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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Spam will get you banned faster than anything else. Spam is any unsolicited business ad or offer. If someone happens to ask about a product or service you may offer, then you are of course free to mention it. If you come in here and spam, you will be given a pretty rude welcome by the population and it will only hurt your business! We have very reasonable ad rates and can set you up very quickly. Contact TJQ for ad rates. I dont believe Matt asked about this lodge... it was a very general question So can we have every lodge that visits here offer their service to this member? for every post a member makes looking for advice on a lodge? Or boat dealers offering to sell boats to members that ask general questions like "what size boat is right for me" I hope this is not the case. G
  2. meaning the owners of said resort... Perhaps the admin team needs to update the rules then, removing spam from them and allowing every business to post in every thread offering their services.. I fully expect when I ask truck questions about which brand I should be looking at, I can expect Chevy, Ford and Dodge dealers offering to sell me one and direct me to their website. Or when I ask about a BBQ, to have purveyors offer to sell me one here in public. The rules need to be amended if that is the case and how OFC operates now Roy. Just say'in G
  3. Well done young man, you are coming along nicely! a great report. G
  4. whens supper? Mmmmmm... good job!
  5. Floor jacks can work wonders...put logs under it once you pop it out..
  6. Yup Steve was the WGSF champ... he and I also arranged the first swill! mostly on his part though... anyone remember the we will fish at Bronte and hit the firehall for wings in the very beginning? then it turned into lets just get drunk and eat the wings of feathered foul.. Hence the swill came to existence! hell we even had a website! it was memorable... dedicated to fishing, chicken wings and copious amounts of beer... Ahhh the good old days.... Remember Lakair when Steve emptied out his families cottage of booze because they were selling it? he slept with his head outside of tent that night! LOL Steve is/was an awesome member of this site, funny as hell I wonder how the skinny IQ challenged is doing now G
  7. This is a male deer tick (Black legged tick)... I have identified it. exactly what I am doing.. I will be dropping it off at my local public health unit tomorrow.
  8. I appreciate your input Bunk.. I have a family member (Aunt) suffering with Lyme disease and has to go to the US for treatments, as Canada is very poor when it comes to Lyme disease, their testing is not accurate to say the least... I will submit the critter to PH before I really worry about it. I figured I would start this thread to inform others that Tick season is upon us and to take steps to prevent being bitten. Seeing my Aunt go through this has got me a little concerned though.... No sense in freaking out till I know for sure. G
  9. Thanks Bunk... thats exactly what the RN from TeleHealth told me.. Keep the tick and take it to my local Public Health office for testing... and to monitor the site of the bite and my overall general health.. Seems Lyme Disease is on the rise here in Quinte/Northumberland region and is a large high risk area I accidently pulled it out myself this morning when I woke up... I thought I had a pimple or something and to my surprise I pulled out a tick. It is still alive and I have no remnants of the tick under my skin G The coloured zones on the map indicate current predictions for regions where Lyme endemic areas are most likely to emerge provided that suitable woodland habitat for the blacklegged tick exists. The yellow zone indicates the main extent of locations where Lyme endemic areas may emerge. The orange zone indicates areas with a particularly high risk for emergence of new Lyme endemic areas, while the green zone indicates areas where the risk of Lyme endemic areas emerging is possible but low. The grey zone indicates areas where in general the risk of Lyme endemic area emergence is predicted to be very low and risk of Lyme disease is mostly restricted to that posed by ‘adventitious’ ticks dispersed by migratory birds from Lyme endemic areas in Canada and the USA. Even so, in some localised areas of the grey risk zone, local environmental conditions may be suitable for Lyme endemic areas to emerge.
