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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. It was a good time and Ryan is most impressive in his passion for both fishing and the fishery. Hope to get out with him again soon.
  2. Ryan and I got some fish today but nothing huge. Very slow day for our location.Ryan will post a report. Can't wait to get out with you sometime Tim
  3. Tim wait till you zap a beaver and it jumps out of the water onto the nearest thing that isn't water-YOU
  4. The most interesting and the most disgusting. A feed bag of dead kittens.
  5. Well kinda neither- more like up to your neck hope it don't get any deeper fishin.
  6. Dan why don't you go back to Restoule but do some boat in camping on Clear Lake. If you need some info on where and how PM me.
  7. Unexpected day off tomorrow, so looking for tomorrow, no takers yet. Its short notice so might end up going alone. Again PM me if interested or reply here
  8. Looking to see if anyone interested in going out tomorrow for some river smallmouth. Not the Grand but some of my honey spots. Let me know here or in a PM
  9. This! Solo would probably agree except its probably not tuff enough slugging for him.
  10. Restoule is awesome and very underutilized for a PP. Glad you had a great trip. Family vacation time is great any fish you can get are gravy.
  11. I love going to DCR for great times with kids. The beach is great and its easy to put kids onto fish. Averie in the sponsored get up is great. Dave needs to have her as a guest on the show. Do you believe Ryan that at one time you could catch Lake Trout there. They use to release their old brood stock into it. But it still does produce the odd brown and brookie and of coarse rainbows.
  12. Male Cardinal -" Wha da ya mean thats not my kid. Time for Maury Povich"
  13. That thar bass looks like a trout eater
  14. Its not that I'm a non believer in the Grand I'm more agnostic. I have faith that there are big fish in there. I just don't go after any particular one.
  15. Good job Ryan. I have yet to get out for some river bassin this year. Now I'm going to have to.You've got me itchin
  16. Question for those of you familiar with the lake. I camped as a young kid on Mark(s)?? Island for 2 weeks. The thing I remember most was catching these huge sunfish along the causeway. In retrospect I've always wondered if they were crappie. Is there crappie in the lake?
  17. I'd much rather go down Red Squirrel Rd and hit some of the other lakes along the Anima-Nipissing River. I'm assuming no boat. Lots of camping along the road. Watch out for bears.
  18. This is just about the most idiotic post of all time.
  19. Um walleye expert for erie http://www.jpfish.com/ An old friend who I've been out with many times before. You will not be disappointed.
  20. Stot what do you want to target? Im very familiar with all three lakes and can PM you some tips. If you can get one of the campsites right on the lake I just pull my boat up onto shore and tie it off. No docks for keeping you boat at on Restoule but there is at the Stormy launch.
  21. Why does Averie not have some Subway gear on. Her Sponsors are going to have a fit.
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