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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Nice report. I was up to lake X on the weekend and found almost the exact same conditions. Higher water, less weed growth and fish only on wood and off of there normal spots in slightly deeper water. I am off to a northern Haliburton Lake next week , think I will start alittle off of shore. D
  2. Awesome fish dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I noticed it wasoff on Lake Muskoka as well especially down near the river mouth of the Muskoka river. Since I fish there alot maybe I should return it as. well.
  4. The charge for a replica at Advanced at that size would be 400$ Thy have a minumum 400 dollar price. It would be worth it tho that fish is awesome! Congrats!
  5. Nice report....that Rock Bass is awesome!!! 27 inch eye is usually around 7 pounds thats a very nice fish for a resident french eye!
  6. Speechless, simply awesome!!!!!
  7. Ought to go! Cant wait to get out there. A big dipsey at 105 would put you down?????? 40 feet?
  8. Find it retains memory more then the smoke colour one and is a little harder to manage. The spider wire ultra cast translucent is even worse. removed both from my reels and replaced them with power pro again, easier handling and not as much break in time required.
  9. Have to agree with Bill on this one.
  10. maybe on saturday morning!
  11. AHHHHH I wasnt seeing things then!!!!!!!
  12. I was hoping someone made it out. We were there the day before and the lake was throwwing a fit with 8 footers rolling. Nice going!
  13. Pumpkinseed, as pretty as any exotic fish out there!
  14. isnt that the dude played the electric fiddle with his johnson hanging out?
  15. For the price of them i hope so. I have a beautiful perch bait that I am always afraid to use because of pike and muskies.
  16. Keep at it, it will all come together and you will post a 4 fish day!
  17. Thats not good, they are definatlty tigers. Awesome fish but if they show up its a sign that pike have either got in there thru the Trent system or mor likely they got in thru a bait bucket. Kawartha muskie are a seperate sub species that doesnt do well when pike are introduced. I still would love to catch a tiger.
  18. Awesome tiger!! The fish I always wanted to catch!!!!! Awesome!!!
  19. Great pictures Justine!!!!! I can't beleive you didnt find any largemouths over there! D
  20. We found most of the fish up near the dam in 12 feet of water, by the time we fished downriver the boat traffic had put most of the fish down. Found the perfect lure for that area. A Rapala DT4 on fireline, dives to 10 feet and makes lots of noise. All our fish came on that one lure.
  21. Hey Basshole Think I saw you out there. I was in the black Lund Mr. Pike with the Yamaha on the back. We also got a couple eyes and a couple grunts before that storm blew us off. Wanted to hit the lake but that was OUT of the question this morning! Darren
  22. Nice fish dude! Glad the storms didnt get you!
  23. I went out of Oakville this morning as well and found the exact same results. 1 shaker chinook and a bow about 7 pounds. Only out for 2 hours and fished mostly from 150 to 200 feet. Water was very cold with inshore at 53 offshore at 56 . Guess the warmer water was blown down the lake with the fish.
  24. I usually head 4-8 miles south east of the port and set up in 55-90 feet of water and run Dipseys with harnesses and cranckbaits off the planer boards. Fishmaster is the master of that area, he is usually on fish like stink on a bum!
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