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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. My questions remains this..... Who to vote for? I refuse to vote liberal given their past track record. Including ms/mr wynne... Harper and his regime have do so many wrongs to this country that he needs to go. All our eggs in one basket, look at Alberta now.... They are on the verge of becoming a have not province... Ontario will be sending equalization payment if things don't improve. Muclair, wants to bring back the gun registry, and has been shown as a poor fiscal manager.... Trade and cap etc etc this man has mortgaged his house 11 times..... Do we really want this man leading our nation? I want to see Ms. May included in debates to hear their platform.... The big three refuse to allow it... Seems their scared! All I know is I won't be voting red, blue or orange this election. I'll be voting alternative. G
  2. Awesome report! And sorry I was unable to make it! I know those assets! Left CCMT, middle headhunter and right is fishnsled..... Looks like a good time guys! I hope to be able Make the winter trip G
  3. cloudy15 nice 'ski brother! Like water off a ducks back man.... Some here can be a bit anal. Thanks for sharing
  4. I see what your saying.... However I disagree with what you see intent in... That said, I have sent an email to the Green Party regarding this. I will reply here once I receive an reply. G
  5. Rick, you would be correct. I want to see where the Greens have stated such. Just because their Green doesn't mean their vegan hippie socialists... G
  6. Please provide facts to back this argument, I'd personally like to see them.
  7. They are not P3TA...... This is pure fear mongering, they will not ban fishing or hunting.
  8. Same here Cliff..... I might have to vote for the marajuna party ?
  9. Sorry Tommy..... You just lost my vote.. http://www.nationalpost.com/m/wp/blog.html?b=news.nationalpost.com%2F%2Fnews%2Fcanada%2Fcanadian-politics%2Fndp-government-would-create-new-and-improved-gun-registry-without-going-overboard-mulcair-says
  10. Thanks Cliff! I'll be in touch soon Simply an awesome person
  11. You are correct cliff, sorry to confuse lol.... Going to hit up CT tomorrow for a new plug and some seafoam.... Before I take in. Thanks for your reply! G
  12. No doubt.... Just wanna get it fixed lol
  13. To be fair..... I didn't lend it out, They were helping me out as I was laid up in the hospital for a month.. That said the big 50:1 mix written on both sides of the can should have clued them in Argh.... G
  14. In regards to the plug...... If it was fouled it wouldn't run at all would it? It runs just fine when choked.... Or am I incorrect?
  15. Thanks guys, it has fresh gas in it, I tried a spray carb cleaner directly into the carb... Right at the point where it starts to stall, it will rev up when sprayed... But won't remain running once the choke shuts off... I'll try the seafoam and a new plug next. G
  16. Gents, I have a Honda 4 stroke lawnmower... It's been a great little mower!!! That is until now. Having a bit of an issue with it, when I was in hospital my wife's family ran mixed gas (50:1) through it...... It will start with the choke open... As soon as the choke closes (self choking) the engine dies. I have removed the air filter, it's clean the mower will die without the filter on as well.... Is a carb rebuild in this mowers future due to mixed gas being put through it? Or is there something I'm not considering? G
  17. Ohhhh my sides are killing me mike! Video of the year! G
  18. I can't support any of these so called "Leaders" or their parties. None of them deserve the position in which they are seeking. G
  19. Lol try a hundred notchs up...... I used to eat habeneros as a snack.... Right off the plant just to see my friends cry..... (This was years ago!) I was immune.... These peppers are no joke, and shouldn't be taken lightly. G
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