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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Looks like they have they have the people in custody that took little Tori.. And the couple are now before the court on murder charges.. Police are scouring an area in Guelph looking for the little girl... I feel for the family right now... http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...ideoLineup/News http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2009/05...510591-sun.html G.
  2. might not be related... but the VRO pumps are known to go... and it could be the rev limiter preventing the engine from blowing up? I could be waaaaay off base too... G
  3. What was EPIC Joe, was the Marshmellows you're Pickereye puked up! G
  4. Guys... it is a friggen joke... relax.. sheesh.. G
  5. Thanks for doing up the report Cliff. It is nice to see you coming around 3.... count them... 3 Lemon drops in one night!! Dude... I have a new found respect for you! Bernie... what can I say that I haven't already... Ohh I do have one thing... Joe's fish was bigger LOL! :) Will.. Nice to have seen you again! I hope after this weekend you still think of me as innocent gentle me.... Bwahahahahah! Joe... Dude... another EPIC time away... doing what we do... Fish, Laughs and a bit of extra curriculars. Yet another one for the memory bank! We had a great opener, my gut is still hurting from the laughs!.. Mmmmm Pork Candy... Till next time guys... G
  6. my 500c has an external antenna... but Henry is right... before you buy anything talk to Jos!
  7. I have seen thousands of bass boats launched there... it is your tow vehicle that I would be asking about.. dont attempt it in a VW jetta! G
  8. Been there done that and have the t-shirt... I think my arse is still sore!.... ohh I should mention if dads hand was sore the belt did a fine job as well!.... in my opinion.. if more parents dooled out punishment, we would not have the kids we do now adays. My worst fear growing up was... "you just wait till your dad gets home!" G
  9. Good read Will... Thanks! Have a safe and fun holiday weekend folks! I know I will! G
  10. Stick with the trades.. as becoming a CO is alot like winning the lottery... Things are tough in the market... those with money are sitting on it. I too bounced around.. still am!... but life is too short to be stuck at a company that does not make you happy! You have one really good thing going for you... Your age! Tough it out... things will improve.. Get your ticket, it is some you can ALWAYS rely on down the road should you need it... G
  11. Stick with the trades.. as becoming a CO is alot like winning the lottery... Things are tough in the market... those with money are sitting on it. I too bounced around.. still am!... but life is too short to be stuck at a company that does not make you happy! You have one really good thing going for you... Your age! Tough it out... things will improve.. Get your ticket, it is some you can ALWAYS rely on down the road should you need it... G
  12. it is pretty lightweight stuff.. 18g 1-1/4" Brads should suffice. 24" centres will definatly hold up the board. I would also use glue on the tongue and groove. Good luck!
  13. I would get alot more done! G
  14. thought I was banned again LOL
  15. KAELA ROX!!!!! <--- sorry guys she BEGGED me!!
  16. LOL... thank you for wanting to give it a try! Alot of guys use it now, let just hope the guys I am fishing with this weekend actually catch some fish!.. it is 1/4 cup Good luck and enjoy! Gerritt.
  17. does not sound like it.... sounds like some are more prepared for "holy" war... or is it war for the "holy" then fishing... Take a ton of pics! and we expect a full report on you're return! G
  18. If you're worst fear is having bad bearings in you're reel..... well you need some more responsibility in you're life... G
  19. awww crap... Goran, have you switched to the dark side too? Geez man! G
  20. Wont someone please post a picture of a massive Musky head... Minus the body G
  21. I know Pure has one for sale... I have seen it / carried it... nice too! it is in the classifieds!
  22. what are your boat numbers again Wayne? LOL G
  23. Albert has your answer
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