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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. How did I miss this post?!?? Sorry again about your daughter Lew, get her to wrap her ribs in Tensor bandages, they may be uncomfortable but they will help. Gerritt.
  2. Uhmmmmm..... Everything ok big guy? Gerritt.
  3. Awwwww gee shucks....*blushes* I try not to apologize, all the time...ok I retract my apology... now where are my percs? LOL Gerritt. yer not a bad guy yourself brother.
  4. I grew up eating Pike from Lake St. John, and my grandfather used to keep them whole as deano described.. only thing he would do different is add a couple slices of bacon to the belly and some lemon pepper... I still have fond memories of watching that pike cooked over an open fire on a steel grate... man were those great times as a kid!! I would eat pike anyday of the week especially if the pickeral bite is off. Infact I could batter and plate pike and a pickeral and I bet you wouldnt be able to tell the difference. Gerritt.
  5. I say things, as I see it at the time.... sometimes people see it as positive... sometimes not.... I have come to learn I cannot please everyone 100% of the time, regardless of what I post... those who cant deal with it, they gripe because I am to the point and dont hold back any punches... those that do agree send me PM's.... it is weird....LOL... but yes... if you are willing be become part of a "Family" this is the place for you... if you are looking just for fishing info and dont wish to contibute in any positive manner .... well perhaps ......... I'll leave that answer for another time. Gerritt.
  6. While, I think I was justified in my post, if it was taking in an ill manner, please forgive me... perhaps LargeMouth will start posting some fishing reports for us to see?... and remember we love pictures! Gerritt.
  7. I would probably say Spiel.. He helped me out when things were rough a couple months ago, I would like to repay him for his kindness...besides he still needs to teach me how to fly fish.... Grrrrr I should add Terrance (my first son) would have been 7 years old... and he would probably have been able to outfish his dad at this point LOL.... So yah I would have loved the opportunity to share some time on the water with him Gerritt.. PS. great topic!
  8. Hey MuskieB your correct these guys do put up with alot and filter out the bad stuff to ensure a decent user experience Largemouth there are other boards out there if you dont like this one. Feel free to goggle em. Gerritt.
  9. Helllloooooo.... listens to the echoes.. Gerritt.
  10. The recording industry's off-key strategy Feb 19, 2007 04:30 AM Michael Geist Law Bytes Ten years ago, as the Internet began to mushroom in popularity and emerging technologies enabled consumers to make nearly perfect copies of digital content, the recording industry embarked on a two-pronged strategy in response to the changing business environment. First, it emphasized copy-control technologies, often referred to as digital rights management (DRM), that many in the industry believed would allow it re-assert control over music copying. Second, it lobbied the Canadian government for a private copying levy to compensate for the music copying that it could not control. While the industry's approach proved successful on the legal front – the 1996 World Intellectual Property Organization's Internet Treaties established legal protections for DRM and Ottawa introduced a private copying levy on blank media such as cassettes and CDs in 1997 – the strategy's effectiveness has long been subject to debate. The week of Feb. 5 may ultimately be viewed as the beginning of the end of that debate. That week, which began with Apple CEO Steve Jobs calling on the industry to drop DRM and concluded with the Canadian Private Copying Collective (CPCC), the collective that administers the private copying levy, applying for its dramatic expansion, leaves little doubt that the recording industry got it wrong. The Steve Jobs position on DRM, which many derided as self-serving given that Apple is facing mounting pressure from European regulators to address the interoperability restrictions contained in music sold by its iTunes service, was also widely acknowledged by those same commentators to be right. Digital right management supporters may claim that the technology encourages innovation, yet experience has demonstrated that reliance on digital locks frequently sink, rather than save, new business models. The 2005 Sony "rootkit" debacle, which ultimately cost the company millions of dollars in class-action lawsuits, the market disappointments of new digital music players that rely heavily on DRM such as the Microsoft Zune, and the lack of support for digital music subscription services that insert burdensome restrictions on the use of downloaded music such as Rhapsody and Napster, offer compelling examples of why DRM has emerged as the industry's biggest impediment to consumer acceptance. Indeed, many of the recording industry's leading digital sales channels, including Yahoo!, Real Networks (which owns Rhapsody) and Apple have now publicly called on the record labels to end their insistence on DRM. Moreover, last week a Jupiter survey of European music executives found that nearly two-thirds believe that dropping DRM would increase digital music sales. Given the rising chorus against DRM, it is seemingly only a matter of time before the industry backs away from its locks-first strategy. EMI, the world's third-largest music label, is rumoured to be ready to do so and should one of the majors move in that direction, it is likely that the others will soon follow suit. The private copying levy may survive somewhat