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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. It was my late grandfather that turned me onto fishing as well.... There are still times, when zoned out on the boat I think of our time together and the lessons taught. I hold those close to my heart and carry them with me. I hope your able to do the same. G
  2. It's the tracking and sharing of information I am more concerned about, how much will this new registry cost? Who is administering it? Why is it our seniors lose their hard earned income just because they want to enjoy their later years? Big brother is watching, where's my tin foil hat.
  3. Worked their butts off all their working life, paid their taxes. Some served our country.... And now will be penalized under new legislation for working and feeding the machine for decades. I wonder how this will shake out..... http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/politics/canada-border-security-benefits-seniors-1.3290299 G
  4. Very nice smitty should do you for a bit during those cold winter momths
  5. "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  6. New Ontario Liberal party investigation coming, under Wynnes watch..... Our tax dollars are being funnelled to the teachers union, for their expenses in bargaining with the government.... 2.5 million worth! Seems like they are being paid from both ends! The teachers and the government... What a crock!! http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/ontario-government-paid-1-million-to-second-teachers-union-for-labour-peace/article26913260/?service=mobile G
  7. Steve, look at the TTC..... They are fighting in court after being deemed an essential service... Claiming it is un-constitutional! They are losing! Willing to take this to the Supreme Court...... My point is, If the TTC can be deemed and essential service due to 1.5 million riders a day, sure teachers can also be deemed essential with a lot more pupils in Ontario vs. TTC ridership. Unions don't like to be told what to do. G
  8. This is the method his I use. Works every time! G
  9. Zeitgeist is a great film.... To just how much we are controlled. It even talks about big pharma
  10. Cool story! Thanks for sharing it!
  11. Bill is a good guy, not afraid to speak his mind on here..... Offers balance. I see no offence in his post. We may not always see eye to eye, but he has earned respect. G
  12. Lucas, I'm trying your ribs tonight! They are in the oven as we speak! No Frills has ribs on sale
  13. MB2 that's a turkey cooker lol..... What I have found is the heat up mainly around the sides.... May want to move the thighs around so they cook evenly
  14. Well I made a double batch........ Don't ask, let's just say someone cut up too many onions... That may or not have been ME. Well it's a double batch for only two people to eat it lol I'll try and freeze some of it.... I'd imagine if anything the onions might get a bit mushy..... No biggie for me Thanks again Cliff for the recipe, it darn good! G
  15. I'd like to see facts back this chart up..... And not some hypothesis from an undergrad... Who created it, and the documentation to support it... I follow facts, not pie charts!
  16. One of my favorite ways to use local Ontario produce
  17. Disgusting........ Wish I had the funds for the "knight rider" rod I'd name it Kit. G
  18. The soup is stupid good! As for the salad it's very simple! Cucumber, tomato, feta, fresh cracked black pepper and a bottle of Greek dressing.... Don't need a lot of the dressing for this salad. Add the dressing 30 minutes before serving.... So easy and so good! G
  19. I've always preffered night shift over days...... A lot less management around
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