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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Yeah, they just work for the MNR because they were underqualified for a position with Tim Hortons. ... and Mickeys D's was full up.
  2. What?... no selection for Atlantic Salmon and Gobies in the Armpit of Ontario?
  3. That's a tough break, maybe have it fixed and try to sell it. What were you thinking when you didn't buy a Shimano in the first place?... There's a reason that a lot of us here are dyed in the wool Shimano men. Quality and service! Another life lesson learned.
  4. Some folks like a solution of vinegar, water, and salt... I've had this problem before and have found that if you'll let your boat dry completely in the sun before covering it and use a waterproof cover it will help to minimize mold and mildew. I also like to open all of my storage compartments for ventilation before covering my boat. Hope this helps!
  5. Well Said!!! ... sometimes even the "Guides" are wrong eh!
  6. It is very entertaining to go back and read the original thread with all the "experts" claiming it to be an Atlantic and even the concensus of the readers of another board I.D.ing it as an Atlantic. *insert snicker here*
  7. Seems some folks worked themselves into a terrible snit for nothing eh?
  8. Certainly a horrific crime!... but not really that unusual in the world we live in today. If the people that commited these crimes had to suffer the same agony as their victims, you can bet there would be considerably fewer of them! I read about this on the News and would've really rather it hadn't showed up in my "Happy Place"... but I understand why it did.
  9. Camera, camera, camera!!!
  10. ... actually, cooked crustacean poopies is quite good... but is an acquired taste...
  11. ...
  12. They are nifty gadgets eh! ... and much more comfortable the the headband type lights!!!
  13. Some how I can picture the ol Stinker sniffin' a hand full of Bear poop to see if it smells like pepper... but he can't decide and asks Slug to smell it!
  14. The 5 LED hat lights that clip to the underside of a ballcap are really great!!! http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true
  15. Practice what you preach... eh Bubba!!! I swear y'all Canadians have more holidays than you can shake a road-kill Possum at!!!... What's this one?... national Perogi Day??? Just funnin'!... Y'all have a great long weekend!!!
  16. That would explain the swelling.
  17. Actually it's New Orleans' slogan... and it's very true!!!
  18. DRINK MORE!!!
  19. Looks like you need to go Big Boy!!! Excellent job!!!
  20. Yeah it's that... but mostly Crawdad poop! ... Yummy!!! Just like the big green spot in a raw or fried Oyster... guess what that is! Ya gotta eat a pound of poop before ya die anyway...
  21. Try a small piece of heat shrink tubing! I buy the 3/8" diameter that shrinks to 3/16". Cut a small piece about 1/4" wide, slip it over your worm and heat with a Bic lighter for a tight durable fit! You'll find it in the electrical section of Home Depot.
  22. I understand your thinking YB... and I would guess you're talking about a 316 grade stainless steel shank (marine grade), but it is a "mechanical fastener" by which I mean the fastener has a moving part in itself and could be the source for to points of entry for water instead of one. I know there are marine grade blind rivets and they're probably very good products and would work well in a limited number! ... but I personally would rather have a solid rivet... but hey!... that's just me!!! Zamboni... you make a very good point! ... and partial disassembly isn't that bad if you're mechanically inclined, the removal of the rear deck is pretty simple and is where I would start checking for waterlogging... but I like your idea of weighing as well!
  23. Thanks for that chuckle Sam!
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