longer, but it too appears to be nearing the end. The levy has generated an enormous amount of income (over $150 million since its inception), yet it is far more market distorting than its advocates anticipated, and much to the recording industry's dismay, it has provided peer-to-peer file sharers with a legitimate argument that downloading for personal, non-commercial purposes is lawful in Canada. The latest demands from the CPCC swim against the global tide by calling for massive increases in the current levy system at a time when other countries are implementing new laws to authorize private copying (such as copying music from a CD to an iPod) without compensation. U.S. copyright law has long permitted this form of copying as a matter of fair use (something even the industry acknowledged before the U.S. Supreme Court), Australia enacted a law to allow for such copying last year, and both New Zealand and the United Kingdom are currently considering similar legislative reforms. The CPCC takes precisely the opposite approach. It is demanding an increase in the levy to 29 cents per blank CD, a price that would result in huge market distortions given that the collective admits the levy will account for more than half of the retail price of blank CDs. Moreover, it is seeking to reinstate a levy of up to $75 on digital audio recorders such as the Apple iPod. The collective claims that the levy will exclude cellphones and PDAs by limiting its application to devices that primarily play music, however, distinguishing between devices is nearly impossible since dozens of products (Apple iPhone, BlackBerry Pearl, Palm Treo) are music players, cellphones, digital cameras and email devices rolled into one. The CPCC is also seeking to extend the levy to storage media such as secure digital (SD) cards, despite the fact that its own data shows that 75 per cent of content copied on to these cards is not music and 80 per cent of people say that the content they last copied on to these cards was not music. These results will not come as a surprise to digital camera owners, yet that has not stopped the collective from demanding up to $10 per card. These ambitious demands may well herald the end of the private copying levy. Unpopular with the public and targeted for elimination by the Conservative party, the levy has been overtaken by the prevailing view that consumers should be entitled to make copies of their store-bought music without further compensation. While there may be a need for an alternative compensation system for peer-to-peer file sharing, the private copying levy is ill-suited for this role since it does not legalize the making available of content on peer-to-peer systems and the purchase of blank media bears little relation to P2P activity. Indeed, there are better solutions out there – levies tied to network providers make more sense (and are already replicated by cable television levies for retransmission of content) – and there is a need to cover both peer-to-peer and the non-commercial use of content in user-generated content. Those approaches will require the recording industry to play a new tune – one that includes the abandonment of the 1990s strategy of DRM and the private copying levy. Michael Geist holds the Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law. Gerritt.
  11. Rick, pass out some email addresses... I will make my voice heard... infact setup an online petition that can be printed off and delivered to town council, then post the snot out of it on other fishing boards with its link letting other anglers in Canada what is happening.... Then bring this to the town council meeting letting them know anglers will boycot their town should this be ratified.. therefor losing ALOT of tourist $$$ I will gladly help you spear head this, in terms of hours required as it is not a $$ thing just a matter of a bit of time... Gerritt.
  12. Taper, if your interested I have a brand new one... (made by Craftsman) that I bought a couple years ago it is still in the box as I never used it.....tag says almost 200.00 on it... I would take 75.00 as for how they work?? I dont know I never put it together to find out... Gerritt.
  13. A week @ nipissing, A week @ Upper Buckhorn, Hopefully a week in Thunderbay.....???....weekend trips for sure!!... Mepps where abouts in the GWN? Gerritt
  14. Lew, WOW... I am glad your daughter is ok.. things could have been alot worse, she had angels with her for sure.... Gerritt.
  15. when you say truck.... do you mean SUV or an actual truck??? if were talking real working trucks look at the Fords. yah yah I am not trying to start a brand war here.... but the Fords have the workhorse truck down pat...PS... Fords have more low end torque then any Chev product..... and who said dodge?? my god... thats like getting the fillet of fish from McDonalds and calling it Pickeral! Gerritt.
  16. Well Guys n Gals, We had a fantastic time!!! first we hit the fishing show... i picked up a few small items and disposed of a couple as well....Moe I hope they keep your tootsies warm!! then I headed to the sister in laws for a beverage....UGHHHH... Then off to the ACC while I have been to a ton of games the resident liability has never been to one... so this was a BIG deal... it was nice to see the boy play a decent hockey game tonight... I took a crap load of pics too... I will post em sometime tomorrow if anyone is interested... It was also nice to see all the Ol' timers be recognized for their contributions and for the cup victory!! the place erupted when Keon and Bower came out... man... I swear some guys were balling their eyes out! well for you hockey guys I will post some pic tommorrow have a good night... I am beat... Gerritt.
