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Everything posted by e-z-out

  1. Cees & Anya are great people always stay with them when i go up. Cant miss that dock
  2. Last pic looks like SUNRISE RESORTS Dock Nice fish by the way
  3. Sweet
  4. Wayne that looks like a pinata to me
  5. Trust me when i say he is still smiling
  6. Peter remember what Ron said lol Had fun today like always and its 3 to 6 don't forget it's not over till the fat lady but in your case the fat man has song
  7. your kidding me right? it's only a 2 hour drive to see him B He comes on from time to time adds his 2 cents and goes back to what ever he was doing.
  8. Terry time for a new boat brake out the gas can and burn that bad dream
  9. last time i saw him was 2 years ago and that's no lie Ever since he gave up ice fishing
  10. the sites gives me lots of errors or kicks me off and asks me to sigh back in
  11. This Tourney happens on my wifes birthday of all days Well good luck and hope to read a report on how you do.
  12. sounds like this other place i know man you know all the hot spots
  13. you didn't even make him walk the plank
  14. I know that spot lol how far was it again i forget lol Nice one Vince
  15. You kill me some times Terry lol
  16. was it the red looking one? I sometimes get a few special order bags red ones and a few watermelon colour ones as well
  17. Here is a good read on the pflueger patriarch pflueger patriarch review
  18. Only if they are still there Peter By the way spinners worked very well for my buddy Ron Good luck this weekend on sparrow
  19. Myself and Peter fished it a few weeks back and he did very well using Storm (Kicking Stick) Size 8" best colors was chrome with blue top and shad colors. We fished in 4ft of water and found lots of hungry fish. Every bay we hit Peter landed 2 to 3 Pike. Myself i got skunked that weekend. Hope that helps
  20. I have a 2003 Trailblazer LS with 192000kms and the only problem is my remotes wont work now. Problem solved cost $0 bad ground wire. It's been a great truck from day 1 but it is a pig on gas that's my only problem
  21. Wayne is that how you flag down Terry?
  22. Happy birthday old fart You don't look that old Wayne looks much older then Terry lol
  23. Have 8 Carrot Stix and love them i've used all the top of the line Rods but i keep going back to the Carrot stix. To this date i have had no problems with any of the rods weather im fishing for Bass, Pike, Walleye, or even Musky. The Rods have stayed true. That's my 2 cents on the Rods
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