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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Hopefully insured for the replacement cost Lew..... Sad indeed.
  2. For the most part it is not locals fishing the Ganny.... It's outsiders, the come here and "fish" in any manner possible, the piss and crap all over the place, the leave their garbage start fights, generally trash the place and take their meat home.... Regardless of the method used. I don't blame the municipality or residents for being upset in the least given the conduct of these asshats. If the provincial government can't police their own laws to protect the fishery and the municipality from the costs associated to allow it to be open..... These meat hunting slobs need to be stopped one way or another. Then you either have two choices..... Let the municipality police it themselves.... Through a municipal license scheme or It shut it down completely (barricades) Either way this cannot continue as is..... I say let the municipality charge a per day fee to fish, upon proof of a valid fishing card. All regulations from the province are to be enforced. Pay an off duty enforcement officer from the fees raised. Use the remainder to pay for the port-o-potties, enhancements, trash collection etc.... This will drive away the unsavoury, knowing that one, they have to pay..... Two they have to show proof of a license... And three there will be 24/7 enforcement. If every other small town can afford to hire off duty officers for every little thing IE. Parades, construction sites and such etc.... Surely Port Hope can do the same through licensing.... Just my .05 cents
  3. Naw man, I had too thank you it's kinda what we do around here... Chocolate habs? I'm all over that! Sorting out a way to try these indoors with a light.... Not waiting till next planting season! Thanks again bro, G
  4. Charge a fee to fish it, say 10 bucks a day...use the money to hire a CO.... CO lays charges... PROFIT! Police are hired to do events, traffic control etc..... Let's do the same with CO's. I think those 10% that cause 90% of the issues will go elsewhere. G
  5. I remember seeing an all aluminum, welded Boat at one of the Nipissing trips one year..... It was one hell of a boat.... Setup just like this boat is I can't remember who owned it though..... But man was it a sweet machine. I think it was a Stanley if I remember right... G
  6. Legends are ok boats.... Be careful of there packages.... Usually they are wayyyy underpowered. Princecraft, creastliner, Lund etc are all nice boat. Some models come in a fish n' ski platform... I would gravitate towards these G
  7. Just wanted to take a moment to publicly thank you for the generous gift you sent me in the mail. I can't wait to get these suckers planted! G
  8. Either shut it down, or institute a municipal license. To help cover the costs of cleaning up after the slobs.... Or better yet run a lottery... Heavily fine offenders and issue no trespass orders for those caught violating. This would help the town of Port Hope fill their coffers.... And stop the meat hunters. G
  9. Thanks M2..... So this is cured tobacco leaf? The stuff put into cigarettes? Or is it something else? Very interesting... Thanks for taking the time to answer..... Sorry I don't mean to derail this thread.... Pm me if you prefer! Some nice fish BTW
  10. Nice!!!!! I'd like to understand the importance of laying tobacco down though as an offering..... I'm sure you'd have a more detailed description then what Google could offer
  11. Thought I would pass this along to our membership. Great company to work for! G
  12. Spiel, m2...... Both look great! Last night supper consisted of Cajun hickory smoked pork chops, I sliced a green pepper in half and filled it with fresh corn and butter, as well as chili baked potatoes....... Was some good!!!! Didn't think to take pics as it was a busy day...... I will be making those hickory smoked chops again! And soon!!! G
  13. Steve is right, a lot of fishermen are talking about it.... The more we place this under the spotlight the better. There are eye witness accounts of what happened on that day.... Some of them want to see charges brought... Can't say I blame them! Tournament fishing will always be around, so it's best to expose those that break the rules and cheat for gain. I for one hope these fellows get charged, given eye witness accounts I'm sure they have more then enough to lay charges. Time will tell..... This is blowing up in FB right now, and the other competitors that fished this tournament are upset..... And rightly so.... Remember the musky guy?? G
  14. Why not talk to the owner of the campground? That would be my first thought. Inform him of your concerns, inform him of the rights of other people enjoyment etc.... Don't expect the coppers to fight this battle for you.... Common courtesy can go a long way. If that doesn't work..... Unleash hell. G
  15. I suggested the North, as it will bring jobs and help out our First Nations.... The larger the population in the north, the more services that eventually will be needed. We have so much land that's unsettled, why not spread these folks out and help build Canada in the process? Our major cities certainly don't need any more immigration... Nor does anywhere along the Canada USA border where most of our population live. I come from an immigrant family myself, screen them just as my family was, make sure they add value to society, let them in and settle up in the North..... Not sure if my opinion is popular or not... But it's just that.. My opinion. G
  16. Populate the north with them to give them a true Canadian experience
  17. I agree Brian, take care of our own first. G
  18. I love PHO, it's cheap and man is it good!!!!!! Problem is the menus...... 1000 types of soup! Can't say I've ever tried any of the ones that have tripe in them.... I stick to the basics at PHO places.... Chicken or beef lol
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