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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOP3bzd4lmI Gerritt.
  2. LOL Man!!!.... I dont see a problem in using the furnace to pump heat into the crawlspace... but this problem will continue unless you get those pipes wrapped know any wee men? perhaps you can hire Roy for the day?? LOL Gerritt.
  3. place an electric heater in the crawl space... or perhaps a portable torch carefully you dont want th pipe to burst... once you do get the pipe unfrozen be sure to wrap it in insulating foam to prevent further freeze ups. Gerritt.
  4. By TARA BRAUTIGAM ST. JOHN'S, N.L. (CP) - The federal government resurrected a 10-year-old posting Thursday by naming former Newfoundland finance minister Loyola Sullivan its new ambassador for fisheries conservation. The appointment ignited immediate outcry from critics who accused the federal Conservatives of political patronage. Sullivan announced his retirement from provincial politics a month ago, triggering speculation he was considering a jump to the federal scene. "It's something you never rule out," Sullivan said Thursday, adding he was approached with the job offer about two weeks ago. "You don't know what the future holds." Sullivan's departure from Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams's cabinet coincided with plans by the federal Fisheries Department to bring back the ambassador job, said federal Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn. "We had just started to have a chat about who might be a good fisheries ambassador when, lo and behold, Mr. Sullivan becomes a free agent," Hearn said. But opposition members called the appointment an about-face for a party that prides itself on transparency. "For a government that says they're so accountable, why was this done in such a veiled secrecy?" said Liberal fisheries critic Scott Simms. "The only ambassador you really need is the prime minister." The House of Commons should have been consulted before Hearn appointed Sullivan to the role, added NDP fisheries critic Peter Stoffer. "Why does an ex-Conservative finance minister of Newfoundland and Labrador all of a sudden get a job as an ambassador of fisheries?" Stoffer said. "Usually positions of that nature, if they are to be created, should go through a peer process and . . . not given to political friends in this regard." The new post comes with a salary ranging from $130,000 to $160,000 and an annual budget of $500,000. It was eliminated in 1996 under the previous Liberal government, officials with the federal Fisheries Department said. In his new role, Sullivan will represent Canada at international meetings on a range of fisheries issues, including fish stock management and enforcement of fishing rules set by the North Atlantic Fisheries Organization. Hearn said the position is warranted given Canada's growing concerns with overfishing and high European tariffs. "I can't be running around the world meeting with ministers every few days or as each issue appears," Hearn said. "We're in a minority situation. We have a lot of other things, as you know." Hearn also brushed aside suggestions the job was an attempt to lure Sullivan to Ottawa. "Of course, not at this stage, because I need him to work with me to do the job that he has to do," Hearn said. "Now if somewhere down the line a federal election comes along and there's an opening, what a great fella to have with you." Critics are doubtful that new regulations established by NAFO last fall will mean much on the high seas, where illicit fisheries have ballooned into an industry valued at an estimated $9 billion worldwide. But Hearn has maintained the reforms have deterred overfishing off Canada's East Coast. Sullivan, a former teacher and businessman who once owned two fish-processing companies, entered provincial politics in a 1992 byelection and was re-elected four times. He held a number of different posts in the legislature, including party whip, house leader and interim Tory leader. He was named finance minister in 2003.
  5. CPH... Wish I could make it man!.... Hey could you do me a favour while there though?? Could you look at St.John? and let me know the ice situation? it is just up airport road just past the tracks... Or you could use the Soap factory launch to spy on it. Thanks brother! Gerritt.
  6. FF NICE!!!! Dude beauty fish and an awesome pic to Boot! Thanks for sharing man! Gerritt.
  7. I would Expect Spiel should answer this thread at some point... he has been building loomis rods for years... and has even done a few frontiers... Look forward to his post once he sees this thread. Gerritt.
