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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. I have waited days to read your post, didnt want to rush it and wanted to have enough time to sit down and enjoy it. I have nothing to say because I really am speechless, amazing, fantastic, jealous, smiling like an idiot. Every year I wait for one of your trip posts, wish I could do that but with 3 herniated discs in my neck and being inoperable I have to live thru your words and pictures. Thanks you so much for this!!!! Darren
  2. Godspeed and good thoughts for you and the family Wayne. Always thinkng about you and the family. I have a really good feel about this and wish I could give that to you and her!!! darren
  3. Great post Billy thaks.........btw, you guys down there know we won that war eh??? LOL
  4. Hit Tecumseh Reef if you can...massive reef . Hard to pick apart but its like eating an elephant.. one bite at a time. If you do email me and tell me how you did. i am just learning the area as well. Darren
  5. Easy ............................Rock Bass and peacock bass......crazy aggresive and breaks your rods and still looks pretty!
  6. Everything about that story is good, good for the sport. He caught a freakish big muskie and released it to swim again...how can anyone whine about that.
  7. You guys have never been on Hamilton Harbour in August....makes that look like sewage!!!!!!
  8. Wormdunker is on the money... only use Shell premium and then a bottle of Stabile Marine when its near the end of the season.
  9. Kinda bummed about this considering the state of bluefin stocks.............. should be shutdown. interesting show but its almost heartbreaking.
  10. Ok thats ^$#%@% ridiculas!!!!!!!!!!! You are not allowed back to Nipigon unless you call me and invite me...... Fantastic just fantastic man!!!! Darren
  11. Wondering if anyone has been out on Erie's east end for eyes recently. I havnt been out since early July and would appreciate a general area to start in. I assume they have kept moving out and down since then. Any help would be appreciated. Darren
  12. Really bummed that they have no archery section, a few crossbows and thats it, for a souther ontario store I think there really not in touch with the hunting crowd.
  13. Very Nice!!!! Bravo!
  14. Very nice man!! What was the pattern on those?
  15. Amazing Dan!! Whats the bedrock consist of?? Darren
  16. RIP!!! There is nothing worse then the wave of conspiracy theorists out there now. As Freud said more then 1 person can never keep a secret. Go on line and look at the landing sites! Look at the buggy and the tracks.......oh thats right thats a hoax as well.............
  17. Man I am so sorry to here that Wayne. She has kicked its as s this many times I hope that this is just a littl bump in the road and you guys keep moving forward. All positive thougths for you guys from over here!! Darren
  18. Very Nice! my fav fish!
  19. _ "You know your old when they discontinue your blood type" So funny and what a loss.
  20. Please remember me if you decide not to go!
  21. Take Bryans advice he has fixed many problems for me at work. He knows his stuff! Darren
  22. Well we ran into Canning and Little Canning and picked up about 15 largemouth and snallmouth working shallow weedbeds and other sight fishing targets. Nothing photo worthy with the biggest being about 2.5 pounds. Thanks for all the help. D
  23. Crazy!!!!! You need a bigger net man! Congrats!
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