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Everything posted by 2kj

  1. Without knowing what was on the table in return thats hard to answer. He is a great dman who can move the puck as good as any in the league. It would seem to me though that they have too many on the back end going into camp.
  2. Sent you a pm
  3. Tried that one on my wife already, she didn't buy it the first time! lol
  4. You need to check your scale, that's not just under 6 pounds of bass. I'll give it 3.5 lbs. That would explain why you think you're not catching bass in the 3 to 5 lb range, you are, your scale is telling fibs.
  5. 2kj

    Rant NF

    Next time rent a big ass uhaul and park it right where they would set up one of their stupid mid way rides. Thats got to be worth the price of the rental!
  6. This might help http://www.ontariofishtrips.com/ If you click on Ontario Lakes link you will get a list of lakes and their locations as well as fish species in that particular lake. I really don't have any suggestions as far as where to go maybe the French River? Good Luck!
  7. Part of what makes them effective is Largemouth can pick up the movement across lilly pads even if they cant see it. I have dragged frogs across thick lily pads and wathced the lilly pads pop up as the bass try to hone in on it, its pretty exciting.
  8. i dont touch anything but the terminator spinnerbaits after picking one up last season, worth every penny....
  9. Hey whatever it takes to get on water I say....
  10. I was fishing with a friend out of a canoe and we were not getting any action when he decided for a joke to put on a 10 inch flipping worm. Well if the saying big baits catch big has any truth it did this day, he hooked into and landed the biggest largemouth I have ever seen and we are bass guys who have seen plenty of 4s and 5s, this was 7 pounds 1 ounce, measured on a rapala scale. He thought he snagged something until we saw it come out the weeds. Only fish caught but who cares. What a memory!
  11. I have been fishing the Grand in that area for 20 years and I am absolutely stunned a walleye that size came out of that area of the Grand. I had heard stories of incedental catches of very small ones out of the Conestogo. Great catch, wtg!
  12. When I can't get out on the boat there is nothing better then getting down to the Grand! Great shots.
  13. My friend has a Curado, trouble free for many years, great reel. I have fished with a low profile Quantumn tour edition for just as many years, trouble free and I love it! The difference is I spent about $100 less, with the saving I bought a nice Shimano rod to a accompany the reel. For spinning reels, nothing but Shimano but Baitcasters, I would look at a few different makes including Daiwa, Abu Garcia and Quantumn. Make sure it has a 6 to 1 gear ratio, at least.
  14. There is no question a creature call it bigfoot that has been sighted on every continent exists but I'm sorry that looks like a grizzly to me.
  15. How about like this!
  16. Got out to my favorite spot on the grand. The action was non-stop. Water temp was comparable to early summer, gotta love this weather. We didn't get into the brutes we did the previous week but I didn't take the camera down that time either. Does any one know how to load more pics, I am sure I have seen more pics then what I was able to load on this site. I do have more.
  17. Wow, fantastic report! I hope some or any of the advice I gave payed off on Temagami! You are certainly a better man than me, camping with 2 young kids in that kind of weather. I will have to make my way to Opeongo next year.
  18. 2kj


    I love fishing with leeches, live ones, but the Gulp Alive works almost as well, good enough for someone who does not use leeches to notice any difference. Bass Pro Shops.
  19. Soft minnow type or jerkbait or firetiger husky jerk. Try getting it to strike out of anger, keep putting something right in front its ugly maw. Good luck!
  20. I have been fishing Temagami at least once or twice a year for about 20 years. I have never fished at the time of year you are heading up. I know lake trout spawn in the fall (September) in shallow bays. The pike can get big but they are few and far between. I've succes trolling relatively close to shore in any one of the 100's of bays in 10 to 20 ft of water. The eyes are a mystery as you move into mid summer, they disappear out of the bays. In early summer I use crawler harnesses with a leech, tougher than worms so the panfish don't chew em up. I could go on here, pm me if you have anymore questions. Temagami is the best place in Ontario I have ever fished.
  21. Wow! You are a better man than me. I would have lost it especially with my kid in the car. Something like that would have pushed me right over the edge. Its good that you were level headed about it, hopefully someone else witnessed it.
  22. Jason that blue walleye you guys caught is extremely rare. They were thought to exstinct since the 60's but every now and then an angler lands one. The ones that do get caught are thought to be a cross breed and not a 'true blue' walleye but they are genetically a different strain than the yellow. What a shame you batteries died, murphy's law strikes again.
  23. I caught some decent ones in the Cambridge section but the water is really low and warm now. Not sure where the big one go when its like this, deep pockets I guess but they are few and far between. Its a great spot for the kids though, constant action and they don't care how big they are. Cheers!
  24. Helluva story! You sure showed her, LOL! I thought for sure you were going to end that story with that girl becoming your wife one day.
  25. Great report! 500 fish omg, that's not fishing, that's catching! I could only be so lucky to get that many fish on a trip.
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