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2 tone z71

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Everything posted by 2 tone z71

  1. tint your windows
  2. what kind of boat/engine are we talking about here 350 dont go far when labours hitting 100/hr at some marinas
  3. hmmmmmm plugs within 50-hrs ,water in gearcase first season,wouldent shut off second season with the key I guess thats a good thing better than not starting,kiss your mechanic good bye is a major understatement on these engines never again
  4. Bernie pretty much said it all right there,and Wayne when the fella wanted my 30 Yamaha I had on ole steelie,I said ya gotta take the boat as well package deal hehe,it needed a new nose as well steel was badly pitted,I bet shes sitting flipped over somewhere on the Manitoulin Iliand
  5. Ford dealer told me a yr ago there gonna drop the fill up due to price of fuel ,price margin blah blah blah,you know there not making any money right hahah,nice truck well done
  6. in this case the motor may be the least of your worries,them steel hulls althou look indestructable they Rot and sometimes need exstensive repairs,im not saying this one does but ive had a few and the bow area in them both was getting to be like a speggatti strainer thin and hard to weld ,Patchs or complete bottoms are sometimes the only fix
  7. I fed my last Rottie anything and blamed myself when she got sick and well passed shortly after,not something I like talking about,I spoiled her and gave her all kinds of crap she shouldent of had incl the Wall Mart/Costco Pedigree crap food ,my New Rottie gets the best the vet has ,like ya say Rick its 80-90.00 @ bag,bag lasts a few months thou ,I only want the best I can give my pup will never give her that generic no nutritan crap ever again,my new Rottie is now 20 months and just Muscle and very fit and energenetic,I would stay with what ya know my 5 cents
  8. well ive been either turning wrenchs or swinging hammers for 16-17yrs,damm that Eastwing framing hammer haha,where ya all getting your braces
  9. ahhh that would be easy Terry we got lots of them drug stores around
  10. thanks fellas/ladies closest place is Huntsville ,couple hours away but worth it ,cant belive theres none in Sudbury area,sent email awaiting responce thanks again
  11. thanks everyone ill look into the ART therapist
  12. Wayne drug store and Britt hahahaha no .I do have the Myoflex thou gone thru a few tubes of it already ,you have any trouble with the wrists poping creaking cracking,seems to relief it for a lil bit thanks guys
  13. after yrs of use ,abuse and general stupidty,my wrists started this god awefull aching in November and wont go away,during the day its hardly noticeable but once I stop for the evening it comes on strong and is starting to keep me awake,I went for a CT scan yesterday, there saying live with it, give it tylenol and ice ,or theres day surgury but it may come back,im sure several here have or had this anyone go with the surgury
  14. supercharged 6.5 hp wow gotta love Kijiji,old as dirt and still wants 1000 what a deal,all this time im servicing the gearcases and never changed the oil in the boot http://sudbury.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-b...QAdIdZ115362548
  15. silvers good mine is silver also it grew on me,first thing I did was go get me some Rims haha
  16. had a Hemi Rental last yr ,it is a pig on gas,hard on trannys as well,I had a similiar deal last spring found the GM I wanted it was at a Ford dealer,did the credit app online for the GM salesman called said I can get ya in the same equipped supercrew from Ford New for less ,so I got the Ford,fantastic truck
  17. Black or Navy blue Fleece for me
  18. shes 4 stroke no oil in the mix,its bad fuel ,fuel cant sit that long without turning to varnish
  19. water water water.................water
  20. I would get a carb rebuild kit ,new needle @ seat will be included in kit ,if it will idle let it warm up and run the can of engine tuner or seafoam thru it to loosen up grunge carbon varnish off the valve train and piston
  21. put up the mod @ serial #s ill tell ya what yr it is ,by the decals it looks to be 87/88 but my mind is slipping ive been out of that rackett for a few yrs now
  22. yep got love for the magnaflow,nice set up
  23. Meguires makes a 3 step restorer for boats ,runs about 40 bucks ,I used it on a Panther Speedboat I bought a few seasons back,it was almost like chalk and it brought the metalflake back to a awesome shine,I wouldent Wet sand unless it was a last resource as you can peel thru the clear if your not carefull
  24. http://hamilton.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-...QAdIdZ113149354
  25. unfortunatly its gotta be a dealer,but overnight this stuff will take the gunk out of anything and turn the varnished parts to a nice brass finish again,there are others available but I will not use anything else
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