Just looking at the Chirp 90 power requirements, 25 watts or about 3 amps, I don't think the 95SV would be much more than that, so what Terry said should be sufficient.
Simple way to calculate is using the mfgrs power consumption info X 12 hours per day for one days use. If you're going for a couple days, double it. Double that and it's unlikely you will ever drop the battery below 50% and make it live longer.
Heartily agree, bodywork should be included, one rusted out hulk I saw yesterday probably weighed a couple hundred pounds less than when it was new due to the lack of body panels and fenders.
Well I can say that smoking the fish for about 1-2 hours depending on outside temps before canning is awesome. Salt brine only, no 20 different spices and flavours needed.
Sometimes peoples decisions are on the wrong side of smarts and when they want to drive around without the proper equipment then they should stay off the roads and leave it safer for the rest of us that do have smarts.
I already get a rebate from the insurance company for using winter tires, have been for quite a number of years. And yes, winter tires should be mandatory, save on accidents, injuries and the cost of insurance going up.