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Everything posted by MJL

  1. Cool mod Alpha...Lets see some pics of the green machine in action My dad and I are also thinking of ways to modify our canoe (also green...But mostly light green from where I scraped the paint off on rocks.LOL). We're mostly thinking of different ways to stick a trolling motor on it seeing as it isn't a square-back canoe.
  2. My condolences to you and your family Fisherman. Will be hugging my mum a little more often.
  3. Nice catches Splash...Good on you for showing the kids the awesomeness of the carp I've done similar things driving 2-3hrs in search of carp only to get into a bunch 15mins from home on the way back.
  4. Nicely done Bondar...Carp on the fly is mad fun...I haven't done it for a few years but I had some of the most fun I ever had doing it. One of my most successful patterns for carp was a 2 inch black or olive rabbit strip with dumbbell eyes tied to a hook. Congrats
  5. …It comes quite easily with some extraordinary finds In the brush-lined stream there's something I seek Ice cold water flows down the creek My nuts are cold, the waders leak I see a shadow, my interest peaks Quiet, silent and stone-like still Beneath the surface a spotted thrill It lies awaiting for its belly to fill A beautiful predator with a license to kill Wading the stream I tread with care I tie on a streamer of feathers and hair Squinting my eyes to cut out the glare Casting the fly, I give it a prayer My fly swings down, the trout gave a look "Holy dude! it actually took!" I lifted the rod and set the hook Just like I read in Craig Ritchie's book This is the place that makes my heart-beat race Down into rapids and I hastily give chase Horsing the trout so I can see its face Slipping and falling without much grace Into the net I try to pop out the fly Locked in its mouth I give it a pry It bit my finger! It wasn't shy Beautiful spots, seemingly painted with dye Around the bend was this bright, spotted thing This is the thing that makes my heartbeat sing Baring the brunt of a nettle's sting I'm glad that my hook didn't fail to cling Switching to spinners and a variety of spoons The vibration of metal seductively croons Flashes of copper and thumping tunes Victory is sweet in the bright afternoon It's getting dark, I'm tempted to stay? Some amazing fun I had today The bugs are out, I'm mosquito prey I'll make my return at the first light of day Some more – From this Saturday…Ironically FrozenFire and I (both into photography) forgot our cameras at home…Some pics taken with a camera phone. Double header brookie action I must admit that I've become obsessed with brown trout reading every journal, diary, book, message board post, stocking record, topographic map, hydrographic map, road map, top secret hand-drawn map I could get my hands on and following every lead graciously sent to me via PM …I also will shamefully admit I bought a steak dinner (…and dessert) for one of the old timers I met at the tackle shop and picked his brain on catching monster browns …I guess there's no cure for STI (Salmo-Trutta-Itis) I think I just screwed myself for life All smiles
  6. Great report KF...Must be totally awesome to get to fish with your brother. Do you fish together often? Love the markings on that pike. Thanks for sharing
  7. Yes…Vitamin D is required to process calcium in your body and it may significantly reduce your risk of cancer. Not even vitamin D enriched foods and drinks have the same potency as just going outside. My doctor recommended 15mins of sun exposure before and/or after the peak times (like 11am-4pm when the sun is at it’s brightest).
  8. Great video...Surprisingly good video quality from such a camera...Very interested in getting one myself to make my own "Fish-Eye View" segments.LOL
  9. That's a nasty burn for sure...Can't help but feel for her. A couple years ago my friend went to Morocco to fish for carp. Shirt-less, without sunscreen and without a hat...He was side-lined from doing anything for about a month.LOL For all the days I'm out on the water fishing, I take sun-protection very seriously.
  10. Great report Simon I also have similar experiences with Gulp VS artificials...Beyond the pink worms, I don't think I've had much success with Gulp anything.
  11. Beautiful fish Jim Pretty neat to see a fish without very many of the red spots...I only see 2
  12. My condolences to you and your family Stoty The tattoo is a beautiful tribute.
  13. Beautiful report Timmeh…That water looks like it was made just for fly fishing – wide open and very scenic. Thanks for sharing and congrats on the PB
  14. Super cool to the max Laz...Great report! My soon to be brother-in-law is big on camping and a little into fishing...Maybe I might try something similar
  15. Well done guys...Beautiful fish...I absolutely love that river - I'm hoping to be there in September. St. Lawrence carp are the strongest carp I've ever had the pleasure of fighting. Great report
  16. Awesome report MSP...Beautiful fish and the smiles on the kids' faces are priceless Thanks for sharing
  17. Beautiful! Stunning pics...Really digging the underwater shots Just wondering what kind of fly outfit (length? weight?) you're running for those small streams? I'm currently thinking of building myself 2 small stream fly rods just for creeks like that (and bigger) for next spring. Just haven't decided on what I would need. Everything fly fishing I own is geared towards steelhead Mike
  18. Arrive at the river around dusk...Crawl along the bank being careful not to make any disturbances... Then go to town with an electro-shocker
  19. Indeed http://www.drakemag.com/videos/2009-films/246-once-in-a-blue-moon
  20. Awesome thread…I too am also on a quest for redemption. I’ve also tried just about everything you tried except for the Mepps Syclops. So far the only things I’ve been getting resident browns on are spinners and worms with the odd one coming to roe (accidental catch when I’m fishing for steelhead). I’ve tried my collection of Kwikfish & Flatfish, smaller Rapalas and various streamer flies. Some things I’m planning to try (mind you there are no rules against live bait or the use of treble hooks where I fish): - Top water bass lures (to simulate mice and frogs)…I have a few Rapala skitter pops so I may try those. - Drifting medium sized shiners below a float or bottom bouncing them - I’ve read that big browns drop their guard when there’s a hatch of giant mayflies – Hexagenia Limbata (I’m not sure if the river I fish has them or not)…Or wait for a hatch of grasshoppers later in summer and break out the fly gear…After Sunday night, I’m sure my 8wt isn’t too heavy for some of the fish lurking in the river In any case, I’ll be returning at night…My big browns (almost all migratories off the pier or estuary) as well as some of the bigger resident fish I’ve hooked into came at night. Hopefully before this weekend, I can pick up a bigger net.LOL I'll also be tying up some hair mice on the vice sometime this week if I have time to spin them
  21. From what I remember hearing in law class (one of the few times I actually was paying attention), ‘bear spray’ is legal in Ontario with the provision that it’s not to be used against people. I remember reading that one store requires purchasers to sign a waiver that they will only use the product against animals and not people. I believe Lebarons either sells (or used to sell) bear spray. ‘Pepper spray’ on the other hand (the stuff police use) is considered a prohibited weapon. I have 2 friends who were guides in Bristol Bay, Alaska (now near Unalakleet I believe) and from what they tell me, bear spray is “da bomb diggity!” They also had success with a few ‘dog-sprays’ as well (used for spraying rabid dogs in the eyes) when they had bears chewing up their inflatable raft.
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