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Everything posted by Dutch01

  1. If our mitigation efforts work we will never know how many lives were not lost. There is still time for this to go either way. I can't take any talk about a conspiracy to "take our rights" seriously.
  2. As I see it this is evidence that what we've done up to now is working.
  3. Not sure if this is the one you mean but it's a good watch. I follow Jay but somehow haven't seen that one. He's using a NuCanoe kayak there looks like a Frontier or a Pursuit. I was going to put that Pronav system on my ATAK before I switched to my Hobie.
  4. Depends on the kayak. My old ATAK 120 was so stable I think you would fall off long before you would turtle it. My Hobie is more lively and I haven't tested the limits yet.
  5. GBW don't listen to these guys kayak fishing is the teats! (No disrespect guys 🙏) I'm not saying it's for everyone, but those who like it, love it. I'd also say it's not the next big thing, it's already here. There's a pretty big community of kayak anglers now, I always have someone to fish with if I'm not choosing to go solo. I have been kayak fishing for three years or so now. After the first year I sold my boat. I'm on my third 'yak, but the one I have now is finally "the one". You can go cheap or go high end, either will put you on fish and it really depends on your budget and where and how you're going to use it. It's always good to try before you buy if you can. Lots of shops have paddle days where you can show up and try a couple different demos but obviously none of that is going on right now due to covid. Check out Kawartha Kayak Fishing Club on Facebook. We have regular club meets. I can probably wrangle a spare kayak from a buddy for you to try out once we get the all clear on this virus.
  6. Good read, thanks. I just started doing back country trips last year - paddle in and wheel in with my truck. I love it and had big plans for this year but we all know how that went! I had been intending to take a few bushcraft courses, including navigation and first aid. As soon as it's safe to do I will get back on that. I've also been concerned about communication. I did my first solo last year and it was one of the best times of my life. I want to do more so I've been looking at the Garmin InReach Explorer+ for two-way communications and rescue security.
  7. I have three pcs 9 1/8" by 16 7/8" if you end up stuck and can make them work let me know.
  8. Most of my freight flies in the hold of passenger aircraft, of which there aren't that many flying these days. FedEx is running their own cargo planes so your buddy is good for now.
  9. It's having a huge impact on air and ocean freight. .Some of my air freight costs have tripled so I moved some shipments to ocean and the ship sailing has been delayed twice now.
  10. Can you post a pic and/or the L x W? I have a couple kicking around...
  11. If you don't mind a long read there's some good info on the virus here. Coles notes: -They say there is evidence of the virus past presence in both bats and pangolins -It's possible the virus jumped to a human already in its final form, and it's also possible a progenitor of the virus circulated undetected in the human population and the final mutation occurred in humans touching off the pandemic. -They suggest that everything we know about the virus now makes unlikely that it was genetically modified in a lab, and that it appears to have been created through selection. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0820-9
  12. I'm saving that for when cabin fever really sets in 😂
  13. I love smallies too they're in my top three (walleys, smallies, and steel).
  14. I tend to fall more on Cliffs side of the debate as my previous posts would attest. But I do appreciate that you have thought this through using the lens of your personal experience and have come to a different decision than I did. There are degrees of safe conduct and you're not wrong to say people at the park in Toronto are a whole different thing than you alone on a lake in Hali. However there are still good reasons why the police don't want you to travel. They've been posted before So I won't repeat them again. A lot of people are saying they will stop when the law forces them to. That actually does make the job of the government harder. It's not easy for a federal government to declare martial law, it changes the dynamic of the federal provincial relationship. It actually takes a lot of power away from Premiers who are local and probably have the best idea of what's needed in their province. It forces the federal government to manage over the premiers on many different battle fronts. And the Premiers have been asking Trudeau not to do it for this reason. But as far as I know the Premiers cannot legally force us to stay inside, that has to be federal. That is why they are literally begging people to comply rather than be forced. Being forced complicates the fight. I am also begging everyone on this board to reconsider. I won't browbeat you all about it (anymore!) but please think about why the PM, Premiers and Mayors are begging you everyday to stay inside. Good luck and stay safe everyone.
  15. I have buffs I can use but this is also a great way to make a quick and easy face covering:
  16. I think we kayakers might have you beat for getting into hidden spots. That tree on the right was actually across the stream, we cut it with a folding saw. The work often pays off though (face is blocked cause it's my buddy's fish and I didn't clear it with him).
  17. I doubt home depot bulbs are going to do the job. You need a specific dose of UVC to kill SARS-CoV1 and there has been no real testing yet on a dose for SARS-CoV2 (which causes COVID-19). UVC can give you a severe sunburn in a very short time and can damage your eyes. There are going to be a lot of hucksters selling UV sterilization in the near future - buyer beware. http://www.iuva.org/COVID-19
  18. If you are standing on legal technicalities to avoid the inconvenience of doing the right thing to protect others, it will be you we have to thank when government is forced to declare martial law. If you are demanding the Prime Minister "put Canadians first" while refusing to do the same, you need to take a long look in the mirror. Apparently freedom is lost on the free - it doesn't come without responsibility.
  19. I knew you lived close to the lake and I suspected that would form the basis of your argument. Every government official and public health official in Canada is begging people to stay at home and warning that failure to do so will cost lives. As people continue to flout this advice they are bringing in ever stricter measures to try and gain compliance. If you will only do the right thing when forced to under penalty of law then that is unfortunate.
  20. People typically walk their dog within a few streets distance from home. If you live a few streets from the lake you might have a leg to stand on though I don't think so personally. The overwhelming majority of Ontarians drive, often for hours, to get to a lake. You can be asymptomatic and not even know you are bringing COVID-19 into the small town you are traveling too. The local emergency services and hospitals are staffed to the level of the local populace, and 100 or 1000 additional fisher people in a region has the *potential* to put a strain on those services. If you have an accident at home and have to be treated you are keeping the potential exposure within your immediate community. If you make any stops on route to the lake (food, gas, restrooms) you are bringing that potential Exposure into another community which is how it spreads. And you may not know you're sick, it is contagious for days before symptoms show up. As far as I know no one here was around for WW2. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians put their lives on hold, most voluntarily, to support their Country and community. Many paid the ultimate price Now our country is asking something so simple and so easy, and all I see is people ranting about their freedom or government conspiracies. Shame on you all. Don't let me see you guys talking about being proud Canadians down the line. You are putting yourself before your country and your people. Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it. Right is right even if no one is doing it.
  21. Stay home. It's not just about you. Lives are at stake.
  22. I bought a pair of NATS for this season based partly on your advice misfish. I agree with every word - super warm, unbelievably light and very comfortable.
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