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Everything posted by e-z-out

  1. Good to see you out fishing Todd. Thanks for the report will be on Rice next week
  2. haha funny guy Peter your the only guy that can bird nest a Calais DC on every cast Great job Vince always a good time on the water.
  3. Nice going Dan
  4. What in-flight movie? i didn't even get a chance to finish watching it Did i catch any fish? I can't remember i was sleeping most of the boat ride out Thanks again for a great day on the water Lloyd it's always fun fishing with you. A big thanks goes to Dan, Vince and Todd for making opener such a success and a fun time. Will see you guys out on the water soon.
  5. What Geoff is giving away secret spots now hey where is my pm with a spot? Nice going skeeter
  6. I've always had great service there just get Blake to help you out and your good to go. The 2 younger guys are great help as well.
  7. Happy to meet you Bruce and Vice had a great time and picked up a few new lures can't wait to use the new lures that I picked up from Bruce. Bruce any time you want to go smelt fishing let me know.
  8. My deepest condolences, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers go to you and your family at this time. Memories will always be with you of him
  9. That happens now and again. Had my tims card go from $10 to $0 in just 5 weeks with out using it. Got my money back as they made the mistake
  10. Sweet congrats
  11. Thank you Vince for the PM we have filled the seat once again. Will see you all May 7th
  12. Sorry to say but splashhopper had to back out of this trip so we have a seat open up. If anyone is interested shoot me a pm. Only 1 month away from this 10 hour boat ride
  13. Well we have a full crew for this little boat ride that will last 10 hours The crew Jose,radar,Dan Bouck,splashhopper
  14. Thanks for the PM Ron Messaged you Dan Let me know what you guys think
  15. open water season coming ever so close
  16. shhhhhhhhhhhhhh Wayne
  17. Now there is a killer deal for anyone that hasn't fished with Lloyd as of yet.
  18. 7th Annual Ice Fishing/BBQ Fundraiser Saturday, February 26, 2011 Innisfil Beach Park Boat Launch Registration: 6 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., last fish measured at 1 p.m., prizes to follow. Cost: 16 years of age and over – $10 minimum donation, kids free – donations appreciated * A fishing license is required for those between 18 and 65 years of age.* Enjoy a BBQ lunch cooked on site Cost: Donation Prizes awarded for largest fish caught in various categories; lucky draw following! *All monies raised will help Tyler’s parents pay for the extensive therapies that he requires, including Intensive Behavioral Intervention (IBI), Speech and Language Therapy, and Occupational Therapy.* Directions: Hwy 400 or Yonge St. to the 8th line (Innisfil Beach Rd.), east on Innisfil Beach Rd, to the end, turn left into the park, follow the road to the right, past the snack bar to the boat launch. Please park in the parking lots on the left side before boat launch. For more information please email [email protected] or call 705-436-3607
  19. 7th Annual Ice Fishing/BBQ Fundraiser Saturday, February 26, 2011 Innisfil Beach Park Boat Launch Registration: 6 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., last fish measured at 1 p.m., prizes to follow. Cost: 16 years of age and over – $10 minimum donation, kids free – donations appreciated * A fishing license is required for those between 18 and 65 years of age.* Enjoy a BBQ lunch cooked on site Cost: Donation Prizes awarded for largest fish caught in various categories; lucky draw following! *All monies raised will help Tyler’s parents pay for the extensive therapies that he requires, including Intensive Behavioral Intervention (IBI), Speech and Language Therapy, and Occupational Therapy.* Directions: Hwy 400 or Yonge St. to the 8th line (Innisfil Beach Rd.), east on Innisfil Beach Rd, to the end, turn left into the park, follow the road to the right, past the snack bar to the boat launch. Please park in the parking lots on the left side before boat launch. For more information please email [email protected] or call 705-436-3607
  20. Well guys just got off the phone with Lloyd and on May 7th I'll be heading to BOQ for a boat ride if we catch any fish that's a bonus. Looking for 3 others to split the cost with me. Remember fish are a bonus but when you fish with Lloyd you know the fishing is going to be good. Good times and good friends make a fun day Thanks again Lloyd for the great offer for myself and 3 other OFC members
  21. I'll be there with my little girl this year
  22. Good to see your back to your fishing ways bud Thanks for the report
  23. Just my luck i see this now good luck guys
  24. Thanks for the heads up will check them out tomorrow
  25. Think we should pin this one up TJ its getting closer and I can't wait. Hope to see all of you guys again this year.
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