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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. The vertical hold can't be that bad eh? http://www.factsoffishing.com/videoblog.php?id=94
  2. Damn Americans!!!
  3. Skinny!... you're a Jonah!... a Jinx!... an Albatross around the neck of fishing!!! Try live bait next time, worms or minnows.
  4. That's my preferred method too Bossman!... I have to wait 'til I get home for the alcohol... but I make up for lost time when I get there! Pushing a hook thru and cutting off the barb is the least invasive and gives the puncture wound 2 holes to drain from! ... but damn do I ever cuss when I have to do that!!!
  5. Ok!... since you put it that way, I'm good!!!
  6. OMG!!!... you killed those fish dude!!!
  7. Now would you like to comment on the fact of the fish swimming at full speed and attacking a lure traveling at 6 mph full of trebles traveling in a different direction with it's MOUTH???... hmmmm?
  8. How aboot this!.. I'll hold my fish the way I want to and you hold your fish the way you want to!!!
  9. I can never wait to get back to the house where the whiskey is to get the hook out of me!!! I gotta get that thing out ASAP!!! ... Cigarettes and lots of cussin' are my only comforters when removing a fish hook from my body!
  10. I love this guy!!! I still disagree!!! What about when a fish jumps straight up out of the water 3'-6' high... and then does a belly flop?... and not just once, but several times!!!... Fish LOVE to be vertical!!! ... they just save it for special occasions! Then there's another scenario, take a relatively healthy human being and hoist them up by one leg (one of the strongest parts of the body)... more than likely you won't hurt them. Take that same human being and put them in the water (they're a lot lighter there eh!) and take that same leg and put a rope around it, lets make the rope 200' long... then tie the other end of the rope to a nice Lund, tell the person with the rope around his leg to start swimming in the opposite direction of the boat as fast as he can (nowhere near as fast as a fish can swim!)... then fire up the Lund and start running at trolling speed (6 mph) What do you think is going to happen when the rope tightens up... I think someone is going to have a hurt leg!!! Maybe a dislocated knee or hip, maybe pulled tendons or broken bones! Now when a fish swimming at top speed (a helluva lot fast than any human can swim) strikes a lure trolled at 6 mph with his MOUTH how much damage does it do??? Think about it!
  11. Oh?... you mean useless like this??? http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=35630
  12. You could also become familiar with the "self-timer" feature on your camera, it's what all the kewl kids are doing... and you don't look nearly as ignorant!!!
  13. ... and that's why all the TV star fishermen feel like they have to hold the Bass by the lower lip and rotate it horizontal???... watch the TV fishing show "Gods" and see what they do!!! Like I stated before, the 2 toughest parts of any fish are the mouth and the tail... with the mouth being the tougher of the 2!!!... the tail propels the mouth! Surely the TV fishing show gods wouldn't harm a fish!!! Hook removal time and time out of the water are the 2 most crucial factors in C&R survival!!!... if you can't remove a hook properly, you should practice on Bluegills and Perch until you can!!! If you want to hold a fish up and for the camera, revive it in the livewell first!!!
  14. 1. Are fish amphibians?... how many hours can I keep them out of the water while I fiddle futz with taking the hook out and getting a good pic???... I use my livewell for storage yanno! ... is it better to hold them by the mouth or tail??? 2. Chain and hook stringers?... how far is it to Wetumpka Alabama? 3.Black widow Spider or wild Cricket... does it really matter?
  15. What???... there isn't a youtube link for fixing OMC trolling motors??? What is this world coming to???
  16. The hell you say?!!!
  17. Well, to be truthful... If you have someone from the area go with you, you don't need experience or skill... you have a "guide"!... and guide caught fish are little more than "no counters"! You'd be surprised at what you can find down here in the south!... we even started wearing shoes year 'round a couple years ago! Oh yeah?... is that why we see you holding up so many trophy fish in pics in you many reports?... wait a minute, you don't have that many reports!!!
  18. What the heck were you doing down there???... don't you know there's Rednecks down there?!!! ... but if I was going to buy a chain stringer, the Wetumpka Wal-Mart would be a real good place to start looking, they invented the term "Backwards, Backwoods, Podunk Town" down there yanno! ... did you happen to see any fat women in lime green spandex pants at that Wal-Mart?
  19. Oh Yeah!!!... you could kill a fish by holding it by the mouth!!! Let's forget all about how we caught that fish, on a huge swimbait with 7/0 trebles trolled at 6 mph!!! Never mention the fact that the fish struck at a right angle to the lure at full speed and when he hit the lure he tried to turn to back to his lair... but the enertia from the 6 mph lure, his speed and body weight sends his eyeballs sailing thru his butthole when was hooked... let's not talk about that! The 2 strongest parts of a fish are the mouth and the tail!!! The gill plate is part of the mouth! You should be careful of the gill rakes, but they're pretty tough too! The biggest danger to a fish isn't how you hold it... it's your hook removal skills!!! I've never seen a fish die from a vertical hold, I've never seen ones jaw break!!!... I have seen many people kill fish with poor hook removal skills!!! I think the people that whine about the way a fish is held are just jealous because they didn't catch it and want to find something wrong about you catching it!!!
  20. Pike are excellent table fare Erik!!! I didn't realize how good they were until I attended my first June OFC G2G at Lakair, there's a Pike tourney on Saturday and then they fry up all the medium sized Pike for a feed... most delicious!!!
  21. You should consider heavier tackle.
  22. You've been there done that eh???.. I mean tube in the anus and all... doncha yanno!
  23. You should be writing romance novels or something eh!???
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