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Everything posted by mooseroo

  1. Can you elaborate on the term snot rocket? It's a new one for me!
  2. Congrats! I'm jealous! I'm shore-bound for at least one more year but it's high on the priority list. I like the wall-to-wall carpet idea. Looks cozy! Good luck on'er!
  3. I did manage to put together 4 of the UV flashlights. They work really well and don't blind you when charging your lures. They can blind you if you look directly at the beam considering it's straight UV light... the same light that sunglasses are designed to protect your eyes from. I didn't have to go over to Buffalo/Harbor Freight to get the white led flashlights. By sheer luck, I found them at Giant Tiger for $3.95 including three AAA batteries. I cracked off the plastic lens, and pushed out the reflector and the small circuit board. I cranked up the soldering iron and removed the factory LEDs and then soldered in the UV LEDs that I bought online. After some fiddling and gluing, I got the flashlights back together and they work like a charm. The light is pretty concentrated and it's easy to charge up spoons. The charge is MUCH brighter than a camera flash charge and lasts a bit longer. I think there is a finite amount of time that the charge lasts depending upon the glow paint on the lures, regardless of the charging method. The Cleos last second longest in my collection of glow lures. The longest is a larger (all be it much lighter) spoon that I bought at Tight Lines in Pickering. It's painted both sides and is surprisingly bright/long lasting. I need to add some weight to the spoon to give it casting distance (I think it's designed as a trolling spoon). I'll try the bent-quarter-glued-to-the-spoon trick. I'll also get the make and model next time I'm in Tight Lines. I kept one flashlight for myself and gifted the other three to my fishing buddies. If you see an ominous blue glue coming from an LED flashlight on your next trip down to one of the tribs, it might just be a "UV LED Flashlight... of Death!!"
  4. Here's a video that sums things up nicely... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDsIFspVzfI
  5. Hey cranks bait, Thanks for the comments. I grumble about the prices up here as much as anyone but I do understand the retailers can't instantly shift their prices. It's the smart retailer that knows the point in time where they can make up for this loss by dropping prices at just the right time to attract a new larger customer base with price cuts, cover the costs, and gain on the customer upswing. Have your suppliers prices for next year started to reflect the changing dollar? If not, I'd start harping on them to cut prices. They need to do the same with their producers.
  6. Well, I guess it's something to try this winter! If I have any luck with it, you'll all be the first to know.
  7. That's just a few of the names for this fish. I caught a show about Burbot fishing out in Manitoba/Sask on WFN this week and I've read that their populations are recovering throughout the Great Lakes (after the lamprey introduction crashed them). Has anybody caught these in/around Toronto recently? They look like a fun species to try out. If so, what were you using and what time of year were you out? It'd be great to learn a bit more about one of our local but elusive fish! Apparently if you cube and boil the meat and dip the cubes in melted butter it's like lobster.
  8. Bring back racing the requires more than a left hand turn!
  9. I've caught small gar on Duffins in Pickering/Ajax. Fun fish to catch... scrappy! Very dramatic top-water fight especially in the shallows upstream. Good luck! I'll have to take a trip up to the Ottawa one of these years. Sounds like there's good action there.
  10. I've used these before with some success on SM and panfish... I like the motion they give and will try your suggestion on using with a curly grub.
  11. I also enjoy Survivorman when I catch an episode. Some very practical tips! He really focuses each show on a particular situation and covers a lot of information. Recommended if you haven't seen it before. I think it's on OLN regularly.
  12. I've had luck with roe bags/single upstream but not at any of the trib mouths. Haven't tried much with spoons either. Anybody else?
  13. Hey... get to work!
  14. Latest iTunes for 2000 is 7.3.2 and you can get it here. It doesn't work with latest iPods though. They require 7.4 minimum. If you have the option, switch to XP or better yet, buy a Mac!
  15. Good link Raf! The short form is that a decent percentage of the salmon in the tribs studied had wild/reproducing populations of salmon. Source
  16. That's my fault! I was at BPS a few weeks ago and you asked me to grab you one. They had one on sale and one at regular price but I thought the sale one looked too cheap. I guess I owe you a salmon from last night!
  17. After getting skunked during a never-to-be-mentioned bass fishing trip on the weekend, we decided to make another run down to the piers last night. Good decision as we pulled in two salmon. I caught the first smaller guy and Himti caught the larger one. Trusty Cleo does it again. <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://picasaweb.google.com/s/c/bin/slideshow.swf" width="400" height="267" flashvars="host=picasaweb.google.com&RGB=0x000000&feed=http%3A%2F%2Fpicasaweb.google.com%2Fdata%2Ffeed%2Fapi%2Fuser%2Fgreenjcs%2Falbumid%2F5114890725961828129%3Fkind%3Dphoto%26alt%3Drss%26authkey%3DBF5V7XvZK1U" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>
  18. Nice job! Congratulations!
  19. We all need bigger fishing budgets! Every time I read the boards here my wish list gets an item or two longer!
  20. If you can lock yourself in a closet with it and a Cleo, let us know how the Money Detect lights work. The original post was referring to the tube style blacklight I believe.
  21. They don't sell the blacklight/UV flashlight at Harbor Freight. They sell the white light LED flashlights. The link above is to instructions on removing the white LEDs and replacing them with UV LEDs. You have to do a bit of soldering to swap them out.
  22. I ordered some UV LEDs to make a few of these 9 LED Flashlights of Death on the weekend (if they arrive by mail in time). I'm heading down to Harbor Freight in Buffalo on Friday to grab the flashlights themselves. I'll let you know how they work.
  23. A lot of the salmon action is just getting started at 10pm. If you can take the change in sleeping habits, try staying out later and you might have some luck. I'm no expert (having just caught my first a week ago) but there definitely seems to be some more action the later you stay out. You also have fewer folks with rods in the water the later it gets so there's a bit better chance that your spoon will be the one that gets the bite.
  24. They are a lot of fun when they hook up! Good luck on your next one!
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