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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Anything below HWY 17 is Southern Ontario there is a reason scale changes on your map when you get to the northern ontario part.
  2. I dont know about replacing it on site. Most store that I know of will ship it for you and cll you when your new rod comes back.
  3. With the result of the poll we packed up the canoe and our musky and bass gear and headed to our backwoods lake for some hopefully good fishing. Left home at 4 AM and arrived at our destination at 6:15 AM. Road was a little rough in some places but thats what an SUV is for. Parked in the clearing at the snowmobile trail and unloaded. Did the 3/4 of a kilometer portage in two trips with our gear kept down to a minimum. Two Musky rod and reels. Two spinning rod and reels. A Plano box with about 10 musky baits and a soft pak with an assortment of plastics and a couple of topwaters. We launch and decide right away to troll the south shore with some Fundally spinnerbaits. We troll one about 25 feet behind the canoe and the other about 100 feet. The one thats 25 feet behind is right up on the surface making all kinds of noise and the other one is just below but you can see its wake. About 3/4 of the way down the lake the 25 footer(which is my buddies rod) has a cement block thrown at it and its fish on. Being the responsible musky anglers that we are we immediately pull over to a beach like area get out and land the fish, a pretty 32"er. I get the camera out of the backpack and turn it on but it wont respond. I fiddle with it ..and fiddle with it all to no avail. I think the batteries are dead and I'm ticked because I dont have extras and I know this digital goes through batteries like crazy. We release the fish to fight another day and return to fishing. We troll and cast for musky till about 2PM but have no further action. We stop for a quick lunch of salami and cheese and talk about what to do next. We decide to take a break from ski fishing and target largemouth. We head back out and start pitching the shoreline which is mostly treeand bush cover. The fish were on. We caught nothing huge the majority of fish were 12 - 15 inches And the biggest was about 17. We fished mostly Yamamoto grubs rigged on a 1/0 Gamagatsu wide gap hook with a medium sized slit shot about 18 inches above the hook. We did get a nice suprize when fishing a steep point when we landed a 18 inch walleye. But we put him back for the musky to eat. No more musky landed the rest of the day but we did get bit off twice while bass fishing. Headed for home by 7PM and di the 30 mile portage(it seemed that long after a full day) tied the canoe back on and headed home. Id like to thank everyone for their participation in the poll and it was a very fun way to determine were to go.
  4. The most important thing about fishing Musky is consecutive days. A day here and a day there is going to be hit and miss. You need to be on the water for a bunch of days in a row to insure that your fishing when the fish are at their most active.
  5. No I cant, I've been fishing for over 30 years and I know so many spots. These are the three that I whittled it down to. Every time I decide on one of them I come up with an arguement as to why I should do another. Yes its only for one day but my day trips can be more complex than most other people. So I thought a poll would be a fun way to make a decision. As for a fourth spot Ive already taken it down to three from a couple of hundred spots. If I was deciding on something important do you honestly think I would leave it up to an internet poll? Get real and if you have nothing positive to say stifle.
  6. Its not all that big of a secret. MNR publishes a musky atlas listing every body of water that has musky in it in Ontario. Check it out, do some research.
  7. Looking like Im going to get a workout first thing in the morning tommorow.
  8. Gotta like it when the fish are on. Thanks for the pics and the report.
  9. Ill abide by the poll decision and will report back on Monday
  10. Quick question whats the process of eating them? Shell and all? Or do you peel the shells off?
  11. Thanks for the report. Glad to hear you guys had a good time. I am only to happy to have helped. Sparrow is always a fairly consistant lake and probably one of the better choices for guys just starting out.
  12. Some of the best drive to zander fishing there is.
  13. Yup thats a bowfin. You can alays tell by the eye on the tail
  14. When it hit KW I thought it was going to blow my air conditioner right out of the window. That was some pretty serious wind.
  15. I have to disagree. I microscopically watched his performance only once for a brief second did I see Heath Ledger on screen(his expressions and mannerisms) all the rest of the time it was this other guy who inside out was the Joker. Make up is a great way to get into character but it doesnt keep you there. Yeah I wasnt a huge fan of Batmans voice either. But I absolutely loved the battle for Gotham City's souls that was waged between the two characters.
  16. Rich I feel it was the best "superhero" movie ever. Heath Ledger should easily win the oscar for this one, its the best and scariest bad guy since Hannibal Lector. The Pencil Scene was freaking hilariously evil. The movie itself will get nominated but probably wont win for best picture and Christopher Nolans directorial work is definatly worthy of an Oscar nod.
  17. We needed the video in Smell-orama. With little scratch and snifff cards that you smell on cue. Does anyone remember that gimic?
  18. A couple of years back my buddy Fred and I did an overnight hike for some largemouth into Spence Lake which is just up the railway tracks from Big Chute. On the way out walking the railway ties My foot came down inches from one tucked beside a railway tie. After drying myself we stood a couple feet away and just watched it. It was a beautiful creature and to think of killing one is just assinine.
  19. Great report guys. Ive seen worse hunt camps beleive you me.
  20. Gee has no one here ever jerk trolled a Suick? Troll the Suicks fast hold the rod in your hands and every four or five seconds give a big pull. By fast I mean 7 or 8 MPH.
  21. Some very nice fish there. Good Job. Im also going to guess that you were overspooled.
  22. In 1988 I had a Ford Fairmont and I left work in Vaughn at 130am to go steelheading up on the Bighead the next morning. I wanted to get there super fast so I could catch some Zzzz's before sunrise. Just as Im pulling into Meaford and slowing down a pair of headlights appears in my rearveiw mirror. Right away my logic tells me how can someone be behind me I had the speedometer buried and I blew the doors off anyone I passed. Then the cherries come on. Oh Oh. I pull over and the cop asks me if I knew how fast I was going and in all honesty I didnt and told him so. He had been following me all the way from Owen Sound at 130km and wouldn't go any faster he didnt even know how fast I was going. My speedometer didnt go any higher than 170k/hr. I explained that I was exhausted from work and was going fishing and wanted to get were I was going quickly so I could catch some sleep. He was kind enough to knock it down to 120 in a 80. It didnt hurt as much then as it would today but I havent really sped since then.
  23. Infreakingcredible. Wonderful fish!!! Im so jealous!!! Now I hate you!!!
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