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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. I feel for the families grieving at the loss of their children...... They are the victims here. Do not make a martyr of this coward. Seems to be a lot of us vs. them, in regards to Americans and Canadians. I did not see our American friends boast about their guns or our gun control during the recent tragedy in Ottawa. Nor have I seen them bring up the Montreal massacre. It happens here too folks. Let's leave disdain checked at the door. As it's happened within our own borders. This is a global issue. Now is not the time to air grievances about a different country and their culture. We all have different views and we all defend them based on personal beliefs. Lunatics are just that. Lunatics. If someone has the mindset to slaughter people, borders or politics will not change that. Perhaps what we should be asking is why mental illness is pushed under the rug, we close mental care hospitals and just expect people to cope...... It's not working. I pray that the families of those murdered can find some solace. G
  2. I used the paper towel method, only been 4 days.... Don't want to disturb them for a bit as per experience. I'll give em another week or two before I remove them from the Baggie. I have learned they need pretty decent temp of 80-85 degrees.... No lower no higher. I'll carefully remove them once germinated and transplant... I'll be sure to send some pics! G
  3. My uncle has a pretty sweet setup, an outdoor wood furnace. These units are pretty sweet! He Orders two tandem trucks a year so he always has seasoned wood good to go and keeps him busy outside. Barely ever uses the oil furnace unless he is out of town. If I could swing one of these I would in a second. G
  4. Croutons are of the devil....... I dont buy or eat bad bread.
  5. What I meant was I could see Wynne having these cars sniff tested (under drive clean) or taken off the road unless taxed for the emissions they are spewing.... I could certainly see something happening..... Governments are always looking to make a buck
  6. I wonder if VW cars in Canada will be called in for emissions testing under the drive clean program, due to this.... The buyers are the ones being punished here.
  7. Others in the EU will fall suit..... The lawsuits are going to astronomical! I can't see how they will survive this, an entire planet suing.... Governments, environmental agencies, customers, dealers.... Absolutely mind boggling how they thought they could get away with this! G
  8. I left construction for much the same reason... I broke some bones in my wrist in and out of casts for well over a year.... Then surgery. Well to swing a hammer all day, heavy vibrations etc sent me home in pain at the end of the day. Not to mentions working in all sorts of weather. I'll be 40 this year. I moved into manufacturing... I'm still on the tools (wrenches etc) but it's no where near as taxing in the body... The pay is good, I just show up, go home and get paid. Simple really. Company paid pension, stock options, RSPs and benefits for life are also very attractive. Good luck finding that with the majority of contracting firms. I made the right choice for me. G
  9. Do this and do it now...... A friendly heads up! http://consumerist.com/2015/09/28/if-youre-using-ios9-check-this-setting-to-make-sure-you-dont-blow-through-your-data-plan/ G
  10. Fish are being caught in the ganny...... However be prepared for the zoo.
  11. I'll leave this here for those interested. You can see it online if conditions are not favourable. http://www.wired.com/2015/09/heres-watch-supermoon-eclipse-online/ Wonder if this will affect the fishing? G
  12. Good fella that man is! I'll have mine started this week!
  13. Wow I missed this thread! Blizz, I hope the wife is ok man..... Take good care of her. She needs you now brother. Gentle and caring..... Also remember to take of your self too! Your no good to her if your no good to yourself. G
  14. Cliff, we need that recipe!!!!
  15. Brian, post this in Facebook, tag Goodyear in it. Tell your story. I bet you get a reply from corporate.
  16. Mmmmmmmm...... If you do get a couple this year be sure to add them to the cooking thread!
  17. That's why puffballs are so easy! No really mistaking them
  18. I'll take any of them at this point lol! I have walked for hours in The woods and meadows behind my place..... Nothing but some uneditable fuzz... Perhaps Cliff is right..... Too early and as others has suggested too dry. But I was collecting at this time last year so I gave it a shot..... I'll keep walking in the meantime.... On a side note I dropped about 40kgs of apples for the deer from my apple tree..... Only 100+ to pick and take out back.. G
  19. Gross? You don't know good eats!
  20. Anyone seeing puffballs around? I have easily walked miles looking for them this year... Not even a hint of one, whereas last year they were common... I found them around this time last year. Anyone else seeing them? G
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