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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. http://www.ontariofishing.net/linkspages/Fishing_Lodges/ Gerritt.
  2. Check here.... http://www.ontariofishing.net/fish-recipes/ I would recommend mine of course.... just mix the dry ingreidients and put them in a Ziplock bag... add water when your ready to cook em Gerritt
  3. My condolences to you and your family.. it is always hard when we lose one of the good ones. Gerritt.
  4. Hey Easton welcome! and thank you for the intro. Feel free to tell me all your spots and working lures in PM... dont be shy about the hotspots either LOL! did I mention give me your hotspots? Just kidding brother! Welcome to OFC I look forward to your reports! Gerritt.
  5. Thanks everyone! I had a fantastic day! things went smoothly, I was shown around and was given a desk etc, was shown the filing system etc... My boss and I worked together throughout the day, was given a bunch of responsibility and made some key decisions (mainly moving them to High Speed internet etc...) Bought some new computer hardware.... Also had a bit of excitement mixed in there as well, but I will save that for perhaps another day..... All in all a great day and cant wait to get back at it tomorrow! Gerritt.
  6. Yup somethings is wrong with the thumbnails..... I too have been having issues with them.... either warnings, or they wont open at all.... I have received a couple in PM's as well that just wouldnt work.... I think it is something the admins need to look into. Ger.
  7. Well as everyone here knows I have been dealing with a busted hand and as a result of that I was unable to work without serious pain in my present occcupation. A couple weeks ago I made a post here on OFC if anyone knew of any positions available as I was having difficulty finding any decent jobs here in Hamilton that weren't General Labour positions. While I had a great deal of responses via PM wishing me good luck, and even a couple odd job inqueries. That is until I received a PM from a certain person here that deals in job placements......HeadHunter..... Turns out he had a client/friend that was looking for someone with my exact qualifications, Some that is able to read blueprints, knows the trades, and has sound computer skills. I was put into contact with this firm and a interview was lined up. I was the only candidate and the only one interviewed for this position. All this transpired over the last two weeks.... and I am happy to say I start back to work tomorrow!!! Man am I looking forward to getting back into the mix! So in this post I want to publicly thank Headhunter for all the work he put forth to make this happen..... Thank YOU! I would also like to thank everyone that sent me their best wishes and letters of encouragement.... Thank YOU! I will be spending less hours here a day... I hope the withdrawal is not to bad!!! Enjoy the day folks... it is beautiful outside!! Me? I will be at the outlaws for supper. Gerritt.
  8. so Sleded and him are in love??? doesnt surprise me a bit... not that there is anything wrong with that... Rich does have a face only a mother could love or perhaps another man? being gay seems so poser'ish now.. Good luck with it Rich.... When's the wedding.. their still legal here right? and who is wearing the dress? Will it be White? Gerritt.
  9. HAHAHAHA.... I vote that for quote of the year Lew! LOL... you should know me better then that!! :lol: Gerritt.
  10. Good point... Honda has a fantastic resale value.. especially to 18 year old punks that put them loud resonators on em LOL Gerritt.
  11. Hi Lew, I have first hand knowledge on em as I have one sitting in my driveway:) we bought a new 2004 Civic Special Edition as they were doing their year end clearance.. I think we got a good deal on the car.... we have had Zero issues with it and it is a daily driver. I too see ALOT of older model Hondas on the road... sure their may be a few rust spots on em... but the engines are in perfect working order.... Should you require a hand in choosing a dealer and dont mind dealing with a place in Hamilton to purchase the car, I have a name for you. PS... any Honda dealership will service it.... Gerritt.
  12. well.... All I have to do, is remove the tarp... grease the bearings and put air in the tires.... good to go!! now the question is where.... Gerritt.
  13. Snag, Interesting article... thank you for the great read! While I do believe in natures warming and cooling cycles... I also believe that we are destroying our planet.. and I think a combination of both is happening here... The planet is standing on a doubled edged sword right now.... unlike anything else seen in the history of our planet... a Species has the ability to effect change on a global scale.... I have read Darwin's The Origin Of Species cover to cover more then once... and we are unlike any other species on this planet.... most species adapt to change or change due to adaptation of another species or adapt due to environmental change.... Us humans are completely different.... rather then adapt and live in harmony with our planet, we destroy it to make our conditions ripe for the betterment of humanity, but to the detriment of the planet... therefor destroying ourselves We are our own worst enemy. Gerritt.
  14. ok I was going to wait....but I did a simple google search and came up with this... http://www.corporateentertainers.ca/toront...m?source=google there is a large genre to choose from and all do the Toronto area... you should be able to find something there... Gerritt.
  15. I dont care who you are thats just funny!!! LOL Thanks CoolB hows everything been? havent heard from you in awhile.... planing on making it to Lakair? Gerritt.
  16. I too feed the birds... Love to see the different ones and identify them using my Birds of Ontario books... Helps me pass the time... as for seed? well I go to the local Co-Op and Black Oil Seed (they look like black sunflower seeds just a little smaller) they have a really good nutritional count compared to other seeds and help add a bit of fat to the birds.. and it is alot more inexpensive then some of the seed you seen in warehouse/grocery stores. I havent seen a bird that is unable to eat them
  17. I voted for "I keep 3 or 4 a year, hardly ever." my reason for it? While I do enjoy walleye, Pike are just as good in my opinion... yeah they take a bit longer to clean.. but they are more prolific in most lakes and are not "put and take" like alot of Pickeral fisheries... such as Nipissing... sure there is natural reproduction on the Nip... but it is helped along with stocking. so with that said... I keep few walleye and am more apt to keep a few Pike for supper. Gerritt.
  18. Sooo crusty is not just your moniker? what is wrong with this thread? Alot of us own/tow boats... and most of those people owning boats use trucks to tow them... completely fishing related.. and totally civilized... if you dont like the thread please feel free to ignore it. Gerritt.
  19. This has been done before and is unfortunately nothing new... and I doubt it has little to no ill effect on the gas industry, it does not send a message because we are junkies and they are the dealers.. until we are no longer dependant on fossil fuels they will keep selling us our fix and we will continue to purchase it with glee. Gerritt.
  20. Beerman, welcome to OFC, this is by far the place to be for fishing information and a general all around goodtime.... you may find alot more responses to your questions if you tell everyone a little bit about yourself, what you fish for etc... most fishermen are secretive, this will help break the ice (Pun intended) Again Welcome to OFC Gerritt.
  21. That is awesome news.... now I would like to see a poll that pits province against province... that would be interesting. Gerritt.
  22. I agree... it was a bonehead move on his part for sure... but I have had these knobends at my door before claiming everything except the end of the world... Prices are going up up up.. only the ultra wealthy will be able to heat their homes etc.. these guys use scare tactics as the canvas door-to-door... it is comical actually.. they got my batter half claiming it was "Marketing Research" I snapped when I got home and called Direct Energy and lost it... needless to say the contract was cancelled. Gerritt.
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