Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!... don't listen to the Redneck, he doesn't know what the heck he's talkin' about... been there done that.
Work exercise is not the same as cardio exercise, I used to think just because I was a carpenter and worked construction that I got enough exercise... so what if I was 30 lbs. overweight???
All I ever had enough energy to do was to come home and park myself in front of the TV set (before the internet), because that's all I ever did. I didn't care what I looked like... I was married!
Then one day I decided to do something about the way I looked, so I started dieting. I lost weight, but stayed the same shape... awwww crap!... I've gotta start exercising!!! ... so I did. I couldn't believe how much better I felt and how much more stamina I had!!! I slept better, I ate better, I worked the stress away. No more back problems... no more digestive problems!
... but don't listen to the Redneck.