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Everything posted by 2kj

  1. "Tasting like a used paint brush", LOL, awesome report, so different from fresh water, at least in the North......now the Amazon, love to see a report from there, Anyone?
  2. Like I said in the quarter inch thread, Donnie is a DICK and just like cops every once in a while you will come across them. Nothing to worry about if there is nothing to find.
  3. As per previous advice make sure you find a girl who is as passionate about fishing/outdoors as you are and as if you have not been told FINISH SCHOOL, get a career and make your first major purchase a floating vessel that will "help" your addiction. By the way we are all addicted why do you think we come too this site!
  4. The one fish really looks like a tiger. Nice fish boys!
  5. My fishing partner and I had no luck the same day on Conestogo Lake, marked fish but the lake was turned over, cold an low visibility, should have stayed home.
  6. A quarter inch does not make him a poacher, nor is someone driving 55k in a 50 a law breaking street racer. Donny is a dick, no doubt about it. He is however a consistent dick and its kind of nice knowing that there is a CO motoring around with a hard-on for poachers! Sometimes you get pulled over by a fair cop sometimes you don't. Hey Donny if you are out there, feel free to chime in!
  7. I thought I heard something here about them being in the Kawarthas.
  8. Fished Valens in a canoe with a friend of mine a few years ago, middle of the summer, hot day. We weren't getting anything and assumed maybe not much was in there. He decides to throw on a huge 10 in plastic worm, despite my laughter and jeering. Drops it down and says he is hung up, his hang up starts to move and pulls the canoe. I looked down to see the biggest, fat pig of a largemouth I have ever seen. We have fished for years on Rondeau Bay, Kwarthas, Simcoe to name a few and have seen our fair share of 4 pound plus bass, even a few 5's. This fish made them look small in comparison. We both guessed between 7 and 8. No camera on the boat, its become a superstition with us, if we want to catch big fish, the camera stays on shore.
  9. For me it would depend on the structure. For Largemouth, its a spinnerbait everytime. If I can drag it through cover or over cover without getting hung up, its my go to, white double willow or chartruese burning it as fast as I can without popping it out of the water. For smallmouth its a tube or a 3 to 4 inch plastic jerkbait. Second choice for Largies would be a worm.
  10. Thanks fellas! Sounds like I will be dumping the boat in at Point Clark. I love river walkin for smallies, I might try some of that as well!
  11. Nice football! Beauties!
  12. I think the latest issue of Ontario Out of Doors has an article on it in its regular column Backroads.
  13. Heading to a cottage right on Lake Huron, does anyone know where to go for some smally action or pike around that area?
  14. I picked up the iway 250c by Lowrance for $250 regular 400 plus and I am extremely happy with it. Voice turn by turn instructions, I upgraded by putting in a 4 gig sd card. You can also get the Canada Freshwater Lakes add on, although pricey $200, probably worth it. LeBaron had them on sale and my local takleshop matched the price.
  15. Sounds like it was good time! Where are the pics!
  16. Trying to get a musky hunter to share his secrets is probably a lot harder than trying to catch a musky itself, lol. Throw something big and hairy, mepps #5 or 6 musky killer. Worked for me but I'm not a fanatic. Good luck!
  17. Puma, cougar, panther and mountain lion are all one and the same, migrated from South America. There have been black cougar sightings in the Niagra region as well as Northern Ontario for years. Experts believe its a pet escaped, I think some mountain lions of traditional color give birth to the odd black one but just like Bigfoot nobody will believe they exist until someone shoots one and straps it to a pick up.
  18. The only Head Lake I know would be on the northeast side of Lake Couchaching near Dalrymple, Casino Rama way. Not much help I guess.
  19. The only Head Lake I know would be on the northeast side of Lake Couchaching near Dalrymple, Casino Rama way. Not much help I guess.
  20. WOW, nice fish! Just got DRs on my boat, where would you launch from and how far out do you go?
  21. BPS has a fantastic sale on right now for some of their rods. I would also stick with shimano. Really reliable, I have had trouble free reels for years now. Lebaron usually has some great deals for shimano combos as well.
  22. Ive been going up there a lot of years, the eyes are a mystery as the summer moves on. I have tried a lot of methods without much success for the late summer picks, I would heed Tbones advice accept mabe a little deeper 10 to 15 ft. I think there is a small window very early in the morning which is why I had little success, my clock does not tell time before 7 am. Make sure you post your succes stories! Good luck!
  23. Buddy of mine caught a 42 inch lunge last week on a buck tail. Good Luck!
  24. I have been fishing Temagami once or twice a year for 20 years now, if you buy the map I will buy it back off you, I could really use it. Maybe try some new spots intead of the old favorites!
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