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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Every time I go to youtube, I end up here: for some reason...
  2. I'm glad you said "fishin" and not catching!!! My advise to you would be to stick with Perch and Bluegills for a while longer.
  3. Yeah... but have you ever actually USED one??? I really like the Slopmaster Spinnerbaits. Some people put them down, but I've only had good results from them for Pike... and if I ever catch a Muskie it'll prolly be on a Slopmaster.
  4. Nice report and pics!!! Looks a tad on the chilly side though.
  5. Great report and pics!!! Y'all look cold!
  6. Excellent report and pics!!! The Pike porn almost made me mess up the front of my britches from the inside! I thought the Wall-ice would be bigger than that up there.
  7. Great Pics and entertaing report Rich!!! The next time you have the Weasel Whiz and Chakkin Wieners together like that, dump a couple bottles of the weasel whiz in a pot and boil your wieners in it... much better than burning them in the fry pan. That particular brand of weasel whiz goes very well with raw oysters!
  8. ...
  9. Goober down at the gas station in Mayberry can fix ya up I know! ... uh, and while I got yer ear Mr. Clam Pit Sir. I was wonderin' if you'd mind if I stopped by fer a wrasslin' match with Miss Elly Mae one day after work down to the slaughter house. I gotta coupla new moves Moonbeam McSwine showed me down to the hog waller last Friday night and I'd like to try them out on yer daughter... Sir!... If'n it's ok with you?
  10. ...
  11. Granny is gonna take a hickory switch to you if you drink up all the "remedy"!!!
  12. ...
  13. I think Pete Maina looks like Bob Vila and Marc Thorpe looks like Norm Abram.
  14. Great report and pics!!! It looks like you've got the fly tying down to a fine art! Congrats on the Ling and that's an excellent Walleye, although he does look very cold for some reason.
  15. ...
  16. Great report and pics Shelly!!! You ought to be ashamed of yourself whippin up on poor ol' Chuck like that (8-4) Good to see Shane is still around and gettin' out.
  17. Always remember and never forget... tis far easier to beg for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission!
  18. That dog is a damn ugly pugly!
  19. I think you were trolling with too small of a "bait".
  20. Actually that was the Okefenokee Swamp over in Georgia. Would you be interested in taking a little trip???
  21. I call this remedy "Culo Caliente" and it comes from south of the border. (1) 16 oz. bottle of Castor Oil (1) 2 oz. bottle of Tobasco sauce (1) small tube gold or silver glitter Mix all ingredients together and warm to 110*F... administer as an enema. The glitter is kind of like a fuel gauge, when your doodies don't sparkle anymore it's time for another one. This remedy is good for whatever ails you, if nothing ails you... it's good for that too!
  22. Now that's a tempting offer!!! I've never fished Dale Hollow, but would like to! I'm not much of a Smallie fisherman, but would be willing to give it a shot.
  23. Ya got it "bass ackwards" Paul, other people want to hold my Wall-ice... one plumber in particular comes to mind.
  24. The piss rag shark was out of season Paul.
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