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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. You guys and your pictures, I never think to take photos............supper a couple nights ago was pan-fried venison loin medallions, done nice and rare, about four minutes in the pan. Today's lunch was cold sliced venison loin on a sandwich with mayo and lettuce. Very toothsome. But somebody ATE the evidence...🙄 No pics. Doug
  2. I really hate mice, and mouse crap. We rented a cabin on a Hearst Air Services fly-in and it had a mouse condominium project inside. And when I asked about the boarded-up front window, "Oh yeah, there was a bear came through that last week with our last guests." 😮 So all things considered, I'd rather have the mice than Mister Blackie. But I still hate mice.
  3. +1................I have no desire to go someplace HOT in the winter, I get enough heat here in the summer time! But I was adding to my knowledge about what can and can't happen these days. Two of my closest buddies usually go to Florida for the winter, but both have stayed home this winter. I had thought it was about travel restrictions, but clearly it must be about personal decisions. Thanks for the clarifications. Doug
  4. Thanks Brian. One of these years I am going to give that a go.
  5. So you wrap them in foil for three hours, NOT on any heat source at all, just letting them soak in their own smokey juices? Or do you keep heating them in the foil? By the look of that last photo, you put BBQ sauce on them when you serve them? I have done ribs a fair number of times, but never cooked them in the smoker.
  6. That was Jimmy and Rich, trying to make grilled cheese sandwiches!!! But yes, GUILTY of beating on the stove in the middle of the night, it was the only way to get you guys up to have a drink with me! Fun times.............
  7. And what, pray tell, is that? The ribs look AWESOME!!!!!
  8. Thanks Brian. It's easy when cooking for myself! (And the eggs were done in the bacon fat! 😁 ) At the hunt camp: "can I have mine easy over?" "I want mine basted." "Geez, I can't eat raw eggs, make mine yolks broken and over hard." "Can I have scrambled please?" "Doug, don't forget to leave the salt and pepper off my eggs, I put it on myself." etc..............🙄 But no, I do NOT let most of the guys near the stove.........
  9. And so here are a couple pictures from today. Brussels sprouts are NOT on offer..... 😄 My latest batch of smoked cured side bacon (made from pork bellies) turned out mighty awesome: And it turns out that an older lady who is a friend of my wife, really likes the soup I sent her when she was feeling a bit down. She bakes her own sourdough, and has a friend who keeps free-range hens. BONUS!!!!
  10. Seen. Looks like you are quite the "gear guy!" I watched the clip for about 8 minutes - until you landed and released the grey. NICE! Doug
  11. X2...............we call them little balls from hell.........
  12. OFAH have issued a number of "press releases" online to their membership, and the first one was as clear as mud. The last one basically said, make your own decisions based on your local circumstances, which makes sense. OFAH cannot possibly know about all of the local rules across the province, and they obviously don't want to be advising folks to do things that their local health authority (or whatever) has deemed unacceptable. That being said, the province has specifically OK'ed Ice fishing (and cross-country skiing, dog-sledding, etc) Doug
  13. This caught me by surprise (after reading all of the posts above....🙄) I had understood that a Canadian could not travel to the USA except for work reasons, like long-haul truckers bringing back fresh produce from the sunny south. I take it, one could still hop on a plane to the USA for whatever reason, and self-isolate upon one's return? Not that I have any desire whatsoever to go down there while this s***storm is going on, just curious..... Doug
  14. I've seen some "bear-proof" cabins here and there in the north. Swede saw blades nailed to window frames, plywood "welcome mats" with roofing nails (pointy ends up of course) spaced in a 3 inch grid, and the plywood screwed to the deck, heavy plywood shutters on windows, etc..........which seemed to work for those folks that owned the cabins. I take it, this is an outfitter's camp? Whereabouts is Cam Lake? Doug
  15. Hello Rick! Good to see you alive and kicking! Happy New Year backatcha, my friend! Doug
  16. What the heck are golf club protectors? A google search showed me booties that go over golf club heads............ Doug
  17. Some of the rods are too long for the rod bag?
  18. Looks very tasty Brian but what the hell is that spice? Doug
  19. Thanks for the input! Any idea where a fella could buy one?
  20. Thanks folks. Most of you understand my aversion to weight, but I also HATE wrestling with pop-ups (some of which are VERY light). This is especially the case in windy conditions. I was thinking that a flip-up would be MOSTLY impervious to wind gusts when it is being put up or taken down. I have done some "research" aka Google searches, and it seems that most Ontario stores are sold out of one-man flip-up shelters of any make. That Frabil Recon looked like the way to go, but if a guy can't find one to buy it's kind of academic. 😐 The way this winter is going there might not be much of an ice season anyways - a buddy and I were out on one of the back lakes this morning and fished on about 3 inches of ice, after we detoured around some stuff that was 2" and wet on top........ So I might be looking to buy something this fall for next winter. Be prepared! Doug
  21. I'll give you $200.................😉
  22. Thanks Brian. How about other folks? Any recommendations? I used to see a fair number of one-person CLAM shelters out on Quinte...
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