  17. By LANCE HORNBY, SUN MEDIA TORONTO -- It's been 40 years of heartache for Toronto Maple Leaf fans. Waiting and waiting for another Stanley Cup. Living off 1967, the last of a string of glory years for the Leafs. At least 16 players from that Stanley Cup championship team have confirmed that they'll take part in ceremonies preceding the Edmonton-Toronto game Saturday at the Air Canada Centre, and most plan to attend a dinner March 22 to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The late Punch Imlach, never one to hand out many plaudits, had this summation of the '67 Leafs: ''They may not have been the best players, (but) they never quit, never let me beat them and they sure as hell weren't going to let the other team win.'' That character remains evident in the 40 years since their Cup triumph. Here's a look at what the players who dressed for the Leafs in the '67 playoffs did then and what has become of them today: GOALTENDERS JOHNNY BOWER - Then: After a mediocre regular season, he returned to form in the playoffs before getting hurt in the best-of-seven final against Montreal, won 4-2 by the Leafs. - Post '67: Played until 1969-70. Became a Leafs' scout, ran a goaltending school, did TV commercials, co-authored The China Wall with Bob Duff. TERRY SAWCHUK - Then: Had a record of 15-5-4 in 1966-67, a 2.65 GAA in the playoffs, allowed just two goals in Games 5 and 6 vs. Montreal. - Post '67: Claimed by Los Angeles in the expansion draft. In 1970, after play-fighting with teammate Ron Stewart, he developed gall bladder problems and died of complications. DEFENCE BOB BAUN - Then: Though Baun won four Stanley Cups with the Leafs, he saw less duty when Toronto switched to a four-man defence in the '67 playoffs. - Post '67: Bounced around the NHL after expansion, but returned to the Leafs between 1970-73. Operated several Tim Hortons franchises in the GTA. Now writing books. TIM HORTON - Then: A physically dominant defenceman of his day. - Post '67: Played more games on defence (1,185) than any Leaf except Borje Salming. Opened a donut chain that's now a Canadian staple. Died at 44 in 1974 in a car accident. ALLAN STANLEY - Then: Teamed effectively with Horton as his stay-at-home partner. - Post '67: Retired in 1969. Owned a hockey school and golf resort near Fenelon Falls. Retired to Florida. LARRY HILLMAN - Then: Hillman and Marcel Pronovost were the most effective at shutting down the opposition in the playoffs. - Post '67: Played for eight NHL teams and in the WHA before retiring in the mid-1970s. Coached the WHA's Winnipeg Jets, operated a hunting/fishing lodge in Kirkland Lake, just moved to St. Catharines. MARCEL PRONOVOST - Then: Angry when the Canadiens boasted of putting the Cup in the Quebec Pavillion at Expo '67, he was determined it would go on display in the Ontario building. - Post '67: Played until his early 40s in the minors and then entered the coaching and scouting ranks. He has his name on the Cup from 1950 with Detroit and 2003 with the Devils, the longest gap in the history of the trophy. AUT ERICKSON - Then: One game in the playoffs put the Lethbridge native on the Cup. - Post '67: Ended career in 1970 with the Oakland Seals, coached the minor-league Phoenix Roadrunners. Lives in Phoenix, retired after working for America West Airlines. FORWARDS RW JIM PAPPIN - Then: Second-line winger had the last Cup-winning goal in team history and is the last Leaf to lead the playoffs in scoring. - Post '67: Traded to Chicago, he was a valued member of the Blackhawks and then ended his career with California and Cleveland. Scouted for Chicago and Edmonton, worked for Club Car, a golf cart company. C PETER STEMKOWSKI - Then: Centered the line that shut down the faster Canadiens. - Post '67: Traded in the Frank Mahovlich blockbuster to Detroit in 1968. Recently ended a long career as a colour analyst with NHL teams such as the Islanders and Sharks. LW BOB PULFORD - Then: Team's alternate captain scored a double-overtime goal in Game 5. - Post '67: Coached L.A. and Blackhawks, experiencing playoff losses to the Leafs in 1975 and '86, respectively. Now a Hawks' senior VP. LW FRANK MAHOVLICH - Then: It was perhaps Mahovlich's worst year with the Leafs, just 18 goals and an ongoing feud with Imlach, but he rebounded in the playoffs. - Post '67: Traded to Detroit with Stemkowski, Garry Unger and the rights to Carl Brewer for Norm Ullman, Paul Henderson and Floyd Smith. Won two Cups with Montreal and played with the WHA's Toronto Toros, ran a travel agency and has served in the senate as a Liberal since 1998. C DAVE KEON - Then: A force at both ends of the ice, Keon could skate, be a playmaker, check and kill penalties. He was rewarded with the Conn Smythe Trophy as playoff MVP. - Post '67: He endured Harold Ballard and the gradual decline in club fortunes until a full divorce drove him to the WHA in 1975. Moved to Florida, took up real estate. C MIKE WALTON - Then: ''Shakey'' didn't even have 40 games of NHL experience when Imlach gave him a full-time playoff role. - Post '67: Dealt to Boston where he became one of the few '67 Leafs to win another Cup. Retired in 1979, has worked in real estate in Toronto. LW BRIAN CONACHER - Then: Replaced the injured Larry Jeffrey on a line with Red Kelly and Ron Ellis. - Post '67: Ended playing career with Detroit and the national team. Did broadcast analysis for the first Canada-Russia series, managed Copps Coliseum and the Gardens, now working on books about the '72 series and the Gardens in the 1990s. C RED