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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Keep trying urbanangler. There are massive northerns tha come shallow in the cold water period in Lake O tribs. 20-30lbs is not unrealistic.
  2. And thats why they call it an average... To all those people that were claiming we wern't going to get a winter this year 4 weeks ago! It's still Canada baby!
  3. I am thinking of sending in a video to Charlie Moore Outdoors and challenging him to a fish off in Quinte on his Beat Charlie Moore show. Just need some help on what I should say in goading him on the tape. Maybe something like " come to Canada where we have seen the Stanley Cup in the last 40 years! He is a big Bruins fan. Darren
  4. PM sent
  5. pretty crappie!
  6. Can I HIGHLY suggest getting a satelite radio. I have one on my boat and it is awesome! Up near the french this fall listening to the Colts game. Or in Pointe Au Baril listening to Dave Attell on the comedy station. I have Jensen waterproof 7 band marine radio and I take out my car Sirius radio and plug it into a 12 volt plug I installed. Also go on ebay and look the radio I have is 394$ at BPS and I got it for 99$ new plus 20$ shipping and 30$ dutie.
  7. Awesome!!!! I guess someone had to be first and break the ice! Pun intended!!
  8. I urge all the bboard members to check out this rigging system,especially if you go on long trips. I have it installed on mine and you will never have a dead battery again. After I replace my present batteries with spiral wound OI won't have to worry so much about it any more. http://www.in-fisherman.com/magazine/artic...ge_1/index.html
  9. I hope Dave comes on here. I had the pleasure of fishing some early season pike in his boat and had a giant pike bite me in the face! Ill let him tell the storie its pretty funny...good guy!
  10. Rain????? Not sure where you are getting that one but this forecast is set up for one of the coldest stretches in a few years. http://weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/city/pages/o...3_metric_e.html and another http://wwwa.accuweather.com/canada-forecas...Z2&metric=1
  11. One reason that no one has suggested for the bad returns over the last 10 years is the water levels. If you go back and overlay annual precipitation with returns you will see a direct correlation. The 90's and early 2000"s were much drier then the 80"s and resulted in lower natural recruitment. The last 2 years have seen precipitation levels go back above normal so hopefully we will see an increase in recruitment! Still C/R is needed of course.
  12. The Colts/Patriots game did not dissapoint! What a game! Can't wait to see the Superbowl this year.
  13. I am not sure I would be celebrating this accomplishment. Its kinda like celebrating graduating high school when your 30!
  14. January 17th 7am!
  15. Maybe we have a Shimano rep or someone out there that can tell me what the differenbce is between these 2 reels now that Shimano has redisgned the Curado. They all have the same features now and the only dif I can see is 20$msrp. Just curious... I have a new Curado and its awesome!
  16. Resident brown I assume by the looks of it?
  17. I couldn't get into the game at all this year. There was WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much time off between games this year. It felt like the start of the 2007 season not the end of the 2006 season.
  18. OFAH
  19. Lowering the Cone of Silence. If I show you the picture I will have to kill you. This photo will self destruct in 5 seconds. Also at 1:00 Bob Mehsikomer will be showing a clip of a battle with a muskie that several muskie experts say is well over 5 feet long and possibly over 6 feet long and possibly over 80 pounds. Just wondering how many will be attending the Chicago Muskie Show on Friday and will attend Bob's seminar on this gargantuan muskie that he did battle with. Apparently cabin fever is setting in early this year. Once I get my endorsement deals signed I will be revealing pictures of the 17 pound rock bass I caught at Pickering.
  20. Ok is the link or picture not loading? Because this whole thimg makes no sense from the post. I dont have a dang clue what you are talking about!
  21. We might want to get in the boats over the next weekend and take advantage of it because it looks like it is finally coming to an end. You knew it had to!!!! http://wwwa.accuweather.com/canada-forecas...ic=1&set=99
  22. Has anyone got there hands and tried out the new Berkley Fireline Crystal yet? Was wondering how its visibilty and handling features are compared to the traditional Fireline.
  23. I have a trip to Nipigon PLanned for June so the 2 things i would like would be a 30pound plus Laker and a 6 pound plus spec. Closer to home I really would like to finally break the 20 pound mark on a brown. Oh and finally figure out easy end Erie eyes!
  24. Very Nice! Where did you get it done?
  25. Got a beauty St Croix fast action baitcaster from my lovely wife. The exact one I need to work my power pro better. I also got this the day before christmas! But it all went downhill when a glass broke last night and I got this. 5 hours in the emerge.Got to bed at 7 am , It doesnt look too bad now. I really am losing the christmas spirit, last week I had to take people to a private lunch that basically blackmailed me to go...... I ended up with food poisonng. No good deed goes un-punished! I guess I am being tested.
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