  10. you can't avoid them, they are tiny and you will not see them. tips of grass or other plants and you get them as you brush up against them.. you can try bug spray but it seems to be ineffective... they are solitary there are no swarms of them.. I had to strip down my GF and son @ 6am this morning when I pulled the one out of me, to make sure they also were not bitten. Here is a site with additional info and a map showing their assumed distribution. http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/id-mi/tickinfo-eng.php I live in a hotspot apparently G
  11. Sucks for sure Joey, as the woods are right behind my house, We love walking the trails back there! It is where I was going to be picking Fiddleheads... Ohhh well... how on earth it got through my heavy hoodie sweatshirt and T-shirt to bite me on my ribs I will never know. Hopefully it was just a bite and nothing more becomes of it. But I thought I would post about it here to warn others that tick season is upon us and to check yourself after being out in the woods. Play safe, G
  12. Just an FYI for those of you that may get bit this year... I called TeleHealth Ontario @ 1-866-797-0000 This is a great service for us in Ontario to speak with a medical professional from the comfort of your own home. The nurse I spoke with says calls about ticks have been prevalent this year, I was told that there is little they can do at this point in regards to the tick bite I received because it just happened yesterday and Lyme Disease can take 2-14 days to present itself, as not all ticks carry the disease. Even if I went to the ER or Doctor the blood test would show negative for Lyme simply because it just happened. Should I experience headaches, a growing rash around the bite site, stiffness, chills or fever (flu like symptoms) then I am to go to the ER to be tested and placed on medication. So just a heads up should you get bite this year.... I am also to keep the tick and give our local public health unit a call on Monday, they may want it to test it to confirm or deny Lyme in our area. So looks like I am to monitor myself and should I notice anything different I am to go to the ER. Be safe out in the woods this year! (and your pets too, as they can bring ticks into your home) G
  13. yeah.... thats what I was afraid of, I was thinking of waiting to see if the red circle around the bite site grew or not... ugh, looks like a trip to the ER instead of fishing with my son.. G
  14. Went for a hike out the woods with my son yesterday, we had a blast! Until I woke up at 6am with a pain in my side.. I had a tick buried deep in my skin on the side of my ribcage, I pulled it out hurts like no tomorrow Should I be concerned? I know the tell tale signs "looks like a bullseye" well I have a hole in my skin and it as all red around it which I would assume would be normal with any bite. The tick is still alive after I removed it, and I will hang onto it just incase.. But I would rather not go to the ER and waste anyones time if this is nothing to be concerned over.. Thanks for your input folks G
  15. bring bubbas, and a cozy blanket to lay him on when he falls asleep... and he will! Ohhh diapers for him and wipes for him and perhaps you as well.... when you gotta go you gotta go! have a good time man, my opener starts tomorrow with my son as well. G
  16. GO LEAFS GO! this could be the start of the leafs playoff series! and what a great rivalry it will be! The way I read it is it could be Leafs Vs. Habs in the first round. Perfect! Alot better then the previous match up... Leafs Vs. Bruins.. as we know all to well their record against Boston.. plan the parade boys! this could be our year! GO LEAFS GO!!! G
  17. On the performer it is not hinged, but see the stainless steel "hoop" on the left hand side of the picture attached to the BBQ? that is what holds the lid.. So you do not have to look for someplace to put the lid, the holder for the lid is built in! Or you can go with an old school Weber... for less money and still have a better BBQ then the Charbroil you posted... Trust me that unit is a waste of $$ and frustration, been there have the battle scars to prove just how much I grew to hate that grill.. G
  18. Thats probably the unit I have as well Fish Logic... a simple Weber BBQ... on its 4th year now and I love it it does everything I need it too. I am thinking of upgrading to the one I pictured for a few reasons... Table space, charcoal bin, and it is propane fired.,,, no more lighter fluid or electric starters and a removable temp/timer just another step up from the plain Weber grill.(Which is awesome BTW) Good luck in what every you decide On a side note I found this funny... http://www.homedepot.ca/product/weber-q-rolling-cart/918638 <--- for only 2750.00! Who could afford the grill when the rotissrie costs this much! LOL G
  19. Ohhh and the other thing I should mention with the Que you have pictured is you really need to watch the wind/breeze with it.. you will be making constant adjustments moving the BBQ as wind direction changes to keep the charcoal bin facing into the wind... otherwise it will actually push any heat/smoke out the side vent of the charcoal bin (reverse convection?) G
  20. I am a char-griller, I switched years ago from propane and am never looking back. I have owned the one you pictured, bought it at CTC, it lasted about 6 months... the offset smoking chamber rusted right out, the paint used could not stand up to the heat of the charcoal. The airflow inlet on the side of the offset rusted and was no longer useful, and it held very little charcoal so if you wanted to do an overnight smoke you would need to wake up several times to add more. Temp control was also not the easiest when smoking with this unit. it was a waste of 99.00 in my opinion... you get what you pay for I guess. I still prefer my standard Weber kettle, and am now looking at a new one I can and do smoke on it currently... while it is more of a hot smoke it produces decent enough results. If I won the lotto my first purchase would be a Big Green Egg.. they truly are the cats bottom when it comes to a smoker/grill combo Good luck in your search G
  21. As a kid we would use electricity... they would literally pop out their holes.. G
  22. Use what we catch em on when we walleye fish Nipissing Joe! LOL
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