  8. Interesting.... thanks for letting us know whats up.. Gerritt.
  9. Worked just fine here.... Mac OSX Tiger and Firefox tested about eight of them Gerritt.
  10. Indie Rock/Progressive Taking Back Sunday The Used, Something Corporate
  11. I think the boys are making a very valid argument and are doing so with tact. I would also like to add I agree with Terry on this one. We have both been long standing members, members that saw this thing grow and grow and i like to think in a way helped build it to what it is today, and told our friends about it who in turn told thier friends etc.. and it is a shame when something you loved to do (chat on OFC) changes in a manner which alot of us view something less then it once was... Money can ruin a great many friendships... One man started this thing built it to what it was and made a livelihood from it and because of circumstances is backing away... now we have many men running the show and we are now talking about Incorporating this thing we all hold near and dear to our hearts with a select few members as the CEO and CFO and CIO and Chief legal counsel.. This place used to be about Community now it seem it is about the almighty dollar with many hands in the pot. With the exception of "He who shall not be named" there were not a ton of posts that were edited killed or deleted back in the day... Alot of the people using these forums will say so what? those people also have not been here 5 or 6+ years watching it grow and dont really now any better then what they have right now before their eyes. I understand things will never go back to the way they were.. we have grown just to large for that... but perhaps you guys can ease up a touch? and let that sense of brotherhood continue? I did not write this to slam any of the mods or the corporate owners or whoever else is running the show... just expressing what I as an individual sees feels and understands. Gerritt.
  12. #10 Black and Silver Suspending HJ and small ShapRaps, Taildancers as well, and ofcourse the usual suspects various jigs head in different weights the last couple years we were useing 3" Christmas Tree Berkley Power baits tipped with a bit of crawler.. and we did extremely well.... if you cant find Christmas Tree plastics, Watermelon would be a decent substitute. Gerritt.
  13. it appears there was some things said that were not appropriate... although I never saw it and I was keeping up to date on the thread often.... the offending remarks were removed and the post locked... that was the explaination I received... However I was also informed the original thread is still ongoing and available for discussion... although for how long I am not sure.... but your right things seem to be different as of late.... Gerritt.
  14. Sorry you were unable to respond to the thread you started. No hard feelings I hope. The Gods decided to close it. Gerritt.
  15. .....Spiel I'll bring the cheese? LOL.. have a great night brother Gerritt.
  16. My reply was in no way meant to be negative LOL... I figured that the photoshop thread going on etc that it might have been a bit humourous.... guess not.. Gerritt.
  17. Joe no problem! not even a question about it... hell I'll be spending quite a bit of time there with the boys she's 16' Spiels old boat. I should'nt have said that....now were all gonna get skunked because we all know Spiel cant catch fish ) Gerritt.
  18. I think the powers that be are just trying to protect their butts... But Terry does bring up some valid points as well.. "yeah they show someones butt..that's ok people post.. about how to bring fishing stuff across the border without getting caught and having to pay duties and gst but you can't say poker.... but GOD does gets to inflict his morals on everyone else doesn't he" Seems that perhaps their are two sets of rules at play here from time to time. Gerritt.
  19. Ron thanks for the report! Nice to see yah taking to time to keep everyone updated! Kudos to you my friend. Gerritt.
  20. ccmt, I will be up on Nipissing the week of the G2G... when you coming up? I wont be staying at Lakair I will be just down the road (Family Vacation thing) But I would be more then Happy to have the two of you in my boat and spend a bunch of hours fishing... Rich same goes for you I fish an area just up from Lakair... and would be more then happy to save a seat for yah. I will be there from June 16th to the 23 and I will be visiting Lakair to see the boys & girls... The boat aint pretty but will get us from A to B Gerritt.
  21. WOW that is amazing... I was watching some of the videos.... that guy has a set of brass ones for sure... thanks for the link! Gerritt.
  22. lookinforwalleye, couldnt have said it better myself... It is the elitist attitudes that drive me crazy... and these pics are part and parcel to that attitude. Blarney, had a fantastic post concerning it... wish it would have stayed up for others to read. It was interesting and a great read! Gerritt.
  23. dont wanna get a cap busted in your arse?? dont go to Jane & Finch... mot à votre mère Gerritt.
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