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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I'd almost be afraid to drive to the tire store to have them changed on those tires! Good luck up in Temagami Steve!
  2. Take lotsa pics!!!!
  3. Yeah, I've heard about those sensitive artist types... This one's for Roy and Bushy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4fN_shVm4s
  4. Thanks Double L!!!
  5. ... how many are you responsible for?
  6. Great report and pics LL!!! 50+ Pike is a helluva day!!! What was the lure of choice, if you don't mind me askin'? Should't there be 50+ Pike pics in your report?
  7. A real nice report Marko!!! That fatty and the Mirror are darned fine specimens!!!
  8. Great report and pics!!! I'm also addicted to ultra lite fishing! The fish around here have seen every big bass lure there is, and they ain't falling for that old trick. They love to gorges themselves on baby shad, and a small 1/8th oz. inline spinner is the perfect imitation! I landed both of these fish on the same size rod and reel you were using with 4 lb. fluoro. Yeah, I catch a lot of small fish... and they're lots of fun too!... but I also get some big'uns too!
  9. Nice report Simon!!! Ya gotta love being able to catch fish like that in your own backyard!!!
  10. I wonder how many of those Wall-ices in Bernie's boat were caught on the Wobble jigs???
  11. Excellent report, pics, and vids Simon!!! I can't believe all that snow at this time of year!... now I know why I live where I do!!! That's a Dandy Fine mess of fish on that stringer!!! I could almost smell the fish frying in the vid and the served up plate looks delish!!!.. are you going to eat all of that?
  12. Excellent report and pics Cliff!!! Looks like it was really a blast!!!... the only thing missing was Parker hurling into his gym bag! Some beauty fish too!!! You're Pike and Bernie's Wall-ice are HUGE!!!
  13. You've always seemed more like a Wal-Mart kinda guy to me Rick.
  14. Thanks for that SB!... the lighting and poor pic quality makes the pic kinda abstract... pretty cool!
  15. Was your exhaust screen clogged... or didja need a new spark plug??? never met him in percon, but Cliff sounds like a great guy!!!
  16. Yeah, it's p3ta inspired bullcrap! They claim it's inhumane to hook a fish more than once. In some parts of europe they have laws for treating trees, plants, and vegetation humanely. Maybe just the sporstmen have a small voice, but when you throw in the tacklemakers and boating industry.. we all can get pretty loud! Loud enough to have fishing regulations changed so you can now cull fish in Canada... Loud enough to have the Bass season opened early so tourney fishermen can prefish in Quebec!!!
  17. Yeah, the first one is a fly reel and the second is trolling type reel.
  18. The only thing wrong with that is... it doesn't look like enough!!!
  19. So ya took a pic of the little one? Were those pics taken with a cell phone?
  20. So what about the "all hell breaking loose"?... did y'all get a wet ?
  21. It's aboot time Kevin stomped yer again!!! Those are some pretty nice Poike!!! Great report and excellent nature shots Paul!!!
  22. Hell yeah!!! ... hey!.. why don't we just get good and buzzed and fire up that 7 1/4" circular saw!!!... or discharge firearms!!!... Oh hell yeah!!!... ... or maybe you'd like to get a good buzz on and hop the fence to the polar bear enclosure at the zoo... so you could pet them!... maybe you'd like to swim with the Great White sharks at Sea World with dead Mackerals tied to your ankles after one too many???
  23. ... care for another beer Bubba?
  24. Don't be ridiculous!... it takes 2 non-french speaking Canadians to make an IQ of 70!!! ... those separatists are some smart asses eh!!!!
  25. Good report and pics Ben!!! My PB Pike is only 27", so you've got me beat! Good job on the self timer pics! ... some folks can't master the self timer and probably don't even know their camera has one. Excellent job on keeping those fish clean for the pics, not an easy job when shore fishing! I've been telling you that for a long time!!!... i'm glad it's finally sunk in!
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