With the second strongest bite in the animal kingdom (1500 psi) I don't think so!
I've caught more than my share of those ill tempered boogers while catfishin' (they love chicken livers and cut bait!)
You learn very quickly to handle them with care (I've never been been bitten), some folks would rather kill them than run the risk of being bitten while unhooking one... but I respect wildlife more than that.
1. when you get the ill mannered booger to shore, step gently on it's tail to keep it from lumbering around!
2. to remove the hook, apply firm pressure on the fishin' line to extend turtles head beyond the shell!
3. grasp turtles neck behind the head with your free hand, then remove the hook with a pair of pliers while holding turtle firmly by the neck!
4.most important!!! Pull on turtles neck until it is fully extended from the shell!!! Keep pressure on afore mentioned neck, then quickly let go... your hand will recoil back towards you and the turtles head will recoil back towards the shell... but!!! the jaws will be snapping at your hand like a flamenco dancers castonets!!!... but with your hand pulling back towards you and the turtles head pulling back towards the shell... all he gets is a big mouthfull of air!!!
5.gently lift your foot from the tail and he'll find his own way back to the water!