KELLY - Then: Underrated two-way player had a big role in '67 in the regular season and playoffs. Game 6 against Montreal was his 1,480th and last in the NHL. - Post '67: Coached the Kings and Penguins, but most notably the Leafs from 1973-77. Retired from the aerospace industry and is recovering from abdominal surgery. RW GEORGE ARMSTRONG - Then: Scored the empty-net clinching goal vs. the Habs, but played in only nine of the 12 playoff games. - Post '67: Stayed with the Leafs until 1971, setting club record with 1,187 games. Won two Memorial Cups coaching the Marlies. Became a scout with Quebec, still works for Toronto, coached the Leafs briefly in 1988-89. RW RON ELLIS - Then: Young winger rarely went out of position. Led the team in regular-season scoring with 22 goals. - Post '67: Remained in Toronto until 1979, one of just five to play in more than 1,000 games as a Leaf. After working in insurance and sporting goods, has been with the Hockey Hall Of Fame since the early 1990s. LW LARRY JEFFREY - Then: After fighting injuries his whole career, he was hurt in Chicago semi-final. - Post '67: Retired with the Rangers in 1969. Has worked in scouting, t-shirt promotion and tugboat operations. He currently owns standardbred horses in Goderich. RW EDDIE SHACK - Then: ''The Entertainer'' was an extra foward, but lightened the dressing-room atmosphere as a foil to heavy-handed Imlach. - Post '67: Dumped by Imlach after the Cup, he drifted through four teams, but returned for two Leaf seasons. Pushing everything from Christmas trees to soda pop. C MILAN MARCETTA - Then: A 30-year-old minor leaguer who got the chance of a lifetime, a few shifts in the playoffs. - Post '67: Soon went back into obscurity. Ran a hockey school in Anchorage, Alaska, worked in building maintenance. Slowed by a bout with emphysema. GM/COACH GEORGE 'PUNCH' IMLACH - Then: Briefly went to the hospital with suspected heart problems during the regular season, but regained his touch in the playoffs. - Post '67: Fired in 1969, he built the expansion Buffalo Sabres, then returned briefly as Leafs GM in 1979-81. He died in 1987. Enjoy the game tonight boys! it should be a doozie! Gerritt. Here are some random shots from the game... Enjoy! <a href="http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com"'>http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01409.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01411.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01412.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01413.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01416.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01417.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01424.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01446.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01457.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01461.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01465.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01469.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01471.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01474.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01476.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01478.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01477.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01479.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01486.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/DSC01480.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> Gerritt.
  18. I will be at the show sometime in the early afternoon (all depends on my sons nap time) and am Looking forward to seeing everyone @ the show! Gerritt.
  19. Twister, nice haul man!!! did he go back down the hole? or down into some hot oil? Gerritt.
  20. Hey brother, Just checked my PM's folder.... I have not received one today. But I would like you to send one and ignore the other fools that posted before me LOL Just my 0.02 cents worth <-- Thats for you Snag Gerritt.
  21. Hmmmm perhaps that gives me an idea..... how many people would be willing to donate a toonie or even a fin to see me strip down to my boxers and lay in 70+cm's of snow? I would direct 100% of the donations to the Tyler event... I would make sure pictures were taken and perhaps someone could shoot a video?.... trust me I am nuts enough! Hell I'll even do backstrokes in it for charity! Thomas....I know you guys could use the precipitation... but man... when I was pushing it...7 driveways worth, I had enough!... I would gladly ship some up to you if I could! Gerritt.
  22. Spiel I agree!!!.... I might spend a couple at the "garden".... I go more for the fact I see what is new and up n' coming i might even have a slice of pizza.... but I do enjoy the seminars and just being there with a bunch of people that are like minded and looking around.... I honestly think if you are going there just for a deal of a lifetime.... you will be disappointed! these firms are paying for the square footage, and the rest of the associated costs... and need to make money to pay for it all.... not to mention at the same time they are paying for their stores... I hope that everyone here enjoys the show though!! even if you are just poking around Gerritt.
  23. tjsa is from Thunder Bay... and all a fire needs is fuel. besides it aint cold here... -30c ish .... Gezz that aint cold... I am ready to strip down and lay on the 70cm of snow I got and start tanning Gerritt
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