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Everything posted by mooseroo

  1. We all volunteer our taxes to pay for these services. However, our tax monies are being mismanaged/abused by these "elected officials" to the point that they can't even pay the bills to keep the lights on. I'm fine with a province-wide fishing license which means that I've paid for the right to fish within Ontario borders. I'll follow the rules set out by the province and fish anywhere within the province. Natural resources are the purview of the province of Ontario and municipalities do not have jurisdiction to enforce these "rules" on fishermen licensed to fish within the province. I too will take my tourism dollars elsewhere.
  2. I've got one too. Posting this reply with it. Ping me if you want to test.
  3. We were out on the West pier at Port Hope on Friday night and the Salmon were hitting pretty regularly. There were a good 20-30 people along the pier. "FISH ON... COMING UP" We were chucking spoons and while we didn't have any luck, there were a lot of landed fish. Good luck out there!
  4. Thanks for the great suggestions! Definitely going to try a couple of piers with Cleo's. I'll pop the grocery and buy some baked goods and say hello to your aunt for you! Moose
  5. My wife and I are heading to P.E.I this month and wondering if there are any places people would recommend for a bit of shore/river fishing? We've been to the island on numerous occasions, but only done the tourist charters for Mackerel/the odd Cod. This time we're looking to branch out and wondering if any one has experience out there. Names of day/halfday charters that you'd recommend would also be of great help! We usually just pick one when we get there. Hoping one of you has had a great time on a boat and would like to recommend the captain?! General tips welcome as well... newbie east coast fishing should be a good time! Can't wait! Moose
  6. Here's something to think about... would you rather spend two hours in your closed garage with an electric car running or a gas car running? I thought so! People that cry about economics and how we're all being manipulated, and "the environmental lobby is all big business" need to take a look around! Everything is big business and about making money! "Those damned environmentalists! They are just trying to manipulate us! They are just in it to make money! Those sweet oil companies are really into making fuel because they care about us! They really want to give it away! It's really the government taxes on fuel that are so high!... Oh...wait... I guess they are all into making money!" Heard of solar? How about wind power? Sure, they all have some negatives, but relative to fossil fuels, they are minimal!
  7. How often do you haul 2 kids, 2 dogs, a trailer or whatever else? 2%-5% of the time, maybe?! Keep a log of the time you drive solo/with one passenger, towing nothing (to work, to the mall, to the ball game, etc...) and you'll be amazed! You do have the money to put a second car in your driveway... you're just burning it in your Suburban's tank every month. I'd love to know what you spend in gas every month on that Suburban?! The gas money you'd save in driving a small car for the remaining 90% of your travels would probably get close to paying for the small car's monthly payments! You could keep your Suburban and buy a Civic, Elantra or other cheap small car! Here's a fuel comparison of an Avalanche vs a Civic with old and new MPG measurements for city/highway/overall driving. Also includes Consumer Reports real world driving tests. EPA tests on a dyno with no wind/hills/cornering. CR measures in the field, driving the cars. 2006 Chevrolet Avalanche (available 4wd) ** Your Suburban is at least 1500 lbs heavier than this Avalanche according to Chevy!** Engine: 5.3L V8 Transmission: Automatic Old EPA City: 14 Old EPA Hwy: 18 Old EPA overall: 16 New EPA City: 13 New EPA Hwy: 17 New EPA overall: 14 CR City: 9 CR Hwy: 20 CR Overall: 13 2006 Honda Civic **Seats four comfortably... I own one and I'm 6'3" tall and weigh around 250lbs and it's still comfortable. Engine: 1.8L 4-cyl. Transmission: Automatic Old EPA City: 30 Old EPA Hwy: 40 Old EPA overall: 34 New EPA city: 26 New EPA Hwy: 36 New EPA overall: 30 CR City: 18 CR Hwy: 43 CR Overall: 28 So according to the EPA and CR, the Civic would at minimum cut your monthly fuel costs in half! It's not even a hybrid/electric car. Interesting fact: Statistics Canada pegs the number of Canadians that have ever/will ever take their SUVs off paved roads at under 13% of SUV owners! And, of those 13% of off-road going SUV owners, they are only going off of paved roads 2-4% of the time. And others have the same rights to criticize them for driving them! The free market and gas prices will kill the "glamour SUV". Check the news on Hummer these days! GM has stopped all work on the next generation H3, cancelled the H2 redesign, scrapped the H4 entirely, and they have hired Citibank to facilitate the sale of the brand. http://blogs.fourwheeler.com/6255364/whats-new/next-gen-h3-cancelled-h4-shelved/index.html ://http://blogs.fourwheeler.com/625536...ved/index.html U.S. auto sales dropped 8.5 percent in the first five months of 2008, led by the slump in demand for large pickups. Toyota's U.S. truck sales fell 7.3 percent in the same period! I wouldn't want to by working in a truck plant these days!
  8. The Lindy glove is great... Like Cranks Bait said, it's a bit stiff but seems to be getting a bit more flexible as I use it more. I bought the left and will grab the right hand this season. It's definitely a tough glove. I've tried to push a couple of different hooks through to test it out and you really need to work them around repeatedly before the there's any penetration. No, my hand was not inside... If you can fillet without needing to switch hands, this glove is great and well worth the price if you're a bit sloppy with a fillet knife.
