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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Espar preheater is the way to go.
  2. I work for Freightiner and not a standard item. What kind of engine is in it Detroit or Cummins?
  3. When my son was a tadpole we would spend every weekend camping here http://www.fishermanscove.com/ Outdoor Beach, indoor pool for when the weather is bad. Kid's activities, playground , good bass,pike panfish small lake so a canoe or small boat works fine.
  4. Finally some fish porn. Add a drink on the rocks to that photo and that's my idea of ice fishing.
  5. I suggest you use this http://www.web2.mnr.gov.on.ca/fish_online/fishing/fishingExplorer_en.html
  6. Thought you might enjoy
  7. That's a good find. For sure you should have saved that post Now your 10,000th will probably be something profound like "yup"
  8. No photo - no fish. I came for the fish porn!!! Glad your having a good time it's freaking cold here(cue Drifter claiming how it balmy here compared to Yellowknife)
  9. YOU'D THINK THIS WAS r/gonefishingwild
  10. It's about the sense of accomplishment. I'll equate it with the extreme of climbing a mountain. It's physically demanding and involves hardship and its not about relaxation that most equate with vacations. When I'm doing an extended trip with crappy weather, bugs, long overgrown portages I always think why am I doing this??? Then its over and I'm done and all I can think is what an awesome adventure can't wait to do something like it again. I don't do the same trip twice I always want to see strange new places.
  11. When I informed my doctor of my plans for all this soloing she asked me how I felt about if I had a heart attack and died in the bush. I told her that would be beautiful. That is a way I would chose to go.
  12. with my new job hours and having all that time off through the week I'm going to be doing a lot of soloing for the first time in my life. Bought a new solo canoe. http://www.oldtowncanoe.com/canoes/recreational/pack/ Mike did you ever use a kayak paddle for soloing or were you strictly a one blade guy?Trying to decide which way to go. Mostly lake travelling but there will be some river work and I do like to run the white water.
  13. I knew you would enjoy this Mike ,thought it would bring back some fond memories for you.
  14. They hit one of my dream rivers the Fawn. These guys are hardcore
  15. Welcome to the board. I'm more of a Brook Trout/Musky guy but I get the allure of steelheading particularly with all those tribs in your back yard.
  16. I'll try one out! Good job young man we need innovation in patterns.
  17. I want to fish Parry Sound Harbour The lake trout fishing is supposed to be fantastic.
  18. So no outfitters on Parry Sound then? If anyone with some experience there wants to go on a Wed/Thurs or Friday let me know.
  19. This was a great report and those are some great fish. Thanks
  20. Not bills but I just got some circa 186-70 east coast colonial pennies. One for each of them
  21. Second favourite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpZ9mFKDt1s
  22. Do you want the moon Mary cuz if ya do I'll lasso it for you. Drive my son crazy making him watch it every year since he was born Merry Christmas ole OFC
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