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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. as long as were all laughing, im not upset at all, you dont know what its like to hate the leafs until you are a fan. But from an Ottawa fan ahahah even more comical
  2. ^this guys posts are hilarious, I hope this is an Omen! The eyes will be moving in on GB soon enough!
  3. so encouraging for me, yet so depressing i missed the opportunity for a day on the bay with the bite on. Till next season!
  4. that time you guys pretty much got swept out of the finals is all you have to show...remember how you guys have still never even won a playoff series against the leafs? You have absolutely nothing to show for it. Talking real big for a team that finished 10th lol.
  5. this all coming from an Ottawa fan ahahhaha oh boy let me drop this here http://bleacherreport.com/articles/788978-nhl-history-the-10-worst-teams-in-nhl-history/page/11
  6. ahaha that is a fantastic article. My favourite part is about giving my money to dion and then being mad it him for it lol
  7. this topic hits home way to hard. Our cottage has a hole in the foundation to which my father has spent 6 years now attempting to plug, yet somehow the little critters consistently come into the crawlspace year round. The only preventative measure is to literally continuously set a swath of traps every cottage visit. Basically its like the Iron dome of mouse traps. You gain access but before you have time to set up camp and breed, you die. I have an odd situation in my semi detached home as well. I am about 90% certain my unsanitary neighbor has mice in his home regularily as about once every couple of years a mouse finds its way into the one internal wall that is open that runs the plumbing from my upstairs bathroom down to the basement. There is once access panel that goes under the bathtub, and sure enough every couple of years a mouse finds its way up into my upstairs bathroom and decides that the garbages and our closets are nice places to roam at night. Luckily both times the critters have woken me up in the early morning crawling through the trash can in my bedroom. I then chase them back into the plumbing wall in the bathroom, fill the plumbing area with poising and set the great wall of scott up Works so well i dont even need bait. As an FYI both of these traps seen are "the same" the manufacture discontinued the ones with the red V...turns out they are the only ones that really work, hence my use of them in the kill zone. For anyone out there, my dad and I have been setting mouse traps every weekend for 5 years straight, My dad has literally purchased every single product from home hardware available and the most consistant killer are the victor traps with the red V. The new ones just dont seem to be as touchy.
  8. the nice thing about going slow is that even when you do clip something, usually it scratches your unit or maybe even knocks a bit off of the leg or prop, but never fully breaks the motor off or punches a hole in the bottom of your fibreglass
  9. If you were in pointe au baril in the 80's in 2012 your jaw would have dropped seeing it. It got so bad in november of 2012 that I clean walked on dry land around our boat house, which in the 80's was 20 yards out into the lake and parked a boat see this picture from May 2013... the water had actually recovered a couple fee by this point. If you can imagine, the water is now up to my chest at the corner of the boathouse and the water is only at its all time average. In the 80's it was an additional 2-3 feet higher.
  10. Having a cottage here i can second this one. The crazy part is that with the extremely low water levels in GB, weve hit stuff following dead on the navigation line. Thats when you know its really bad. Ive seen massive boulders pop up clear out of the lake that youd have never known existed until recently. Polorized glasses are a must and we never hit new territory without another person to sit right at the front of the boat and keep lookout.
  11. lol if only this were actually a contender team...If there is one thing everyone can agree on, if you watch a Chicago or LA you sit and realize...holy crap, the leafs are so so so so far from this lol.
  12. This is exactly why i have such a hard time with pre season games. It makes the "good" players seem so much better because they are playing another team's AHL squad. Kadri wont have that much time with the puck, and everyone else will move as fast as komarov when the real season starts. Hopefully Clarkson and Kadri will be able to at least get off to a head start due to their off season training regiments so that the leafs can get some points early. Because after a month everyone else always catches up and gets back on pace. The good news is that the leafs at least made some adjustments to the front end and hopefully this will assist on the forecheck so that they arent playing the entire game in their own end anymore. The D still really worries me though.
  13. The one instance alone of a dog attacking mine was enough for the authority to open a case. They asked if I wanted to provide me with her license plate number or address and that they would open a case. In Toronto the escalation is as follows, 1 attack the dog is placed in a quarantine with the order to not let it in public space, second is for permanent muzzle order, 3rd is to destroy the dog. This is for acts of agression. In the case that a dog bites a human, I think its pretty much a 2 strike rule. Unless of course the dog has severely injured someone.
