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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Well I got my Gas bill....I was surprised how much gas I used last month... I just installed a new furnace as well..... We have kept the house @ a constant 21c just because of my boy... So I decided to compare my bill to my buddies... He is with direct energy, and wow was I shocked at the Price difference between the two companies! I am being billed 31.9c per cubic meter... minus a 7.07c rate reduction per Cubic Meter... for a total of 24.83c a CM his Bill with Direct Energy..... 44c a cubic meter!! his bill was alot higher then mine and he keeps his house @ 63f I couldnt believe it!! I hope no OFC'rs are locked into this 5 year contract with Direct Energy!! Wow... Gas Prices have fallen over the last year and a half.. and Direct Energy has kept their pricing the same, with no reduction in their prices... He is going to talk to a lawyer to see if there is a way out of the contract.... cant say I blame him really.... Gerritt.
  2. Nice report!! thanks for taking the time to post it... cant wait for the pics! Gerritt.
  3. who are the other people in the pics? members of OFC? Family? Nice lookin pup BTW. MMMmmmmm Goose! Gerritt.
  4. Ivanhoe Provincial park would be my suggestion.... awesome park and a wicked fishery to boot! and I am sure you'll get a decent site. http://www.ontarioparks.com/ENGLISH/ivan.html Good Luck! Gerritt.
  5. I think I am blind.... to many colours .... Gerritt.
  6. NIiiice thanks for the update.... too bad it aint a Ford though..... Gerritt.
  7. Roger, fantastic idea! Gerritt.
  8. they do offer multiple tv packages... look into them you might be surprised! Get a HD reciever for your HD monitor and basic boxes for your other tv's Gerritt.
  9. Bill you simply cannot beat Club House Meat Marinade... it is cheap and comes in little packets.... Perfect for venison... give it a shot! PS there are several variations they produce.. on Venison I like the original or the Mesquite Let me know what you think.. Gerritt.
  10. LOL! See Tybo's image..... on the previous pages it will all make sense then! LOL Gerritt.
  11. thats good info... Dodge has to make em heavier... to prevent them from flipping over on Off/On ramps Gerritt.
  12. Uhmmm doesnt Ford have the Ranger and GM have the S10? Gerritt.
  13. Well you guys can have your Dodges n GMs...... I am personally saving up for one of these bad boys... http://www.backcountryjournal.com/f650pickups.htm Man who needs a Hummer when you can get one of these! Gerritt.
  14. my guess is it wasnt pulled just set to invisible until the winners have been contacted and arrangements made etc.... It would be nice to see a thread that posts the winners name, and they amount the winning bid was. My guess is we will see this thread shortly. Gerritt.
  15. You mean you wont drive a Vagina truck? you'd look hot in one with your pink tutu:D Gerritt.
  16. I have the pti in an Ultralight.... and I dont have a single complaint about it, Hopefully you'll dig yours as much as I dig mine.. Good luck with your purchase!! Mind if I ask how much? Gerritt.
  17. A Class act and a great guy! Would be an honour to have him in my boat anyday.

  18. LOL I dont care who you are thats just funny! Gerritt.
  19. OK... I had a discussion with a friend today about trucks.... and how my F150 brought down the property value of the neighbourhood because it was parked in the driveway.... anyways I love my F150... it is a work truck through n though and has been tested over time as such a truck for my purpose....and was Highly rated by consumer reports for its year..... where as the Dodge.. was at the bottom of the list and yes I have the issue still... LOL I just want to know where other OFC'rs Loyalties lie? Ford GMC Chrysler Toyota Nissan etc..... Lets not start a urination war here.... just looking for opinions... You dodge guys good luck.... built RAM tough my arse. LOL Gerritt.
  20. nice little ultralight for panfish!....and it looks nice too!...... isnt fishing 90% looking good while out there? LOL yeah it is a great real brother... have fun with it!.....nice score! Gerritt.
  21. I am kinda at a loss for words here.... I know all too well the generosity of OFC'rs ....as I was on the receiving end of it 5 years ago.... Speedtroll is good people, He and his son (Chris) have been fighting an uphill battle for some time now.... I have had both of them in my thoughts for a long time.. although I havent talked much about it nor my feelings, the both of them have been there everyday. No one like to see a child have to deal with a situation most adults cant even contemplate .... A brave young man that is an understatement! Most of us have banded together in times of need for OFC'rs ... Lew,Chuck,Tyler etc.... and I am ecstatic that we have yet again proved our worth.. by offering a child a chance to smile again... to me that means the world... even if it is just for a moment to ease the pain he must suffer daily.... I for one thank each and everyone of you.. Aaron, Shaun, Dave, Spiel, TJ & Sam and anyone else that is involved for stepping up to the plate to help make a difference in this childs life... It brings warmth to my heart to see such selfless kindness. If there is anything I can do please dont hesitate to ask. Gerritt.
  22. am I the only one not shouting? Gerritt.
  23. nice to see they were shot with a camara... and not a rifle... just because they were an exceptional specimen. Gerritt.
  24. WOW AMAZING!!! thanks for sharing! Gerritt.
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