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Reel Man

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Everything posted by Reel Man

  1. Hey folks, family is looking for a year-round trailer park close to Hamilton. Is anyone familiar with one? One that isn't a retirement community! Thanks all
  2. Sounds awesome Big Cliff! Got me craving pot pie now...darned if I didn't just turn our Easter turkey carcass into soup already!
  3. Crap! There goes that plan. Now, what to do with the first week of May off.... Thanks for the update
  4. Congratulations Chris! That's awesome! Definitely a heck of a catch. Good luck with the training...
  5. Going for lakers in the first week of May. With luck sounds like we might get in and out before the blackflies take over! Might be brisk still but I'll take that over 100 itchy welts all over!
  6. Thanks guys, I think we're going to go ahead and book it. I'll let you know how it went. Actually read on an earlier thread that the Ennismore Lodge is closed down but still rents out to some teen leadership training.
  7. Not a joke (I hope!) but my wife was doing laundry and decided it would be convenient to carry a small water bottle filled with bleach instead of the big bottle. There's me napping on the couch, wake up, stretch, grab my water bottle and gulp down a couple of swallows before the gears were thrown into reverse for me! Not so funny at the time, but the funniest part was when she called poison control and they said to not regurgitate it if possible. Could do more harm to the esophagus. Ya right! Try and stop me says I! No choice in the matter. Told her next time I'm reporting her to WHMIS for putting chemicals in an unmarked bottle!
  8. Hey guys...just wondering if anyone has ever experienced Cadigan's Camp on Pigeon Lake? Looking to book a week in the summer and I was hoping someone had been there before and could offer a review. Seems like reasonable rates and between Pigeon Lake and Buckhorn the fishing should be good. Looking at beginning of July. Any fishing advice for that time on those lakes would be welcome too of course!
  9. Gentek Building Products 41 Brockley Dr Unit 3 905-561-1424 Whitebird Paper Products 690 Rennie St 905-544-7575 Both are in Hamilton. Could also check into any local Fastenal stores, pretty sure they carry it in the Brampton and Mississauga locations. Good luck!
  10. Congrats Cuzza, well played. Have a great trip! Tight lines..
  11. Hey guys, think we're at $220 for the salmon/bows trip on Lake O? I'll make it $230!
  12. So sorry for your loss Manitoubass2. I know my pups are definitely family members, not pets. So hard to share all that love and so many great memories only to have to say goodbye too soon! I hope that losing your two friends will not harden your heart to the thought of finding another companion. Lots of homeless animals out there in need of a forever home. Just think that Tala had her years of love and comfort and has now given up her spot knowing that another soul out there needs your love and companionship even more.
  13. Mental illness can be an invisible burden and the stigma attached to it in today's society holds so many back from seeking the help they so desperately need. Please, if you are suffering from depression, anxiety attacks, panic attacks, social phobias please talk to someone! There is help out there if you ask for it. There are people who understand what you are dealing with and will not judge you. Telling a person suffering with depression to "Think positive" is like telling a diabetic that happy thoughts will bring their blood sugar level down. It is a medical condition and should be treated as such. Just thought I'd throw my rant in the ring too!
  14. So I have the "Rocket" fishing rod. The wife bought it as a gag gift a few years back. Surprisingly has come in handy in a couple of spots where there's no room for a cast...boom, just fires straight out lol Also just picked up a "Pocket Chainsaw" Haven't tried it out yet, but looking forward to being able to cut absolutely nothing with it real soon.
  15. Yeah kids, go outside and play...but no hockey rinks, no skating, tag is banned on schoolyards and now....wait for it...let's ban tobogganing!!! No tobogganing in Hamilton parks where kids have had their best times of the winter blasting down the hills! Yeah, kids get hurt sometimes, used to be part of growing up. Now it's cause for a lawsuit!! Today you risk a $5000 fine for sledding in Hamilton. Have fun kids, let me grab the bubblewrap before you go outside and wrap you up good...
  16. I worked New Year's Eve this year. Rang in the new year with Hamilton's homeless. Have to say, surprisingly most of them were in bed well before midnight too!!
  17. I must say I got one of the good ones! My wife loves fishing as much as I do. We had a fishing themed wedding, everyone went home with a custom lure. Honeymooned at a cottage on Go Home Lake and split our time between fishing and hot-tubbing. My only problem would be trying to get away to do some fishing without her!
  18. Way to go Knightfisher! Glad to see there are compassionate fishermen out there still. I'd definitely like to believe that most of us would at least attempt to help an animal in distress like that but actions speak louder than words...
  19. Jealous! Still planning for my first boat here. Looks like a fantastic outfit though, congrats!
  20. Hey all, heading up to the cottage next weekend. Just wondering if anyone is familiar with the Utterson area? Cottage is on Mainhood Lake. Decent fishing for LMB and some perch, though I mainly seem to catch bass there. Had some great fun fishing bass on Fish Lake in Novar in the past. Not looking for your "honey holes" , just looking for some general guidelines to expand my repertoire. Limited of course by the fact that we don't have a boat (YET). Looking to rectify that fact for next year though, so anyone looking to get rid of a light-weight tinny let me know! Thanks guys, and tight lines!
  21. And here I thought my Sable was too small to tow a trailer! Silly me, guess I can tow just about anthing...lol
  22. Sincerest condolences Matt. Sounds like a great guy, sure he's proud of you for going through with the ride in his honour. Celebrate the good times, next big one's for him!
  23. I guess we all gotta go sometime. Might as well be doing something that you love. Poor guy though, sympathy to the family.
  24. Just a quick prayer for a missing boater. Ivan Batusic launched his 32 foot sailboat Friday afternoon from 50 Point Marina around 5pm. Meant to be a short cruise and return around 7:30pm, not to be seen again. Long time to be missing with a co-ordinated land, sea and air search ongoing. Holding out hope for Ivan's sake and that of his loved ones that he will be found alive. Thoughts and prayers are with you all.
  25. Finally got the cottage booked!! Off for a week of bass fishing as of Sept 20!

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