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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. If more people went Muskie fishin' there wouldn't be these kind of problems!
  2. Congrats on the fish Cliff!!! Those are some good lookin fish!!! ... and with 2 in one night, you just set the bar a little higher for Carole eh?
  3. Whatsup wit dat Ken???
  4. Those fish are "swimming dead meat" as soon as they hit the mouth of the river! If the fish is hooked inside the mouth it is legal. Don't sweat the Salmon... THINK MUSKIE!!!
  5. Mornin Mr. Norm! Have a great day and catch lots of fishes!... we like pictures yanno...
  6. I can tell you exactly what it is, too much muscle and not enough stretch/give in your rigging. Those Muskies aren't spitting the hooks, you're pulling them out. Ease off on your drag some and be a little more patient when playing the fish. I've had the same problem with some of my Deep Sea rigging.
  7. WHEW!!!... thank you Lord...
  8. HA!!! I knew it!!! That's an Excellent Salmonoid Carloe, Congratulations!!!... and good on you for the moral support and netmanship Cliff!
  9. Well why the hell didn't you say something? Yanno ya gotta run it up the flagpole eh?
  10. According to XE the universal currency exchange calculator it's still aboot even money. USD=1.003 CAD and the CAD=.9962 USD Here's the link: http://www.xe.com/ucc/
  11. I'm not sure about up there in the GWN, but down here in the South we aren't obligated for a cent. I's not yours or the Captains fault that the inclimate weather is bad. Down here the Captain makes the call, and a good Captain won't take you out on a rough day.
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  16. That Pike was actually caught on Lewis Smith Lake down here in Alabama!!! We thought it was a mutant legless Alligator... so we BWASTED IT TO SMIVERWEENS with our 12 gauges!!! Damn Invasive Species!!!!
  17. ...
  18. JHC!!! I'm trippin' man!!!
  19. In that case, I'll be bringing my Grouper and Red Snapper tackle to the BOQ!
  20. That was a most excellent Smallie Bill!
  21. Doesn't bother me in the least!
  22. The key to fall fishing success is getting your butt out of bed a going!!! The fish will be actively feeding to fatten up for winter, and should be shallower than in the summer as a rule... but not always. If you're not catching anything change up your presentations until you do start catching, let the fish tell you what they want. I seem to have better luck with brighter colors in the fall.
  23. Great report and pics!!! That's a beautiful fish! Congratulations, you deserve it!
  24. Nice report and pics!!! Good to see you and Alvin gettin' out and at least gettin' some incidentals. Here's an idea, why don't you go Wall-ice fishin' and maybe you'll catch a Mucksie...
  25. Nice report and pics!!! The next time you see a bunch of folks like that in a wad. Holler SNAKE!!! Right There!!!... He Just Went Under!!!... and watch them clear out. Ya gotta love those fall colors eh!
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