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Everything posted by MJL

  1. Both my dad and I studied hard for our tests and wrote them at Lebaron. I got 1 wrong and my dad scored perfect. Probably would’ve scored close to the same without studying TBH. A lot of the material we did study wasn’t on the test and a number of questions we encountered on the test were never covered in the book (it was common sense). At least now if I’m ever asked to confirm the spelling of words, I can use the NATO phonetic alphabet.LOL For me, I remember them this way: You left "port" Your right hand man is your “star” You “bow” forward You get a “stern” kicking in the
  2. You should've tested how waterproof the GoPro was without the housing Definitely the most awesome trip I've ever been on. A couple days ago I watched a few of the vids we took and realized that a good portion of them were of us losing fish.LOL
  3. It turned out great Brady I'll definitely have to give the 6wt Rainshadow blank a good look over. I'd like a light spey rod for medium sized rivers with a bit of pace.
  4. Mike, I believe that fish was a koi/carp hybrid. I have caught goldfish/carp hybrids as seen below. Notice the long fins and tail
  5. I see lots along the Toronto harbourfront. I remember one summer I tried catching a nice big one but it eluded the hook. On that note, gold fish often join spawning carp with mating festivities and you can get some nifty hybrids
  6. Hey Marko I bought the Daiwa Ballistic last boxing day and have used it for lakers, steelhead, walleye & bass. I love it. If anything, I wish it did come with a spare spool though. I'll probably pick up another one shortly.
  7. I primarily fish outside of a hut. For lakers, I use 8lb Berkley Trilene XL. My UL panfish reel is spooled up with 4lb Berkley Micro ice. If I was inside a hut, I'd be more inclined to use braid or a superline of some sort.
  8. When I was in the 10th grade, I used to go to Angling Specialties for my lessons (I lived a short bus ride from the old Scarborough store). After class, George taught me how to build rods. The first rod I built was a 3pc fly rod made of 3 different scrap blanks. It was cosmetically quite ugly but it performed great for tossing big streamers off the beach for salmon. My friend liked the action so much he bought it…After I built myself a 14’ Hardy float rod, 13’ Lamiglas, 13’ Loomis Premier, 13’ Loomis IM6, 13’6” Loomis GL3 and the list goes on…Once you start, you can’t stop
  9. MJL


    Just awesome Tyler Definitely can't wait to make it up to your neck of the woods
  10. Great collection of photos Seriously awesome pike
  11. Congrats Mike Eagerly waiting to pick up a copy to read. Best wishes for your uncle
  12. Maybe next time I’ll pack a 36” rod in the tube.LOL Now I wanna see a 40lb Gerrard rainbow fit through that 8" hole
  13. Visualizing the laker chase

  14. Back in 2007 while camping in Algonquin park with a few friends, a big mamma moose and her calf wondered right into the middle of our campsite. Both were about 10ft away from us. For 2 minutes, we were sitting there just looking at each other trying not to move till they left.LOL
  15. Back in 2005 or 2006, my friends fly-fished around Whistler for steelhead, dollies & resident rainbows (in November I think). They fished with Brian Niska from Whistler Fly Fishing and had a great time. On that trip, their rod tube containing $2400 worth of Sage spey rods was crushed in half during transit but Brian had them set up with all the gear. Not too sure if he does other types of fishing (eg. float fishing) but my friends rate him very well if you're thinking of doing some fly fishing.
  16. I like it! Very nice Chris After working serious OT the last few weeks, I'm definitely thinking about having a 13' 2pc CTS done up for next season. Fuji YSG guides this time
  17. Awesome Erik...Really nice browns It's been many years since I caught a white bass. I remember having tons of fun fishing for them with my dad as a kid. Thanks for the report
  18. Very sweet Chris Down in the Niagara, I rig them on 1/16oz - 1/8oz jig heads. For smaller rivers, I sometimes just thread them through the nose with the same #8-10 hook I use for other baits like roe and pink worms.
  19. Very cool! I never would’ve thought American eels would make it to Lake Simcoe. From my understanding, all eels migrate from the Sargasso sea (in the Atlantic ocean where they were born). They would have to swim up the St. Lawrence and go past many dams before reaching Lake Ontario. Then migrate through the Trent Severn canal system (also past many dams) before finally making it to Lake Simcoe. There they live until they migrate back to the Sargasso sea to spawn (kind of like a reverse life cycle of a salmon and with a longer lifespan). Is this right?
  20. Don't open the bag and keep it in a cool place...They'll live overnight in the bag with no problems. I keep my minnows in the garage or basement overnight.
  21. I don't like running a swivel above the float either. It's mostly just the fact that I'd like to have the flexibility to slide my float up and down. On the rivers I fish, I can have my float 6ft from the hook at one pool and the next spot I'll be rigged at 9-10ft. I used to join my leader to mainline with a triple surgeons knot. I got tired of having to slide all my shots and float up the line so I could retie the leader back on. I use a swivel for my mainline/leader connection.
  22. I don’t run a flasher, but a graph - Humminbird 345c with an ice ducer. I’ve fished down to 134ft on Simcoe with no problems seeing my lure to that depth. Since I started ice fishing 3 seasons ago, I can only remember 3 fish I hooked on Simcoe that I didn’t get on the chase. I can figure out if I’m fishing dead water, what depth they’re holding at, how aggressive the fish are, what lures they’re responding to best, etc. I tried fishing for lakers without a sonar unit when I first started and I won’t go back to fishing blind now. It’s to the point now that I’m contemplating leaving a 2nd sonar unit in the car for backup (just in case the one I bring out onto the ice goes mental - which my old one did). Hands down one of the best ever investments I’ve ever made.
  23. Best wishes for your uncle, Mike Really love the pics of your son hoisting up the rainbows. I can't wait to take my nephew out when he gets to that age.
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