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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Dogfish wriggle after being skinned and gutted <br> <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
  2. Might want to lower you're price Sam, BPS has em for 159.99 right now lol G
  3. How many Justin Biebers could you take in a fight... http://theoatmeal.com/quiz/justin_bieber I can take 32 Biebers
  4. cool video, the artist is Bush - Swim
  5. Tilapia Charters available in Dunnville! get free camping with every booking! .....ok I am joking here.. If it is not bad enough the Grand River watershed is in the state it is in... what is another invasive species? Hopefully this is a one of... but I doubt that to be the case. G.
  6. This guy is the best in my opinion Paul, besides it gives Joey and yourself an excuse to come over for BBQ and beer Quite a few OFC'rs have used Gunner.. G
  7. Thank you to everyone that has answered Sam and gave him the answer he was looking for. He is very excited to be part of OFC and is trying to become part of the community, guess that is why he did not ask me lol! But yes, Sam the slot for Nipissing is 40-60cm. Hopefully everyone realizes that Sam is young and very eager to become apart of a greater fishing community. All he has talked about since we have returned from the G2G is all the new friends he has made, and cannot wait to see you all again and talk fishing. If I hear TJ's name one more time I am going to scream!!! I hope we can keep the criticism of a young new member, that has not had the opportunity to go fishing in a very long time (as he had no one to take him) to a minimum. He needs guidance not criticism. G.
  8. Just so everyone knows Sam has made an account on OFC he is going by Young Fisher. He is a great kid and a avid fishermen... also happens to be my Girlfriend's oldest child. hopefully he does not give me too hard of a time on here.. G
  9. Ahhhh yes. I also saw the teaser... which is I why I was wondering!
  10. Post me some pictures... bring it here, pay for the materials and we will get it done over a case of beer. Here are a couple pics of what I did on my own boat.... framing for the floor Floor installed, wrapped in marine vinyl. (and I am a carpenter by trade.) My offer stands G
  11. they sell them in 55 packs, so you can feel the same affect as a 12 of real beer. G
  12. You will pay taxes on the trailer to the MTO.. it is also wise to pay the taxes required on the hull and motor as well @ the MTO.. be sure to keep the documentation. if you dont pay it on the hull and motor be prepared to receive a letter in the mail from the government demanding payment... (could be years later..) It happens all the time... G
  13. Hahaha! You have been Rick Rolled! <br> <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  14. I believe you can... seeing as how we use the same credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Transunion etc...) perhaps let him know you are not comfortable with doing it.. I had to the same with my sister.. who cannot pay a bill on time for the life of her.. I still have collection agencies calling me.. due to their bankruptcy.. If he was able to buy a house he could do it on his own.... how do you think subprime mortgages started?.. Do not risk you're financial future on someone else... if he defaults it is you they will come after.. it is not worth it. G
  15. Must be large... Like two whales humping on the seismograph.. (red october)
  16. I was not qualifying, I was winning the race!
  17. agreed Brian, just make sure you're drive wheels are on the concrete pads and you should be fine! As I found out the hard way LOL
  18. Quebec is finally separating!
  19. they do... but the water level is below it. My problems came when I got my 2 front wheels off the concrete.. (my fault) and had to try to pop the truck up over the ledge of the pads... anyways I had to be towed out... if you have 4 wheel drive you will be ok. Thanks again Tybo!
  20. nothing felt here on Hamilton Mountain
  21. but comparing the Grand to a flowing cesspool of filth and human/animal waste... would be correct.
  22. Joe, some real good shots there! Sad to see you guys leave early though Glad to hear you made it home safe and in one piece, hopefully we will see you and Art next year. G
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