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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. I'll take a dozen olive bow river buggers
  2. Excellent work I love resident rainbows. Wish we could dedicate a stream to them somewhere.
  3. Trying to convince myself to get out fishing again by myself

    1. misfish


      If you ever want to hook up,give me a shout. I would like to learn more about fly fishing from one that knows.

  4. Thanks if only it was true for both halves of my moniker.
  5. Anyone up for it? Post or PM. One person Only unfortunately My truck only seats two
  6. I miss his Stratford area reports. He loved to fish his area.
  7. Not to many guys willing to be blindfolded though till we get to my spots. And let me check their person for GPS trackers.
  8. Don't know how I missed this. Good job Miro. I think diet has a lot to do with size and I feel(this is just anecdotal) that browns are a bit more piscavorous than brookies and because they tolerate warmer temps better have a longer feeding window before they become inactive in the summer.
  9. Well after work Thursday my buddy and I decided to do a little fishing. We headed out and did some more culvert hopping. Got a few including John's first brown in a few years. Now he left today for BOQ opener and that left me partner less yet eager to get out. I hate fishing by myself. The joy of sharing the experience is what I live for. Beside the conversation is dull and pedantic. The problem lies in that we've been getting 25 degree days and this is tremendously accelerating our late spring. I've explained in previous spring reports how there is a small window where trophy specks are available in large rivers in southern Ontario. With the heat I had a gut feeling(And that's some gut) that the front end of that window was starting. I grabbed a selection of Panther Martins and headed out. When this time is happening the specks start to congregate in the thalwag of streams. They are feeding like crazy and pretty easy to target. I missed my first two hits and being superstitious changed PM's and started to get some results. Opener was just last week so I had to get a few runs away from the access before Success! A healthy 12 incher Yes worth getting off my ass and out from behind the keyboard. From that point on every place I expected to hit a trout I did. Another 12 A really Fat 13 Better shot of his colourful flank Still bigger 14" Fished right till last light(Pain in the ass wading back to the truck though) and even saw a few risers. Last fish of the night As I was coming upriver I came on this gorgeous looking hole that I just knew had to hold a trout. This was the best photo I got nother shot as I'm landing it A beautiful 16 inch southern ontario speck Popped a chubby I was so pumped. I hope the rest of my spring goes this well. I really wish I had someone to share this with in person tonight on the river cause it was magical but at least I have OFC to share it with after
  10. I'm going to say Arrowhead. It was my favourite PP as a kid. Natural waterslide, three beaches and most importantly for kids. Lots of other kids to play with. Huntsville is 5 minutes away so the wife can go to town to break up the wilderness experience. My fondest memories growing up are my 2 weeks spent there every summer.
  11. Some very nice fish Thanks for the report
  12. Good action on the fly Chris. It was a long time before I ever managed to catch one on the fly. Your becoming quite the accomplished angler.
  13. I figure Wednesday fish will be back on
  14. Its like getting to the mall on Boxing Day near close. Everything's been picked over, the crowds are gone but a mess is left, the excitement just isn't the same as the day before. Everywhere I went there was bootprints and signs of guys fishing the day before. I did manage one pretty brown who had manged to escape from a heron a some point in his life and that was it better shot of the heron wound Hoping Whiteman's will come down in level a bit this week would love to get out and flyfish some bruiser browns.
  15. Those be some nice slabs. Makes me hungee
  16. OMG I've come out of the stretch behind the Speedway filthy from head to toe from belly crawling through that crap to get the right presentation. Wouldn't even dream of it these days.
  17. Awesome forgot all about the WGSF
  18. Maybe Haldimand-Norfolk Sand-plain browns might be on my menu for tomorrow. You've got my brown juices flowing. Hmm that doesn't sound healthy.
  19. Well we had planned on celebrating opener up Fort Irwin way but the dang late ice out/road wash outs blew those plans away. We decided despite our advancing years that we would stick around home,fish a small stream(Urg, all that kneeling and stealth is a young man's game) and anyway my son volunteered me to oversee getting his first car checked out before he buys it(2003 Focus). So we didn't have a lot of time. One of the perks of my job is a lot of time spent driving around the area on back roads.All this winter, no matter how cold it got, I noticed this creek that would be frozen solid for a lot of its length but it had a trib that came in through a cedar bush that remained ice free and in fact had steam rising from it on the coldest of days. A great sign of serious groundwater influx. From the confluence of this trib down, the creek remained ice free all winter. The possibility seemed pretty good to me that brook trout would be present but obviously more research was needed. What did I do? Did I come on OFC posting ,asking or PM'ing folks to spoon feed me what I needed to know? NO. I consulted readily available resources to narrow it down and did some legwork. First I consulted this religious tome http://fisheriesreports.org/wp-content/uploads/Atlas-of-Brook-Trout-Streams-Rivers.pdf Then one day mid-winter I stopped my vehicle and walked the banks right beside the road to see if I could kick any trout into action and sure enough Vroom there goes a dark shadow. While doing this I notice that downstream of where the apparent influx of groundwater enters- a NO BUZZING sign nailed to a tree. Another good indicator of trout being present. Did I swear and curse and make a post about can I fish posted water if I don't touch bottom? Again No. I waited till Thursday two days before the opener and drove up to the landowners house and politely introduced myself. Gave him my name ,my business card and informed him of my fishing habits(strictly catch and release, will pick up any toteable garbage that I find and leave no trace that I was there) could I have his permission to fish the stream running through his property on opening morning. He said, "Sure no problem thank you for asking. Could you please park your truck at the barn a kilometre up the road so people will not know that someone is fishing there." I willing accepted the conditions neccessary to gain access to what I hoped would be PRIVATE TROUT WATER within 20 minutes of my door in a booming urban area. Alarm goes of at 5 am. Buddy gets to my door at 5:30. Off to Timmy's . No time for the usual(XL) so small black only, still haven't got it finished by the time we park at the barn. Walk down the road loaded with dewage, ultralights and tackle. Fishing before six am. First Drift TAPPA TAPPA TAPPA SMILE SWEEP On the bank First trout of the 2013 season and it was like opening my Mattel electronic football game Chritmas morning when I was 11. Couldn't have been happier. Suspicions of trout presence confirmed. We hammered them and despite their lack of size, their beauty was magnificent. I wish I was better with a camera to catch their wonderful colours. All in all we landed 28 specks in 4 hours of fishing. and I couldn't have asked for a better way to start my 2013 speck season. This was probably as big as they got Here a nice action photo of the stealth technique Everyone do the research, don't look for shortcuts, always ask permission, You will be rewarded. (Throws fishing rod down at his feet/leaves room)
  20. Manheard the guns going off all morning while out for opener. I'm sure someone in my area got one.
  21. Yes I've caught American Shad on the fly in the Deleware. Excellent fight on a fly rod. Nice report
  22. Me too rich. I was thinking they hop the ladders but thats a recipe for a dunking. Not only the issues you have mentioned MJL but also the fact that spawning habitat is unavailable so the population will never be able to re-establish itself.
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