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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. ok... thats just not right... showing my "rod" off to the masses like that... I like my pr0n kept personal... and that my friend is pr0n!! She's a beaut Chris!! Now... to get my grubby hands on her.... Gerritt.
  2. Thank you guys!! I am sure alot of members appreciate it! Gerritt.
  3. Here is an interesting article about our beloved David Suzuki .... be sure to listen to his Podcast concerning fishing... I am sure you C&R guys might have something to say about it.... http://www.macleans.ca/science/environment...025_10435_10435 Has he sold out? Please lets keep this one civil... Gerritt.
  4. Eeeeeee doggie, granny says! LOL! Ahem... sorry hair in my throat. LOL! Gerritt.
  5. Truer words have never been spoken!! G.
  6. Mike I said it in the other thread... but I know now that yer getting old you need things repeated Happy Birthday man!! Gerritt.
  7. Grrrrrr... and Steelhead'ing season is passing me by........ G.
  8. it can be had at FW... dont think you will find it @ CT though... I should mention that it was Chris (Spiel) that suggested it to me some time ago... since that day I am in love with it. G.
  9. Mortar and Concrete DO NOT like to bond together (Same as concrete to concrete).... unless a bonding agent is used... sounds to me like it wasnt... Hydraulic pressure is a PIA... I think a simple bonding agent would have sufficed here... Cheap product too.. Gerritt.
  10. Cory perhaps setup an online petition and have it delivered to city council.... http://www.petitiononline.com/ then spam the snot out of it on all the fishing sites.. Gerritt.
  11. Please increase the size of our PM boxes?? is it possible?? 3 pages of Pms and my Messenger is full.. I add the important one to my saved folder but they count against your total box size.. Anyway to remedy this? I have to delete them often.. and then realize CRAP I needed that one!! Please advise, I would be forever grateful G.
  12. Mike thanks for the info! 5 footer's jesus... I would have been a little nervous to say the least!!! I just picked up two Church Boards... are they any good? cost me 70 bones!! ouch anything I need to do to them change the clips etc?? thinking they would be good for braided lines... your thoughts? I also ordered two Daiwa 47LC's for 90.00 CDN Each from a local tackle shop.. cant wait to get em and spool em! Thanks again for the reply to my questions! Ps.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Gerritt
  13. LOL! I would have called it The Grime Reeler! Gerritt.
  14. Awesome report there Mike! In the second last pic it certainly looks nasty out there! were you guys rigging or using planers?? Gerritt.
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...em=110184916774 http://www.twimarine.com/tohatsu_props.html <---probably your best bet... Or give Giesler Marine a call.... www.gieslermarine.com I am sure they can source it! Gerritt.
  16. Thanks for all the replies guys.. I appreciate it! I have ordered 2 Daiwa Sealines 47's and I picked them up for what I think is a good price.. lets just say they are less then what BPS in the US has them for... I also picked up a couple of Planer boards... called "The Walleye Board" made by Church Tackle co... I got them for a bargain too (no Taxes).. they look like a decent board Thanks Bills Bait n' Tackle! Gerritt.
  17. Trying to figure out what the difference is between the Diawa Accudepths Pluses.. and the Daiwa Sealine series... Anyone familiar with these lines? I can get the Sealine SG47LCA for about 120.00 or the accudepth ADP47LCfor about 70.00 Your thoughts? Gerritt.
  18. Huey, a weekend and a couple cases you and I could bang it off. Gerritt.
  19. 2R's... dang man!! holy Crap! were you wearing diapers?? I would have been wishing I was given the situation!... Just glad to see your ok.. as the others have said before me material items can be replaced. we only go through this life once, glad to see you around to experience it. had an angel on you shoulder you did... Gerritt.
  20. just bring yourself and something for the potluck... you'll have a spot to crash... be it a couch a chair the bathroom or the floor.... bring a pillow and sleeping bag Gerritt
  21. Cant believe I did not see this till now.. my mind has been preoccupied.. I am extremely proud of you Joey, you faced your demon head on and survived.. your one strong women.. You are an inspiration to us all... Luv yah toots, Gerritt.
  22. First off... I have to apologize to everyone.. We were given the unfortunate task of helping my wifes Grandmother get down into a nursing home as she is no longer able to care for herself... (due to injury) The Social worker was very nice and understanding however... just sad that such an independent woman has been reduced to this.... However it is only temporary until her injuries heal She has had both Hips replaced last year... and had a spill this year...Please accept my apologies again.. lets setup something else and soon... Gerritt.
  23. Going to be at the G2G?? I still have the Boots you lent a certain person nows nicknamed "Boots".. Like me to bring em? *stirs the pot...* Gerritt.
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