago or sooner), and shot in a body of water that’s similar to something I would fish around. The hosts must be somewhat personable to the viewer and attempt to clue the viewer in on what technique they are using or pattern they are following that day in achieving their success--hopefully. Graphics or animations are a plus, especially ones that detail structure or make what they are saying more interactive to the viewer. A big turn off for me in a fishing program is when the hosts plug sponsors when their item has no relation to what spot/area they are fishing that day. It’s okay to let the viewers in on how well a lure works, but only if they are being truthful about it, not just plugging it for revenue. In my opinion, the best fishing show is Lindner’s Fishing Edge because it encapsulates most the positives that I’ve mentioned, as well as being quite fun to watch, with plenty of action. Although there are also quite a few other good one’s as well. I’m also interested to hear more people’s feedback about this.
  12. I was there today, first time at the sale.. picked up an Abu C4 5600, 2 Rapala's, jigs, plastics, and a few other odds and ends.. Thank God I'm broke or I would have spent hundreds of dollars more..
  13. The same situation, or a similar situation has happened at least a few times to me in my life, and I never hesitate to bring the item back, or to let the cashier know that they gave me back too much change, or they gave me an item that was not properly rung up.. For me its not really about karma, its more just about being raised as an honest and decent person.. Same reason why I've never stolen anything in my life.. but to each his own..
  14. By the sounds of it, by the time the reel trade in guys like me get out there, nothing's gonna be left..
  15. You can say that again.. I was just out at a local spot, fishing the big Lake O.. The winds were howling, the waves were pounding, and the snow was blowing.. but it was still an absolute blast because I was wetting a line for the first time in over a month! Nothing even close to a bite, but I dont care, it was still great..
  16. That's great news.. I can't believe The Score actually picked up a fishing show.. That doesn't seem like something they would broadcast, but hey, thats sick.. can't complain about more quality fishing shows on TV!
  17. I've already had my first softwater day of the year.. it was uneventful, and short-lived due to the cold weather.. Gotta get back out there in the next week or so, the temperature just doesn't want to rise..
  18. I don't have facebook, but am interested in attempting to fish the islands more than the 1 time I did last year..
  19. I'm itchin' to do some GTA pike fishing, but not really at Ontario Place, it's a tad out of the way.. I can't stew indoors for much longer though.. I'm really starting to go through withdrawls.. my unofficial target date for some local pike is probably going to be for next Monday because I have the day off, and the forcast calls for +2 with sun/cloud mix, so lets hope I can get out to a few local spots..
  20. Yup.. us angler's really are going to have to practice our patience until we can target bass.. thankfully we live in a province where the species of fish are so diverse you can always target something.. As soon as the weather gets a little bit better out It's time to target some lake ontario pike, and test out the brown trout bite..
  21. Great pictures Solo, looks like you had quite the day. edit: nevermind then...
  22. When I used to fish for carp in the Erie Canal there were lots of anglers that would catch carp just to chop them up, and use them as fertilizer for their plants and gardens. The rest of the people would just let them go..
  23. There's no such thing as too much tackle! It's good to have different styles of lures, plastics, jigs, and basically everything under the rainbow because you never know what the fish will be turned on to that particular day, or in whatever particular situation you're in. Personally, if I wasn't absolutely broke, I would have a lot more tackle, equiptment, and tools.. My vice is Rapala's, all different types, i have a serious problem.. I'm hooked on them like crack, i'm in debt, and I can't stop buying em'
  24. When fishing from shore, I try to locate weedy and rocky areas that I can cast spinnerbaits and crankbaits in and around to attempt to produce strikes.. Just try to locate different types of structure that fish usually cling to, and attempt to cast around it the best you can from different angles from the shore, or a dock.. the biggest fish I've caught have all come from shore, and I actually really enjoy shore fishing..
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