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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. That's the way it seems so far!
  2. The term is "Social Intercourse" John!... or maybe that's old school. This thread may or may not pertain to me. You mention anonymity, that is not me! I've posted many pics of myself on this board and have me many OFNers! The anonymous are the ones that never show themselves in pics, avatars, or the meeting of fellow board members! You mention "pot stirring"... I'm not sure I know what that means, do you have a Websters definition for that? Yes, I may pick at some people on here... but that may mean a few things. It may mean I like you and you're worthy of being noticed , or it may mean I've noticed that you're easily aggitated (I like that too... hard to pass up an easy mark!!!)... or it may mean I think you're talking too much trash and you need to "put up or shut up"! If I haven't said anything to/ignored you, it means I may not care for you or haven't noticed you yet. A little insight to my background may help some of the newer people understand me a little better. I've worked commercial/heavy/industrial construction all my life, back breaking work under some of the toughest ambient conditions (blazing sun, knee deep mud, and freezing cold). We (the crew) pick at each other all day every day to make the time pass by more quickly and to help us forget a little about the hard work and tough conditions. Were a raunchy/ill mannered/politically incorrect... but lovable bunch! The absolute worst thing you can do is let a construction worker know when something they said bothers/irritates you... they'll run it into the ground!!! This site, with it's rules and censorship is kind of like a Sunday School compared to a construction site... and... sometimes I may go a little to far for some folks here.. but 99 out of 100 time I mean no harm! ... I just forget that not everyone is a construction worker and may have tender feelings and very thin skin! There's a lot of great people on this site... and that's what keeps me coming back everyday!!! Oh yeah... there's fish porn here too!!!
  3. Rules are rules Mike!!! Actually, I think if the fish is in the water and you are reviving it... no CO would charge you with possesion! .. and it's only a snagged fish if there are witnesses!!! Alabama fish and Game law describes a legally hooked fish as "Hooked anywhere in the head"... Ontario law states "Hooked in the mouth" for a legally caught fish.
  4. I don't want to rain on your parade, but snagged fish don't count. ... and yes you should release it immediately. ... but don't be too heartbroken, you'll get another one soon!!!
  5. I agree on all counts! Weighing fish is so yesteryear! A measurement in inches and a pic is a lot better to me. I do have a digital scale that I sometimes weigh my really large fish with, but I don't post their weights in my report... it's better to let folks guess, seems like they always guess heavier than the actual weight if it's a substantial fish!
  6. Do you need me to bring anything from the States?
  7. Excellent report and pics Doc!!! I can't believe how calm the water was, the wind always wants to blow 90 mph when I'm in Canada. That's a beautiful piece of property you have up there! I have a Border Collie as well, wonderful animals!!! Thanks for taking the time to post that great report!!!
  8. WELL THEN!!!.,.. try not to cry so much eh!
  9. Pray to your little John Wayne shrine that you never start again eh!???
  10. Only at Merlands!!!... perfect vue closes their fire pits some time in Sept. I believe? ... what's up with that?... and why would anyone want to stay there??... do they even supply the toilet paper there???
  11. ... dat's what I was 'tinkin'!!!
  12. Cigarette butts make excellent mulch!!!.. they retain tons of moisture under dry conditions doncha yanno!!!! If you're going to squawk aboot something, squawk aboot the fact that you can't catch fish in Virginny... therefore you have no reports!!! ... it sux to be you eh???... how are Pops, Miss Becky, and my Poodle doing???
  13. HA!!!... now he's older than me!!! Go poach over your limit of "Green Trout"... I won't tell!!! Best Fishes to Paul on his B'day!!!
  14. Yer a good Bubba!!!... a tree hugger... but a Good Bubba nonetheless!!!
  15. Gawd!!! Yer such a "tree huggin'" liberal!!! ... you kinda remind me of Richard Simmons.
  16. I can't believe the sympathy for the sniveler "bigredfisher" on this board!!! ... maybe I should post less so there will be more sympathy for me!!!?
  17. When you have the privilege to vote, it's not always going to be the one you want to vote for... more like the lesser of two evils! ... don't get me started on politics!!!
  18. Excellent report and pics TJ!!!
  19. Looks more like the "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" program to me.
  20. You can tell me where you caught those fish... I promise I won't tell anybody else!
  21. Weren't you going to leave...?
  22. That would be a no no!!! You can bash white anglo Americans and Canadians until the cows come home!.. but bashing anyone of ethnicityisn't politically correct! Oh man! I almost forgot aboot them!!!... they are the worsetest kind! Do all Quebecois poach?... or are all Quebecois poachers???
  23. SHHH!!!... did you hear that???... it sounded like a box of Twinkies opening!!!
  24. I'd just like you to know, that is the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a very long time!!!
  25. Good to Know Cussing Is Good for You: A study by psychology researchers at Britain's Keele University in July showed that people who swear in response to a danger are better able to endure pain than those who use milder language. [Daily Telegraph, 7-12-09] Maybe that's why I weave a tapestry of obscenities whenever I have to remove a fish hook from my flesh!
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