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Everything posted by Dutch01

  1. Ugh autocorrect! That should have said moose ? Worst part about it was that it was for a "good picture", and in the end the camera the (ex)wife handed me had no film in it ?
  2. I got bluff charged by a mouse once, I think I'd rather face a bear! (Not that I want to face either of course)
  3. To be honest catching hasn't been my strong suit lately but I'm as rabid about fishing as ever ?
  4. Actually it's powering my 8" Finbore without any issues so far. It's a new auger so sharp blades probably help. Hope the drill lasts, it's a sweet setup. Although I bought a clam extension and they're crap (not true/straight so the auger and/or clam plate wobble around). So it looks like I'll have to stoop when the ice gets thick.
  5. Just got home and checked, it's Milwaukee model no 2607-20. It's only got 500 inch pounds of torque, but it hasn't ever felt like its lacking power to me.
  6. It's an M18 cordless though I'm not sure exactly which model number (I am at work and can't check). I don't even think it's a fuel version, but it works great anyways. I am going to keep my gas auger cause it's paid for, but I'm not sure when it will get any use ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. I used my new Fin bore 8" today with my clam plate and Milwaukee. The 8" fin bore cuts like a dream, better than my old 6" swede bore. I would really only use my gas auger now if I were going away for days with no way to charge my batteries. This thing is brilliant!
  8. -31C is pretty damn cold! We went to Nipissing last year and it was blowing real good when we got to the ice bungalow. When the operator popped by the next day to check on us he said it was -45C with the wind chill the night before ? Needless to say I sat by the fireplace all night with a rum in hand ?
  9. Thanks! The only thing MORE frustrating than that is seeing NO marks in your finder. At least I knew there were fish down there! Fingers crossed tomorrow is better fishing ?
  10. Natty's hut (mine would give away the lake cause of the background!)
  11. My buddy Natty and I hit a lake "north of Barrie" yesterday for our first ice fish of the season. Lakers were closed but this lake also has Whitefish, Walleye, Ling and Herring and they're open. We setup in 56 feet and started fishing. I had no shortage of marks on the finder all day, but I just couldn't get them to bite. My buddy Natty always tries something different and it often works out for him. This day was no different as he caught a small laker on a pinkie (!!!). That was it for the day, but I still loved it. I got pretty sick in Feb 18 and my ice season ended early so it was really awesome to be back on ice again. Today I hit a GTA trib with my buddy Frankie. It was pretty cold early on (you had to clear your eyelets every two drifts) but it eventually warmed up and was a nice day. Called it quits and was home around lunchtime. Two days, no fish, and I had a blast and feel great. Gotta love it. I'll be at it again Wednesday and Saturday. Lakers will be open at least! I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year and all the best to you in 2019! Dutch
  12. PSA = Public Service Announcement
  13. Right??? I'll probably just skip it next time! ?
  14. You do it your way when you're down there. I'm there to fish, not sit around waiting for cops to fill out a report.
  15. There's some really great fishing 30 minutes from my house, and as long as I go with my friends during the day it's unlikely to go sideways. Like anywhere these days, situational awareness is key. You're in more danger going to a club in the Entertainment District on a Saturday night.
  16. No crime was committed, what am I supposed to report?
  17. It's a virtual certainty that the Woods 43cc has the same Ardisam engine as my Rapalav43cc Vortex (Ardisam makes 90% of auger motors). Mine runs GREAT but only after I replace the stock Torch brand spark plug. If yours has one change it out ASAP. I also recommend TruFuel from Canadian Tire. Other guys are going to blast me here saying it's a waste of money, but I use one $10 can per season so I'm not worried about saving an extra $4 by mixing my own gas. Other than my auger has been great and no issues for years now.
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