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Everything posted by Consigliere

  1. Playon and plex for Roku are what I use. Netflix also. Acess to everything.
  2. I started 2 years ago and went electric last year and also have an amaze-n pellet smoker for cold smokes. Meats are great, lots of info online for that. My favourite stuff is cold smoking cheese and spices. Super easy but the flavours you can get are amazing. If your are interested in just set it and forget it a well insulated electric or propane is best. If you like to tinker and get the more classical open fire flavours a charcoal is needed. Or both!
  3. In dec and jan this year did well trolling reef runners and taildancers on leads from 40-180ft on planers on the larry. Averaged about 8 lbs or so and most action between 15-35ft trolling between 1.5 and 3 mph Haven't tried that area after ice out but will be this year! Don't see too much need for lead core or weights early season but you never know. If you know they are in the area it's just figuring out depth and speed.
  4. Bring some roundup over from the states. Done in 1 day.
  5. At 60 you should be able to stream at least 10 unique video streams. So doubtful it is your bandwidth. Look up ddwrt for router firmware. I would bet you install that on your router and your problems will be gone. I can stream 3 vid streams on a 6 connection without a problem.
  6. Use chickpea flour in any breeding. Makes s big difference in flavour.
  7. Any white flesh fish. Coat with melted better. Sprinkle generously with lemon pepper and dried basil. Bake about 425 for 12 or so. Fast easy healthy and good.
  8. I have Roku 2 and 3. Never tried android. They are very good and good customer service. If you pair them up with a dedicated desktop server they are certainly better than cable in terms of content and convenience. If you are willing to pay a bit sports are available to stream in HD. Non HD sports is a one time fee of 60. I've been no cable for a year and will never go back. I have way better content for a fraction of the price.
  9. If you like cold smoking it can be done very simply with an Amaze-N pellet smoker. Its basically a vented tray designed for smoking. I have a hot smoker that is great for that, but to do some things the cold smoke is necessary (cheese, salmon, bacon etc). This tray works flawlessly for cold smoking. Think it is $40. Google it, pretty easy. I keep mine right in the hot smoker and burn it there and see no appreciable heat. Cold smoking is usually less than 75F I think and I can do that no problem as long as its not a super hot summer day. I have done numerous pounds of different cheeses, bacon, trout, and salt cold smoked in my first summer. And you guys have all nailed it, the difference is cold smoking is a cured version where hot smoking is cooked. The flavours can be similar but the texture is definitely not. Hot smoked fish will flake and cold smoked will not, you need to thin slice it. You can also create cured fish without the smoke using just salt which can be very good especially if you don't like the smoke flavor. One thing to keep in mind in terms of food safety is make sure you at least know a little bit what you're doing with cold smoking/cured meats. If you flavor or brine them with certain things you risk botulism exposure because you aren't bringing the IT up high enough to kill the bacteria if it is there. Garlic is a big culprit for this. If you use proper curing salts (nitrate based) you avoid this issue but those salts are difficult to find.
  10. Not quite in Quinte but the lake shoals out from the reach and on the south side of Amherst have huge lakers and plenty of them March and April. Some great action out there and easy to have a big average size.
  11. No one on the thread has mentioned it but Sunline makes some really great braid. This is the first year I have tried it and I really like it. The packaging is far and away the best of all lines I've ever bought...makes spooling a breeze. That being said, I've tried nearly every braid on the market and here's my order of quality 1) Sunline 2) Suffix 3) Spiderwire 4) PP PP is awful for casting in my opinion and I have used it a lot. All the abrasion resistance talk is a bit off base. For the same # test braid will not stand up to mono in terms of being cut off due to abrasion but think about that...you are comparing a fibres that have such a huge difference in diameter its like comparing the abrasion resistance of a 2 gauge wire to a 10 gauge. It's just not a real comparison. Mono and flouro are thick and bulky and so stand up to being beaten up better because there is much more material to be removed before failure. You absolutely cannot expect the same performance in that category and if you do you're just not thinking. If you're fishing where you're going to be broken off because of abrasion use the right tool for the job. Don't use the wrong one then complain that the tool is not good.