  14. Hence the Time will tell although my roomate who is not one for Bull...actually said the apology sounded sincere and that she was definitely upset.
  15. UPDATE**** The lady actually came by my house this morning after I left for work and spoke to my roomate. She sincerely apologized and notified my roomate to inform me that she will no longer be bringing her dogs to the park and that she will be taking them to obedience school until she can be assured that an incident will not happen like this again. To clarify with everyone, the one dog that did clamp onto my dogs neck and not let go, which i ended up kicking in order to get it to release its grip was actually on a leash. During the process of the owner attempting to control her off leash dog this dog was able to get close enough to mine to bite it. I believe she was aware of the issue with this dog and therefore does not typically let it off leash. She has indicated that the other dog only recently began having issues. Hopefully she will understand that the issues stem from her lack of authority and leadership with the dogs and not from the dogs themselves. Time will tell!
  16. never been much a kadri fan TBH Although maybe the leafs have finally handled one of the prospects properly and forced him to develop his game to a level of his full capability. The guy always had the skill to be a point a player game, but he completely lacked the work ethic, drive and grit it takes to be that kind of player in the NHL. Theres a lot of guys that cry and cry about how kadri has been held back, i personally think he has been handled very well. Now in the final year of his entry level contract he has his opportunity to become a top line centre. The kid is only 23 years old, he is just coming into himself now. If he can prove that he is a bonafied top line guy scoring a point a game this season, then he will get the money he deserves. Next season you have 15 million to sign franson bernier and kadri. They should be able to work it out. Kadri needs to learn how to win a faceoff though if he wants to be a #1
  17. i could see your point if I was putting myself in this situation. But walking freely through public space, and then having someone come and engage you unprovoked is a hard sell. It isnt much different than if she somehow ran into me in a completely different location, in no way did i enter into the scenario, i was placed into it. I even attempted to remove myself from the situation prior to it occurring and was followed and attacked.
  18. got a response from animal control, they have told me to either attain a license plate or the owners physical address. It is a shame that bad apples ruin the bunch. Theres a lot of great pet owners that I see every day. their dogs are well behaved and very friendly. Unfortunate that one trouble dog owner, the whole party gets ruined. To be continued....
  19. sounds like animal control might be the way to go. I wasn't sure if "reporting an incident was even a possibility. Like some have you have mentioned, getting the attack on record might be the start of building a case. I have seen her other dog charge another bigger dog as well before, so yes Bill you are correct its not the first time. I dont think she really gets it. Its sad how empty some people's heads are. I am not sure how much power I have until I can get the person's exact address. I will keep an eye out for her in the upcoming days to see if I can trail her back to her place of residence. Until then it will be challenging. As mentioned before, the last thing I would want to do is have By Law enforcement crack down on the 4 other responsible pet owners that I converse with on a regular basis before sunrise at the park. Sure enough the people who are there consistently every day and never have a problem will be the ones who end up in trouble.
  20. try the pigeon side of the bridge at buckhorn. It seems to always bee doing, good mix of structure, weeds, deep spots and rocks. I hear fishing is tough this time of year on em though, but this warm hold out might help.
  21. challenge with By Law officers is that they arent "real cops" either. All it would take is for her to walk away and the by law cop would have no way to stop her. The second problem is that as you mentioned, they would ticket everyone, including the couple of people at the park that I do know and that have well behaved harmless dogs that come every morning early before the crowds. The last thing I would want is the by law officer to harrass these people who are doing what they should. I guess I will just have to wait until one of the dogs actually visibly injures either my dog or me...sigh
  22. anyone seen the one where the motorcyclist rear ends a car on the highway, does a flip and lands on the roof of the car all while moving?
  23. this is my problem, calling by law on her wont solve a thing because their response time at 6:45 AM is probably non existent. Yes my dog is off leash as i typically play fetch with him in the outfield of the baseball diamond away from the playgrounds etc. when this happened though my dog was right beside me as I was walking away from her and her dogs. I know where the girl lives as its a small neighborhood and I live across the street from the park. I am not sure reporting her would help at all because I couldnt prove that the incident happened. Going to a different park is kind of out of the question because this park is basically in my front yard. Hence wake up and go walk the dog before work. The dogs were not playing...i wish that was the case
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