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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Not so much in a console... but a tiller would prolly be blinded by it!!!
  2. it doesn't really matter as long as you keep it as close to the "nose" of the bow as you can.
  3. Well last month it was a mudhole, and now it's a dust bowl! I'm still tilling and shaping, but making some pretty good progress now!... maybe I'll be done by first frost I need me arse kicked for even starting this project... what the hell was I thinking???
  4. Look here for some recipes! http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=32591
  5. Y'all don't really want all that heat stuff It's been in the upper 80' and low 90's down here for a while now and hotter than a fresh frigged fox in a forrest fire!!! I have to drink a gallon and a half of ice water during the day while working in my yard just to stay hydrated! The air conditioner runs constantly during the day, and I'm sure the electricity bill isn't going to be pretty!
  6. ... don't look now... but your pants are onfire!!!
  7. Buy a bicycle!!! Spike may need more help hauling your "lard-ass" through the woods yanno!!!
  8. Ok!... I've got a White Snake that always goes into the slop, but never reaches bottom.... can anyone else relate to this???
  9. Why would anyone want to target those disgusting green trout and tiny mooth bass when there's plenty of Mucksies, Poikes, and Wall-ices swimmin' around??? *insert hurl emoticon here*
  10. Well that explains it!... all the plumbers I've ever known have been notorious Seal Blowers!!! Pm Daplumma or Aplumma, I think I heard one ogf them say they always wear a Lobster Bib when they know they're gonna blow a Seal... maybe they can tell you a cheap place to buy them... I think Aplumma buys them by the gross...
  11. ... and what's that gooey-sticky-messy lookin' stuff all over the front of it??? ... did y'all swap it out to eat icecream cones?... or did someone blow a Seal??? Great report and some real nice lookin' Poikes y'all have there!!!
  12. If you were Walleye fishing and caught Smallies... wouldn't that make those Smalleyes??? Some good lookin' fish there!!! The self timer is a breeze once you get used to it, you may have better luck setting your camera on a boat seat to take the self timer pics though.... i've just never had a good feeling about putting a tripod in a boat.
  13. Ya wanna real fish taker??? Try a "Garden Hackle"... hooked once thru the collar with a #6 hook on 4 lb. fluoro!!!
  14. Idiots can be very entertaining at times!
  15. He may be miserable...
  16. Have you "autographed" the new one yet?
  17. Don't tell me you've posted this because you've torn up the new boat Paul!???
  18. Great report and pics Mike!!! Looks like a very fun day with some board members!!! Ain't nothin' wrong at all with keeping your limit for a very tasty looking dinner!!! Thanks for posting that report!
  19. Well it's just a "fish story" then!
  20. Same exact thing happened here Guido, little 1 lb. Bass flipped off the hook just I grabbed the line... sling shotting the treble into my little finger. Only thing to do is rotate the hook out of the flesh and thru the skin again... yeah, the flesh and skin "tents" up and has to be mashed down onto the hook point for penetration... lotsa cussin' helps with that! I did cut the hook point and barb off, but could've pinched the barb down as well: I didn't need a set of hook cutters though, my handy dandy Gerber Fishermans Tool did the job just fine ... they also worked well on the 3/0 treble I knelt down on, burying the hook into my knee and thru my blue jeans 6 yrs. earlier. ... but this thread wasn't started about cutting hooks that are embedded in people, it was started about cutting hooks off in fish and leaving the barbed piece in the fish!!! ... if the barbed piece is removed, no problem!... if it's not... leave a barbed hook point in yourself sometime and see what happens!!! Don't worry about how many teeth my fish (or family) have son!!!.. we have enough to gnaw a ham hock that was cooked in the pot of Butter Beans!!!
  21. Looks like you have an excellent honey hole there Holdie... and all to your self!!! There's got be something BIG in there eh!!! The scenery looks a lot better there than at Fish Lake too!!! Thanks for taking the time to post that!!!
  22. Did you just figure out how to post pics or what Henry??? ... or maybe you're tired of clicking on links to pics eh? Photobucket is even easier than ImageShack, all the really kool kids are using Photobucket... and it's light years ahead of the OFC Gallery (sorry to say), with all the pic resizing you have to do to load your pics on this boards Gallery... it just aint worth it, you do all that work to get a itty bitty rinky dink chickensquat pic posted... I would really like to see a MAJOR upgrade to our Gallery!
  23. Yeah, he was a cranky old fart... us nicer old farts would have let you do it your way and laughed at you if you were doing it wrong, then we would have posted the story on here about the boat launch Bozo we saw today!
  24. The screw will be on the carburator eh!!! There will probably be one or 7... but probably only one, turn the screw all the way in and back it out 1 1/2 turns... start your lawn mower and then slowly turn the screw in and out until you find the sweet spot where it runs the best. You may want to install a new spark plug before you do anything. Hope this doesn't help!!! btw, the screw you're looking for will have a spring around it.
  25. May be a broken cable inside the cable housing, take one end off and see if you can pull a piece out. Congrats on the Mucksie!!!
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