  9. I didn't think these guys could eat fish this size let alone this species of fish! New meaning to the word chug!
  10. I was doing some reading on float fishing for trout and came across this nice intro how-to. Thought I'd share. http://www.floatfishingfanatics.com/?p=4
  11. I didn't get out for any fishing but I did get over to Cabelas. Didn't buy much but I did walk around with my jaw open. So much stuff! Will have to go back! Super store!
  12. Excellent report! I'm inspired to head out the next chance I get. Beautiful looking fish!
  13. <object width="425" height="366"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrA_kGB007U&rel=1&border=0"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrA_kGB007U&rel=1&border=0"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrA_kGB007U&rel=1&border=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="366"></embed></object>
  14. I rented from them a while back and had no problems. It was a choppy day and we only saw two other boats on the Bog but all was good. I did leave my name and number to hold a boat. Maybe they figured it would be a quiet day. Would be nice if they could dredge their marina a bit so you don't get stuck in the mud but otherwise they were great. Nice new boats too!
  15. Congratulations! Very exciting news!
  16. They probably won't be putting anything there. The land owners on either side probably want to buy the property to augment their yards. In doing so, they limit the access of others. Selfish.
  17. Public access to Lake Simcoe is of economic importance to the town. Let them know that we (the fishing community) use this routinely and that it would be harmful to the community and the economy to lose this public asset. I took a quick crack at a sample letter. Put your own passionate spin on it. Describe how you taught your kids to fish at this location, how you regularly use this to access the lake for ice fishing... etc. If they see value in it beyond the one or two residents that gain more back yard, they will save it. Even if you are not from the town, print off a copy of this letter, put your spin on it, and send it to the town. If they get enough letters, they may not close this access and we all gain another place to use the lake without having to tiptoe across someones lawn. A fifty cent letter might just save a nice little public dock!
  18. If you're going with a tiller, lose the console/wheel/windscreen and put in a deck for casting. Much better use of the space. Try this link to a cached version of the article above. It's inspiring!
  19. Wow! Those are some great pics! Nice big cats!
  20. That's a great tip of a buzzbait trailer. I'll definitely give it a shot. Might also try it in place of some other trailers on some of my other baits.
  21. Thanks for the tips! If I get out I'll let you all know how it goes. I'll be just a few minutes from Lauzon and Riverside, so I'll try to hit up the marina. Google Earth here I come! Edit: Quick question... is there anything in where A-bars was. It's closed down from what I remember and it had some boat slips. Can you get out there? <iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?t=h&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=42.340854,-82.948574&spn=0.002665,0.005021&z=18&om=1&output=embed&s=AARTsJpnOA3ioEtcI9rx_v7gyZqlolGTYw"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?t=h&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=42.340854,-82.948574&spn=0.002665,0.005021&z=18&om=1&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>
  22. Follow the advice of everyone above. They are all pretty bang-on in identifying the potential sources of your problem. The two biggest things I'd warn you against are: 1) Don't clean the filter pads with tap water. The filter pads are not only there to mechanically strain the water but also to promote the growth of a bacterial colony within the pads that breaks down the nasty pollutants coming out of the business end of your fish. The chlorine (assuming municipal water supply) in your tap water will kill all the bacteria in your filter media and cause a yo-yo effect in the tank. The bacteria are more important than the mechanical filtration. You can use a bucket of stale water (water left in a clean aquarium-use-only bucket for 24 hours) and shake/squeeze the filter pads to remove much of the gunk (scientific term) and then replace the pads in the filter. A healthy filter can absorb a little over-feeding. 2) Don't do 50% water changes unless absolutely necessary. A 50% change will so radically change the chemistry of your tanks water that you will again get that yo-yo effect and it will never stabilize. Stick with 10-20% changes weekly and always (if not too inconvenient) use stale water (water in that same bucket at least overnight) to do make your changes. By doing only 10% water changes, you can use a small 1+ gallon bucket to "make" stale water overnight and another bucket as a drain/wash bucket. You also won't have to run back and forth from the tap multiple times to make your changes. Two dedicated buckets makes tank maintenance pain free. The key to easy tank maintenance and healthy fish is to minimize the drastic changes in water quality and balance the feeding with the filter/plants/light levels/temperature. Bonus Thought: Make sure that only one person in your house can feed the fish. If the food is out, the tendency is to just pop in a bit of food cause they "looked hungry." Fish, in particular goldfish and koi, will eat food until the cows come home! Put the food in a cupboard and feed them only once a day. Don't skip days, just feed much less.
  23. I'm heading down to visit my parents in Windsor and was thinking of taking my rod and some tackle in case I can get out along the Detroit River some evening. Anyone got ideas on what I might be lurking along the riverfront? I'll be casting from shore.
  24. Haven't tried any spots yet. With this odd weather, who knows. You might just have to try your luck. Pull up Google Earth and look for some likely spots. That's my plan.
  25. Leave it to you to post that!
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