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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I like that hold as well Cliff!... I call it the "You Can't Bite Me Now, You Little Turd" hold.
  2. It was Egyptian Princess with the Tammy Fay Baker a close second.
  3. Great report, pics, and fish Cliff!!! It sounds like it was a grand day out! ... btw, those are Damsel flies and not Dragon flies.
  4. That was an excellent report with some real nice fish caught all 'round!!! A good fishing trip with good fishing Bubbies is something you'll always remember!!! The stats were very impressive!!!
  5. Ever heard of a Slopmaster?
  6. Any luck yet Skinny?
  7. Because a Canadain would NEVER do that!
  8. I try to be nice, but the other members they say the mean things to Doggie... they say doggie no good... doggie go away... doggie no come to Canada... doggie take off rubber boot! , and it makes Doggie so mad he wants to say the naughty thing ... next time I use the PM to say the naughty thing!
  9. You're a good kid Mike, and I'm sure you will do well! Make the most of your opportunity!!!
  10. Good report and some nice fish Ben!!! I like the Vanish line, but lots of people hate it. It's been my experience that line failure is almost always due to an improper drag setting.
  11. How much is a 2500 going for?
  12. I'd replace both rear assemblies, like mentioned earlier... they're not that expensive. I't doesn't take that long to do either. I replaced my old ones last year with the new sexy LED's!!!
  13. ... be bewy bewy quiet!... I'm huntin' troots!!! huhuhuhu!!!
  14. Yeah, that's a little less to say, to say nothing than the original version. ... bottom line! If the vertical hold is good enough for this sites sponsors.. it's good enough for me!!!
  15. I believe you'd make a better politician than scientist!
  16. Looks like fun to me!!!
  17. Here's another tip for you Skinny. It sounds like you pond may have a fair amount of fishing pressure, and if so... you may want to downsize your offerings, small inline spinners on ultra light tackle work for me under those conditions. You may also want to consider using small tubes and jigs as well. A Beetle Spin may work wonders!
  18. Those Michigan dudes are a blackeye to the U.S. and an embarrassment to me!!! I despise poachers, they're nothing more than thieves!!! I can count the number of fish I've harvest while fishing in Canada on one hand (4), I'm mainly a C&R fisherman... and I never take any back accross the border, it's just too big of a hassle. I buy the annual non resident Sportsman license whenever I go up to Canada to fish, even though I just use it for a few days. I consider it my donation to the MNR. I don't think poaching penalties are nearly as harsh as they should be, I'd like to see some jail time to go along with those fines for those thieves!
  19. Yeah, like this.
  20. Sounds like an olympic sport in the making to me!!!
  21. I hear they're the worst!!!
  22. So only Americans poach in Canada?
  23. Here's a couple of my Lou Reed faves... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1paLEPYQGis
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