  12. I had the same problem as you with an aluminum boat. Leaked just enough to be annoying. Auto bilge pump was a nice upgrade so didn't have to watch out on the water for too much water leaking. I also used Gluv-it to "fix" the problem. It worked flawlessly....for half a season. A couple trips out in bigger waves and the flexing differences opened up the leaks again. They weren't as bad as before but were there. It's going to be a very quick job if you use GluvIt but any kind of pounding on the boat will be a setback. I didn't have the know-how to fix it as suggested by Wayne and I also knew the boat would only be with me for another season or 2 before upgrading so wasn't worried about how long the fix lasted.
  13. Mitchell Bay might give you some protection from the wind but not a lot. There are some in there. In the channels between the reeds there are big walleye and catfish and bass if you get blown off.
  14. You should see what they've done to the small islands in Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence. Previously green, treed and lush are now bare rock covered in hundreds of cormorants. They kill everything around them.
  15. The unstable conditions of the summer are the entirety of the issue. When cold fronts are coming through ever 2-3 days, the water never has a chance to stabilize and the schools of fish stay closer to the deep water sanctuarys and are very inactive. The late spring should've been good to everyone but sometimes the fisherman tell the fish where they are supposed to be instead of finding them.
  16. Navionics + is the best by far. Has all the data on the other chips you are talking about getting.
  17. What you're experiencing is a fish movement. Buck Perry covers this extensively in his books and teaching materials. Once or twice on an average fishing day the fish will become active and be "on the bite". Many over the years have tried to figure out what triggers the movements and there are some correlations but it is not an exact thing. The biggest factor impacting fish movement is weather conditions, specifically cold fronts. Bucks material is a great read and very educational if you haven't read it. His methods are not easy for fishing but just the fish behavior and weather/water conditions education is worth it.
  18. Definitely don't work for Roku - I have all the devices mentioned and know the strengths and weaknesses of each. If you are willing to do a bit of work and use your computer then by far Roku exceeds all other devices and it's not even close. If you want to take it out of the box, plug it in, use it for Netflix etc then they are all equally capable of that and have different functionality. I can not say enough that if you are willing to use your PC as well you can get every TV show immediately after it airs for free, all live sports from the 4 major NA leagues you absolutely need a Roku...WD Live is the weakest by far in that area and Apple TV is in between.
  19. Roku is absolutely the way to go. Do not get a WD LIVE. Roku is very likely to be the operating system of the future for the majority of TVs. It is amazing and with some time and effort you can essentially get all sports, TV and movies for free. There is some out front money to do this but it is possible. Google the Plex App and IceFilms, SS Plex unsupported apps. The 109 is for Roku 3 which the only feature really is that you can plug in a USB stick to it and hard wire it to your LAN. Roku 2 has same functionality except Wifi only and no USB port. I have both a 2 and a 3 and really should've just got two Roku 2.
  20. start.ca is a great internet provider if they are in your area. $40 for unlimited I believe. Amazing customer service, office hours till 11PM. I recently completely cut the cord at home. No cable, no land line. Saving close to $150 a month, and I still get all my sports streamed. You have to pay for the sports but it is way cheaper and better with some of the online services. For kids I've found Netflix to be way better than cable. Mine are young though.
  21. The motor is the key to a used boat. The rest of the boat, trailer isn't really worth too much. If it is newer, properly maintained the boat is worth a decent amount. If it's not, the boat and trailer etc aren't worth much.
  22. if you just need GPS and mainly for emergencies get the navionics app for the smartphone. Its smart to have that even as backup in case your onboard GPS craps out.
  23. http://www.2coolfishing.com/ttmbforum/attachment.php?attachmentid=340434&stc=1&d=1291150609 Looks like you're looking for part # 1487. The schematic is linked. Call the Shimano people and put in an order and you'll be in good shape.
  24. The local Costco inventory for batteries is never online. All the stores normally have them in stock though...but since it was just bass opener they may be down.
  25. You may need to do some GPS diagnostics as well. Make sure you are locked into lots of satellites to improve accuracy. Google how to do this, there is a special way to do it that I can't recall right now. Could be that map for that lake is not great, try updating maybe?
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